A Time in the Future

Chapter 8?

“Don’t you care about him? His heart is breaking up there. I hate Ian, but I love Sean a hell of a lot more.”
“I don’t want him to get hurt again. I’m seeing what’s best for him. Ian Watkins is not good for him; all he’ll do is destroy him again. We can’t have him like that, he needs to stay strong.”
“Go upstairs then; he’s not being strong now! He’s breaking Gav and we’re causing it.”
“How can he be breaking? He’s been back with Ian for a few months, how can he love him again when he left him with triplets? Eh right when he needed him.”
“You know my parents said that to me about you. When we broke up, they didn’t want me to see you again, they didn’t want me to give you another chance and now look at us.”
“It’s different Rhys, a hell of a lot different.”
“How? ‘Cause there aren’t triplets? It’s not about that, it’s about love and you broke my heart that night and my parents broke it when they didn’t accept you again. You know how miserable I was and we’re going to do that to Sean.”
“…But… It’s… We’re…”
“Exactly, we should just let him make his own mistakes, no matter how much it hurts us to let him.”
“…Fine… You know I’d be a terrible parent without you.”
“No you wouldn’t you’d be good, I just make you great.” Pressing a kiss against his lips, I let my arms slip around his waist; I love Gavin more than words can explain. He always comes round eventually; I have my ways of making him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I love Grandad.” A tiny voice piped up, making both me and Gavin jump and then burst out laughing.
“We love you too darling.” I replied, letting go of Gavin and turning round so that I could pick Ashleigh up. “Is Winter still asleep?” A nod was my only answer, I could tell she was tired, but the little warrior refused to ever admit that she was.

Sean’s *pov*

There was only so much crying I could do; only so many words I could whisper to Benji. I placed him down on his bed, laying him on top of the covers, before I went downstairs. I hoped that the girls were asleep so that I wouldn’t get yelled at for fear of waking them up, I hate it when they shout at me for no reason, they don’t even know Ian that’s what I hate most. In the living room I only saw Winter, gently picking her sleeping form up, I sat down and held her in my arms, I’ve learnt how to not wake them up when moving them. I hope this girl takes after Ian more than me, it would be so much better for her at least in most ways.

I honestly can’t believe there was a time when I hated these three, my life would be so different without them, sure I’d have a lot more freedom, but I don’t know if I’d like it that way, they give me a purpose to wake up in the morning, a reason not to slob about all day, like I know I would otherwise.

“Sean you alright?” Daddy’s voice filled the air, but I didn’t bother looking up focusing on the sleeping form of my daughter.
“Oh c’mon darling, I know we were a little harsh, but you have to think of one of your three having their heart broken and then whoever it is reappearing in their life four years later.” By his tone I could tell he was close to tears, I knew it hurt him when I was mad at them, but I have my reasons and my rights, they just don’t understand.
“I’d know why they wanted them back though.”
“We’ve… We’ve changed our minds, if you really want Ian back in your life then fine. We won’t stop you, but please just be careful.”
“I love you!” A bright smile graced my lips, as I looked up at Daddy, seeing Ashleigh half asleep in his arms.
“I love you too, but next time you get so mardy with us you are definitely grounded. Understand?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit late but Happy New Year.
Dudes this year will be a lot better for updates and I already know the ending in my head, it ain't far away, but I can go to a third one if people want.
I need to know though = )
