A Time in the Future

Chapter 7

Sean’s *pov*

“Dad! Please don’t get mad… I… I love him! Don’t you want me to be happy?”
“Of course I want you to be happy, what kind of question is that? But I don’t want him to be anywhere near this house! He’s done nothing but cause heart break and pain.”
“No he hasn’t! He’s brought me more happiness than anyone ever has! If you don’t want him near the house, then you obviously don’t want me either.”
“Sean don’t make stupid decisions.” Ian’s voice piped up, it wasn’t welcome he was meant to be on my side, he was meant to back me up with whatever I was saying. The bastard.
“SHUT UP!” A joint yell came from me and my dad. I wasn’t surprised about it really, but Ian looked startled; like a fish out of water.
“IAN JUST GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW! YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HERE!” That startled look turned to one of fear and he scarped before I could say anything else. “SEAN YOU’RE GROUNDED!”

Just as I was about to retaliate Winter burst into loud, heart shuddering sobs, which of course caused a chain reaction, first Ashleigh and then Benji joining in with the tears. It was always like this, when I had one upset toddler, I usually had at least another one crying as well. I forgot in the heat of the moment that they don’t like angry shouting. Immediately the argument was forgotten and Dad swept Ashleigh up into his arms, whilst Daddy came and collected Winter from me. It was easier if we were all trying to calm one of them down, rather than me try and calm all three down.

I took Benji up to our room, sitting on the edge of my bed, placing him on my knee and gently rocking him back and forth, he never cried as loud or for as long as the girls and I was honestly grateful for that. It must have taken me about ten minutes to lull him to sleep, but I didn’t put him to bed, I just let him lay against my chest.
“You’d love your Dad Ben, you’re just like him, he’d be your role model I know that.” Silent tears cascaded down my cheeks, my parents just don’t understand how much I truly love Ian, they don’t see the side of him that I do the sweet, loving, caring side of him. He wants to be a part of the triplets and my life so much, why can’t they understand that. “You’d love him almost as much as I do; he’s one of the things that keeps my world spinning, just like you do. I can’t live without him and I don’t want you to have to.” I gave up speaking; just sat there cuddling Benji, whilst my tears fell on top of his head, he wasn’t aware of my heartbreak though and I didn’t for a moment want him to know.

Rhys’ *pov*

Winter lay asleep on the sofa, once all the noise and anger had calmed down so had she and crying always sent her off to sleep. Usually she wasn’t so easy to calm down, but today she must just have been tired. Gavin wasn’t having as much luck with Ashleigh as I had, had though. “Watch her will you? I just want to make sure Sean got Benji to calm down.” That wasn’t the real reason; I wanted to make sure Sean was alright. I love that boy more than anything in the world and to see him as angry as that with Gavin and me broke my heart.

Once I reached the top of the stairs I was greeted with nothing more than silence, so it was obvious that Benji had fallen asleep and Sean was just sitting with him. Or so I thought, but as I crept closer to my baby boy’s bedroom, I heard quiet mumblings and a sight that broke my heart even more. His tears started my tears, I honestly didn’t know that Ian meant that much to him.
“Sean? C’mon darling, you have to understand why we don’t want Ian around.”
“You don’t understand why I do though.”
“Why then? Why is he so important after four years?”
“He’s changed; he’s more considerate and caring. Plus they have a right to know who their dad is. I want them to know the wonderful man who makes up half their genes. Please Daddy.”
“I don’t know… We just want what’s best for you.”
“Well you don’t have a clue then. ‘Cause you’re not doing a very good job.” I knew his voice would have been raised if he could have done, but that look of hate on his face told the whole story.

“Gavin we need to talk.”
“About what?”
“No we really don’t there is no need for him to be around.”
“It’s destroying our baby boy.”
“It’s better now than in a few months when he’s got all attached. Ian bloody Watkins is nothing but a whore and trouble.”
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I'm so so so sorry it's been forever!
PLEASE forgive me!!!
I'd like more reason to write it a lot more often...
I love this story, but I dunno how many others do.
