
I Always Keep My Promises

I Always Keep My Promises

I sit in the chair. Gagged and tied up. They beat and cut me all up and down my arms. Even as I bleed I do not cry out. Angry grows to Deadly. I wait and wait and allow myself to slowly tear up the barriers between me and them. Psychopath stays at the bottom. Still asleep but waiting.
"Looks like you won't make it home!!!"
Johnson pulls back and wails on me. I spit out the gag and growl at them
"Because! The enemy paid more!! We in for the money! And we were promised a one way trip home to kill your ass!!!"
I spit blood to the ground. Deadly starts screaming
"We'll then...understandable..." I look up and grin evilly "but your fucking stupid to believe they would really let you go"
They all stand back shocked as if the idea has never crossed there mind. Obviously it didn't
"S-S-Shut up!!"
Roger blacks me in the eye. A straight punch that opens over fifty barriers. Psychopath starts to stir
"I'll get you all"
They repeat there painless impacts as I grin and take it. As my nails cut away at each strand of the rope my eyes darken and my grin grows wider and wider. My teeth pointed and my laugh grows wild.
"Stop it!! Ill shut that fucking mouth up! You crazy mother fucking py-"
As Johnson's fist hits my mouth I open and take off all five fingers with my teeth. I snap my hands free and gouge out his bulging eye balls. He screams as I pull his tongue out from his throat. The boys ready there guns. Roger and Shipnet both point to my head as I run into them. Shipnet lands on piles of blades and shards. He struggles to get up as I look around for my knife. I plant it into his forehead and full him full of holes. Roger starts to straggle as I close in. The other two both male a run for it. I lurch my back and kick the gun to Rogers neck. I press the trigger and it goes off. I catch a mouthful of his brains and blood. I swallow.
"Remember to brush my teeth before I kiss Priscilla next..."
I pull on the rest of my gear and start back for Heady and Captain. I watch them pant and pant as they stop running
"FUCK! We're screwed!!!"
"Shut up!! We can fix this!!!"
I drop a bird down to there feet. They look into the tree and I jam my knife into the head of Captain. Heady looks at me.
"Do I really need to?"
Handy blows his head off and I grin. I wake away and head for the base. Dragging along a pile of guts and blood. My beaten and bruised body is covered in there flesh. A feast fit for a king. Or a psychopath! I would never break a promise. Never have never will. I keep my promises and don't break them.
"I'm coming home"