Mikey is falling.

Campingggg with Amanda

Mikey and Frank got a call from Amanda to go to this camp thing.

"What the hell are you talking about? A camp thing?" Frank said.

"Yeah it will be fun!" Mikey said acting excied. "Dude? You know I am so afraid of
bears, snakes, and lions..and even the woods." "Frank?" "What?" "There are no lions
in the woods. so you dont have to worry about that." "Ohh. But I`m still afraid of
the woods." Frank said.

"So you dont wanna go with me honey?" "No.. Well all right just this one time."

"Great I will call Amanda." Mikey said.

Mikey picks up the phone and calls Amanda.

"Okay me and Frank are going." "Alright thats great..But I`m bringing my own tent
so that you too can have sex or whatever you wanna do..Ohh and bring lobe and condoms
too. I want one of you to get that dick up his ass easliy." Amanda said.

"Ha.Yeah we might have sex..and yes lobe and condoms are good." Mikey said.

"Okay I am at your house now. on my cell phone." "Haha. Okay."

45 mintues later they all arive at the camp sight and Frank doesnt like what he sees!!!!