A Time in the Future

Chapter 6

“Look… I just… Erm… Well I might as well just cut to the chase. I want a… no wait I need a second chance.” Oh that was classy Watkins, as if he’s going to ever believe that.
“You need another chance do you? Fuck! You wouldn’t have slept with James if you wanted a chance. It could have been anything Ian, but one of my best friend’s?” Hurt. It was the only thing that ran through his voice. It was painful to hear.
“Sean. That was four bloody years ago! It was a mistake. I was confused, I didn’t know what to do, everything was going so quick. I was going to become a father for god’s sake!”
“And I wasn’t? I have triplets Ian! Four year old triplets, you want to know just how much of my teenage years have been ripped away?”
“I can’t change that! I can change the future though, please just one last try. Please let me just see them. Surely I have a right?”
“I don’t know alright? I’ll admit, yeah I still love you, but I can’t take that heartbreak again. It nearly killed me, I’m not strong enough for that again.”
“I promise I’m different now. A better person, more loving. Let me show you.”

I ran a hand down the side of his face, a small smile flickering to his lips. I knew how to sweet talk him, things didn’t change. I knew which buttons to press and which not to. Leaning forward I pressed my soft lips against his slightly chapped ones.

I wasn’t pushed away.

*Three months later*

My heart was beating against my ribcage threatening to break free; my hands shook more than they ever have in my life. I feel sick or as though I’m about to swallow my tongue. I have never been this nervous in my life, I hate this feeling it’s absolutely horrible. Only good can come from it though. It’s the big moment Watkins. Pull yourself together man.
The creaking of a front door, a worried look from a man who obviously wasn’t sure if it was the right decision, sweaty palms sliding together, gentle footsteps so that attention wouldn’t be alerted.

“Dad? Daddy?” The terrified voice of the male I loved rang out through the house, it was clear he had no idea if anyone was actually in his home.
“Yeah Sean? What’d you want? Your Dad’s just gone to pick up the triplets from nursery.” Rhys’ voice, I still recognize it just like I did Sean’s at that very first meeting.
“Erm… Please don’t be mad but…” He cut off, thinking about how to plan his words, surely just shouting it through the house was not a good way to have this conversation.
“Sean what’s a matter? Eh? Just tell me.”
“I kinda... Well I did bring… Ian to see the triplets… Me and him are back together.”

Silence met our ears, I had no idea whether it was an angry silence or one of complete amazement and by the look on my boyfriend’s (it felt amazing to call him that again) face he had no clue either.
“Is that what you’ve been doing then for the past three months? Meeting him?” Distaste ran through Rhys’ voice, I’d never known him be angry at Sean, but it was obvious that he was getting there now.
“Daddy… Please don’t get mad… I know I should have told you, but I didn’t want you to talk me out of anything.”
“Look. I don’t want to hear it, we’ll talk when the triplets are in bed, he’s gone and when your Dad’s got the time.”
“Whatever… I don’t need your approval.”
“Whose house is this?”
“Well I can just…”

He was cut off again but this time it was by the door opening, three amazingly beautiful four year olds ran through the door. None of them identical to the next. “DADDY!” Was the joint call as they ran at the startled blonde, who swept Benji and I think it was Winter up into a big hug. The other little girl simply stared up at me.
“Daddy who that?”
“Erm… Well Ash this is your dad.”

♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been ages.
And I know it skips quite a big chunk and moves quick.
But I have an idea for towards the end + I need to get it moving.
Thanks to all those that have stuck with this = ]
