Mikey is falling.

Is Frank okay?

"Oh my god!" Mikey sad in shock turning over Frank. "Oh ha, its just the lighting of the sun
on him, his okay." Amanda said laughing. "Frank baby, Are you okay?" Mikey asked Frank.
"Uhmm, yeah I am fine is the bear gone?" Frank asked as he was looking around for it.
"Yes he is gone, Now lets set up came." Mikey said looking at the tent.

"Man! I hit that bush hard!" Frank said as he was rubbing his had and moving towards the

"Yeah Frank, You dove into the bush." Mikey said making a face at the tent.
"More liked "fliped" into the bush." Amanda said as she was agsaderating "fliped."

Next thing you know Frank heard a laugh sound that sounded like preps coming behind them.

"What the fuck is that nose?" Amanda said.
"Those are reps! Duhh!" Mikey said making then look like the fool!
"Mikey? What? Reps? What are reps?" Frank asked.
"You know those stupid annoying girls that say,"Oh my god like I totaly broke a fucking nail."
Mikey said.

"Uhm, Mikey?" Frank said.
"Dont you mean PREPS?"
"Uhmm, yeah whatever those annoying things are, preps, reps whatever."
I am going to go ask the campers if we can move because they are right next to us." Amanda said.

Amanda walked up to the place a mile away and asked....

"Excsume me, I dont mean to bother you but I have a problem." Amanda said.
"Yes ma`am, whats your problem?" The man said in a horible accsent!
"There are these preps that are right next to us, so can me and my two other friends move?"
"No, I cant do that for you, I am sorry ma`am"
"But sir you dont under stand, they are so annoying, We hate them!"
"Tough, I cant help you and thats final!" The man said slamming his door tight and putting
a closing sign up.

"Man what a bitch, I dont know why he just cant move us. Its not that hard!"
Amanda said as she was talking to her self.

"So? Did he say he could move us?" Mikey said in excitement!
"No, I am sorry guys he was being a rea bitch! We have to deal with him."
"I see you got the tent up Mikey" Amanda said.
"Yeah and Frank is sleeping in it....................................................................................

Mikey paused for a blank minute. then he said.

"Oh, Oh, Uhmm thanks nice." Amanda said nervously.
"Sorry, hes already asleep, I dont know what to do."
"Let`s just go to bed."
"I cant with those reps!"
"There PREPS! P.R.E.P.S Preps." Amanda said as she was spelling it out for him.
"Okay, preps, okay fine night."
"Night Mikey."