
The End Of The Start

As the last shoot was fired I look at another victory. The battle field littered with bodies and bullet casings. Rubble from buildings and houses and enemy bases scattered around. A few major fires and a lot of smaller ones. We destroy to conquer. We kill to succeed. We obliterate anyone who stands in our was to the win. Just to start over again, with the same expectations and a chance for a change outcome. We are all Deadly, deranged, lunatics and psychopaths. We just don't show it like the majority do. Like I do. War is a weapon for fame, power, respect and wealth. I use it to unleash the beast within and attack.
I step down from the plane and start my long walk home. She wouldn't know if I died, she wouldn't know if I came home. She wouldn't know how much longer I had to stay, she wouldn't know when i would leave again, and we both wouldn't know if we'd ever see each other again.
But we did.
And I didn't die
And I did come home
And I'm staying home forever
And I'm not leaving again
I finally reach the front door. The house is still in full bloom. Perfect grass and flowers, everything's neat and clean. I pull up the key I keep on a heavy chain around my neck and tear it off. I knock on the door with no answer. I try the key and it opens with ease. No ones home. I set my bag down by the door and take in the smell of the warm house, it smells like fresh pie and love. The warmth anyone needs. I love it. The sound of a car pulling in forces me to walk outside.
"Ok help get the groceries out from the back!"
All the doors open and out pops three little kids. Two boys and one girl. The girl had long red hair and orange eyes. The two boys had green hair, obviously dyed with dark green eyes. One was taller the other was shorter. From the drivers side a girl fumbles with her bags. The kids all stop and look at me. Dropping there bags and letting some of the content roll down the driveway. The little girl blinks and the boys rub there eyes. There mouths dropped low and they stand still. A bottle crashes to the ground and the girl in the car jumps. She opens the door
"Are you kids alright? Kids?"
She open the car door and gasps. She covers her mouth and tears start to instantly stroll down her face.
"Oh god!!!"
She chokes on any word coming from her mouth
The taller boy points
" that..."
The smaller boy looks ready to explode, the little girl finishes

Priscilla nods her head and they all start crying and running towards me. I catch all three screaming, crying, happy children and hug them tightly.
"Daddy!!! Is it really you!!??!?"
I run my hands threw the taller boys hair
The girl hugs onto my waist and wails. The smaller boy hugs me around the neck and the taller one on my torso.
"Daddy your home!!" The smaller boy cries
I smile as tears fall down my face. After a few more minutes of hugging I stand up to see Priscilla crying a yard or two away I opens arms and she slams into me. I kiss her on the head, then forehead, nose, cheek and lips
The threw kids all chant 'Daddy' around us. I kiss her more and more.
"I thought..."
"I know..."
"It's been so long!!"
"Shh...I know..."
"We've missed you..."
"I've missed you more that I can promise..."
I step back and the kids stand in a row. I hold Priscilla's hand and she smiles
The taller boy salutes
The smaller boy salutes
I grin and kiss her as I try not to cry
The little girl salutes with a smile
"After you left...I found out I was having triplets..."
I hug her tightly
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..."
She shakes her head
"Yes you were. I felt you even tho the only person in the room was me and the doctor."
"I should have been there to hold your hand, I wanted to see my babies being born and getting to hold them for the first time..."
I learned something over the years. Adam is a everyday name. Corvo is a 'shut-up-and-listen-to-me-you-dumbass-I'm-being-serious-and-you-need-to-get-this-threw-your-thick-head' name. She pulls me off and looks into my lifeless eyes.
"Your holding them now. Corvo they love you so much. Everyday I tell them more and more about you. Corvo your there biggest supporter, there hero, there idol!"
Noah pulls on my pants and I look down
"I want to be big and strong like you!"
"Me to!"
Dakota shouts
"Me three!!"
Victoria smiles
I look back to Priscilla, for once I can't argue with her. She's right.
"Sure you've been gone from there lives for over six to seven years-"
"I was suppose to come back in five..."
She grabs and claws into me harder and harder
"That was not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for it!!! Your here now! You can be the father you always wanted!!"
"I understand that...but I wanted to watch my kids grow up. Be with them for school and there sports and help them with there work. I missed them growing up. I missed watching them turn from rolling crying babies to now! That's what I have a problem with! That I wasn't there for six and a half years! I didn't want to be labeled as a bad father, I wanted to be a perfect one..."
"Daddy...we think your the most amazingist!"
"Dad in the universe!!! Your perfect to us!! And your here with us now!!! You can spend the next six years with us twenty four seven to make up for it!!"
Victoria leads in the pep talk. I pick her up and kiss her on the nose and cheek
"Your JUST like your mother!"
"I may be just like mommy but I'm a daddy's girl!"
Noah shuffles his feet
"I'm a mommas boy...but I still love you just as much as Tori does!"
"That's ok Nova! Your like daddy then and so is Dakote!"
"How are we like dad then?"
"Because!! Daddy loves mommy with all his heart and that's why she wears the pretty ring! So daddy is a mommas boy to!!"
"I really do love your mom haha!"
I laugh at there nicknames for each other.
"A enemy, a weapon, and a warning code...they looked it up for you"
"There perfect"
"Your perfect"
"So are you. Your more perfect then me!!"
I rub her stomach and hold her closer to me then I have in a long time.
"I won't beat myself up for not being there for a long time...we can always have a few more!!"
She kisses me on the lips as we all stand there and hug
"I wouldn't mind a few more...but not now...haha...lets wait a while"
We all head inside and spend the day regrouping. After a long day the kids all jump into bed. They follow us to our bed as I kiss and roll over Priscilla. She blushes as I kiss her neck and shoulders. Giving her long and deep kisses.
"AGH!" I got the floor
"Don't scare me!! Ugh...oooooohhhh I hit my head..."
They all laugh at me
"We want to sleep as a family tonight!"
We look at each other and let them in
"Way to ruin our fun"
"Oh shut up!"