A Time in the Future

Chapter 4

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT!? IF YOU HAVE HIM... I SWEAR I’LL KILL YOU! IT WOULDN’T BE LIKE THIS IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU! I BET IT WAS YOUR FAULT ALL ALONG, COULDN’T FIND ANYONE OF YOUR OWN, SO YOU DECIDED TO DESTROY US!” The outburst from the blonde was unexpected, even for him. If he’d heard those words from anyone else, he’d have been grateful, broke down into tears of joy, but something about the man before him made him uneasy. There had to be a trick lurking somewhere.

“Well, well. If that’s the attitude you’re going to be taking, I suppose you won’t want your precious little boy back. Two might be easier after all.” Even though a hiss threatened to ring out in the ‘stranger’s’ voice, it never came, calm running the whole way through.

“No! Please, please... I’m sorry alright? Just give him me back!” Begging, it was the only way to resolve his harsh tone from before. He needed his baby boy back, his only son. He needed him to function no matter how he may have felt in the first six months after they’d been born.

A smirk slipped onto the lips of the threatening, it was so much easier to play a game, make the boy really desperate before he got what he wanted. “I’m not sure it’s good enough. Sean.” A hint of disgust entered his voice upon uttering the male’s name, as though it be a word he should never ever speak. “You’ll have to do better than that if you ever want to see him again... Benji is it? Sweet name... Pick it yourself?”

By this time tears were flooding down the cheeks of the heartbroken Sean, he’d give his own life for his little boy to be safe again. He was sure that Rhys and Gavin would make the perfect replacement parents for his darling triplets. “Don’t do this please! Just give him me back and the police will never have to know... I NEED him, I’ll die if I never see him ag...”

“Daddy who that? What wong?” An innocent voice broke him off in the middle of his final word, pure loneliness reflecting in her eyes though. She’d lost more than Sean had at the end of the day; they’d been together the whole of their life and even before that.

“Ash... It doesn’t matter sweetheart... Just go back inside yeah?”
“Oh look mini Smith, how lovely is that? Suppose that’s the one you love most, she show you exactly what you’d be like as a girl?” Pausing for a moment; simply to smirk, he continued on as he turned his back on the tear stricken boy. “I’ll be back when you can prove th.”

Footsteps halted the stranger in his tracks, loud, confident footsteps. Ones that he knew only too well, oh this wasn’t going to end well. He was meant to have finished his job by now, everything was meant to end up perfect and he knew that, that was exactly the opposite of what was happening. “Aren’t you finished yet?” An anger tinted voice rang out from a place that neither could locate, the owner of the half familiar voice hidden from view. “It should be over with by now. If you aren’t ending it I will. Go home.”

Excited, quick, yet light footsteps patted along the hard concrete road. The owner of those footsteps being everything that Sean wanted to see again.
“BENJI!” The shout brought every occupant of the house to the door, though before anyone else really knew what was happening a blur of purple darted past them all, an engulfing hug letting the bundle of Benji and Winter tumble to the ground.

“James Davies you are dead!” The voice was yet again unknown; the surprise being it didn’t come from Sean Smith. Though the figure of the short male was already half way down the road.
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It's been ages... I know.
I dunno why I stopped writing it I just kinda did.
Not the best update, yeah I know.
Ah well, it's back... I promise it'll be updated quicker next time.
