High-school hitmen

High-school Hitmen

A hitman. That's what Halme wanted to be, a hitman. He didn't care much for people, he hated society as much as it hated him. Their obbsession with wealth and
sex, how pointless it all was, he hated it, and hated them for setting so much store by it, so he decided he wasn't going to have any part of it, and in his career choice have
the chance to rid the world of many of those he thought were helping corrupt society so much, so when this particular job was offered, the target someone he knew
personally, someone he knew was unworthy of life, he jumped at the offer.

"Hey Halme" said Krieg after class one afternoon. He looked around to make sure they were alone and said in a low voice "I have a job for us...this girl I know will
pay us $500 cash for this one target, she didn't tell me his name, just asked if I wanted the job, I told her yeah, but I have a partner, she said that's fine, she'll pay an extra
$500 for the partner, you intrested?" he asked. "Who's the girl?" Halme said in an equally low voice. "Her name is Becky, she's in my biology class, she said to bring you
to her to discuss the matter further if you were intrested, she wouldn't give me details, just said to bring you to her."
he replied. "Ok, when do we talk to her?" Halme asked. "Today after school, I'm meeting her at the mall, I'll take you if you need a ride" he said. "Yeah, I do, I didn't drive
today, gas prices are goin up and i'm trying to cut down on how much I use." said Halme. "All right then, come with me." said Krieg Halme followed Krieg to his Porshe and
they left to meet this Becky girl. "Finally" Halme thought, "Finally, a job, I can start to build my credibility and reputation"

When they got to the mall Halme followed Krieg to the food court where he sat down at a table with a brown haired girl Halme guessed was Becky. "Halme this is
Becky, Becky this is Halme, the one I told you about" Krieg said. "So you're Halme, I expected you to be taller." she said. "You're not involved with any gangs are you?
Gang members do very poor jobs, they're incredibly unskilled with covering their tracks and I need someone who knows what they're doing." she continued.
"No, I'm not involved with any gangs." he said. "Ok good." said Becky. "Meet me at my house tomorrow and I'll give you all the details of the assignment." she said.
"Ok" said Halme, "Krieg do you know how to get there?" he asked. "No I don't." responded Krieg. "Ok, well Becky I'll need your adress then, and what time should I be
there?" he asked. She scribbled it down on a napkin from the table and said to go to her house right after school the next day. "All right then, see you tomorrow." he said
"See you then." she replied and got up to leave. "You're giving me a ride home too right Krieg?" Halme asked. "Yeah of course." he replied. They got up to leave and went
to Krieg's car. "So why do you think she wants this guy dead?" Halme asked on the ride home. "No clue." said Krieg "Probably hurt her or one of her friends" he finished.
"So what are your plans for the rest of the day, wanna chill and do something?" Krieg asked. "No man, I can't, I've got plans with Akuji, we're taking my uncle's boat out to
Fisher lake." Halme replied. "Ah ok, how about this weekend?" he asked. "Yeah we'll probably have to get together to start planning, remember we're goin to Becky's
tomorrow to find out about the job." he said as they pulled into the drive to Halme's house. "Here's her adress" he said writing it down on a piece of paper and giving it to
Krieg. "Right after school, don't forget" he said. "All right man, see ya then" replied Krieg, and pulled out of the driveway.

Halme went back inside to put away his bookbag and pick up his car keys, he grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge and his cigarettes from his bookbag and went
out to his car, a blue convertible. He hooked up the boat to the back of it and then left to pick up Akuji. He arrived at her house where she was already waiting for him and
started walking down the lawn to meet him as soon as he pulled up. "Hey beautiful." he said as soon as she got in and kissed her. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah, let's
go, I haven't been to the lake in over a month" she replied. "Ok." he said lighting a cigarette and pulling out of the drive. "Hey do you have anymore smokes? I'm out" she
asked. "Yeah they're in the pocket of my jacket." he said. She reached around to the backseat and took a pack of newports out of his jacket pocket and lit one.

They arrived at the lake and got out. Akuji walked around the car to Halme and kissed him. "I've missed you." she said and wrapped her arms around his neck and
looked at him. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her back. "I've missed you too" he said smiling at her and kissed her again. "Come on, let's get the boat out
there." he said and started getting it into the water. Akuji helped and soon they were in the boat staring out at the enormous lake they were in. "Isn't it beautiful?" Akuji
said, her head on Halme's shoulder. "Yeah it is" he said "but not as beautiful as you are." he continued, stroking her hair. She lauged quietly and smiled. He kissed her on
the cheek and held her close, resting his head on top of hers. She smiled and traced her finger around his hands. "I love you" he whispered in her ear. "I love you too." she
whispered back and turned around and locked her arms around his neck. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to kiss her. She kissed back and they
both became lost in the moment and stayed there, for how long, neither of them knew, but by the time reality came back the sun was setting over the glistening water.

"Wow, it's getting late" she said. "Yeah it is" said Halme. "We should probably get going, your mom will bitch at me for an hour if you're not back by eight.
"Yeah I know" she said, sounding a little sad. "At least we had today together, will I be able to see you again tomorrow?" she asked. "No, I'm afraid not, I have plans with
Krieg, but I'll call you later and we'll work something out." he said. "Ok." said Akuji.

They packed up the boat and got in the car to drive home. When they got to Akuji's house she leaned over and kissed him. "I love you." she said. "I love you too."
he responded and kissed her again. "I'll call you later this week and try to arrange when we can spend more time together, I love you, talk to you later" he said, and then he
drove home and went to sleep.

The next morning when he woke up he went online to find directions to the adress Becky gave him and left for school. His day was the same as any other school
day, nothing special. He met up with Krieg when the bell that released last period rang. "Hey man, did you get directions to Becky's house?" Halme asked. "Yeah, I got
'em, did you?" he responded. "Yeah I got 'em, I'm gonna go ahed and leave." said Halme. "Yeah, so am I." said Krieg, making his way to his car.

Once they got to Becky's house her mom let them in and called Becky down to tell her her friends had arrived. She came and met them downstairs and led them
to the basement. "Ok," she said "this is the guy I want taken care of." she said handing them a photo of a guy who couldn't have been older then seventeen. Halme smiled
slightly. "I know this guy" he said. Krieg turned to look at him "You know him?" he asked. "Yeah" replied Halme, "He's in my shop class, his name is Micheal Kent" he
turned to Becky. "I don't blame you for wanting him dead, he's a complete asshole, but any particular reason you want him gone?" Becky's eyes began to water, but there
was no look of sadness on her face, instead it was anger and hatred, she was crying out of rage not sadness. "He........raped........me........" she said in low shallow
breaths. "He........raped me........and my........friend........" she continued in that same half angry, half disgusted voice. "I don't want you two to kill him, I want to be the one
to do that, you guys are merely consultants, to help me plan it and carry it out, you'll attack him and fuck him up, but i want the last shot." she said. "Ok, we can do that"
said Halme. "I've already got an idea on how to start" he turned to Becky. "How long ago was it he raped you?" he asked. "Three days ago." she said, anger and hatred in
her voice again. "And did he try anything before then, like asking you out, trying to get you in a consensual way?" he continued. "Yes, he asked me out for about two
weeks straight and I kept saying no, he was a creep who only wanted to get inside me, I have more respect for myself then that." she said, still angry at the tought of
Micheal. "Ok, here's what i'm thinking, it was recent so we have a small window of oppritunity" he turned to Becky "You call him and say that after the 'incident' you
were mad at first, but afterward you kinda liked it, and you've changed your mind and want to go out with him, and offer to fuck him again." he said. Becky got this enraged
look on her face "Are you crazy!?" she asked. "No, I'm not, it'll work like this...you lure him out to a remote location that not many people know about, I already have a
place in mind, we'll be waiting there with our weapons" he turned to Krieg. "You and I will have knives, Becky will lure him out there and we'll hide behind trees, when his
back is turned I'll run behind him and stab him in the throat so that he can't scream and call attention to us. After that Krieg, you'll stab him in the stomach and slice him
open. Now Becky, you do the rest, you'll have a baseball bat" Halme finished. "Why do I only get a bat and you guys get knives?" she asked in a rather harsh voice.
"Because, a bat will cause the most pain, think about the spots you can hit him in, his collarbone, elbows, you can bust his kneecaps, that'd be much more painful then
the stabbing would, and when he's on the ground you can take one good swing to his head and it'll take him out instantly." he said. Becky mulled the thought over a little
and grinned as if in agreement. "You're right." she said, smiling. "Ok, that's just a rough draft of what we'll do, what's today, today's Tuesday. Becky, call him up and tell
him you've changed your mind, and you wanna meet him on Saturday night, the spot I'm thinking of is that wooded area behind where Winn-Dixie used to be, you know the
one right? across the street from the school, near Taco bell?" Halme asked. "Yeah, It's off to the left of that side, right?" she replied. "Yeah" said Halme. "That's the place, call him over there Saturday night, that's the best day to do it, people usually go out on saturdays, it won't look suspicious, and keep an extra set of clothes in your car's trunk, jeans, shirt, socks, shoes, underwear, everything." he said "We'll all need to change clothes before we leave to get rid of evidence, we don't wanna leave any trace that any of us were there. I'll get the supplies we'll need to dispose of everything, all you need to do is get him there." he finished. "Ok, I can do that." Becky replied."What time?" "About eleven." Halme replied. "Ok then" said Becky. "So it's all planned, it'll happen on saturday?" she asked once more to make sure. "Yeah, saturday" Halme replied. "Ok, see you all then" Becky said picking up her cell phone to call Micheal, and with that Halme and Krieg went back out to their cars. "So what's next?" asked Krieg. "Well first i'm goin to Wal*Mart to pick up a few things we'll need to dispose of the evidence, your family has a machete right?" asked Halme. "Yeah they do, why, are we gonna need it?" asked Kried. "Yeah we will, make sure it's as sharp as you can get it too, we'll need it as sharp as possible." said Halme. "All right then." said Krieg and Halme got in his car and left.

Walking down the aisles of Wal*Mart Halme picked up the supplies they'd need to get rid of everything once the job was finished, a case of
bottled water, a large plastic storage container, sponges, 3 pairs of cheap gloves, lighter fluid,matches, and a crowbar. He took it to the front counter and paid for
it and stored it in his car until saturday arrived and it was time to go. He got in his car and headed to the spot with Krieg an hour before Becky was supposed to be there
with Micheal to start setting up, he took a large metal barrel and filled it with old newspapers. the rest of the supplies were in his car along with a change of clothes.

And so they waited, for an hour, until they heard the sound of Becky's car approaching, then Halme and Krieg took their hiding spots. They could hear Becky and
Micheal coming, Becky giggling and promising Micheal all kinds of sexual favors, Micheal's voice with an air of satisfaction and arrogantness. As Becky led Micheal to the
wooded area she suddenly screamed "NOW! DO IT NOW!" At that Halme went rushing up behind Micheal and jammed his pocket knife as far as it would go into Micheal's
voice box while Becky made her way to her car to retrieve the baseball bat. A sound of sudden shock, then muted by the sound of Micheal chokeing on his own blood, a
look of confusion and fear in his eyes. Krieg came up right after Halme and stabbed micheal in the stomach, After which Becky came back with the bat and smashed
Micheal's knee. There was a sickening crack and the bones broke and splintered under the skin. Becky didn't stop there, she went after the other knee, his shoulders, and
every piece of Micheal that the bat could find its way to. Micheal was now lying on the ground, choking on blood, making what little noises he could from the pain that
had just been inflicted upon him. "You won't ever rape another girl now will you Micheal?" Becky said in a low voice filled with hatred, that same low voice Halme and Kreig
had heard a few days before in her basement. She rose the bat over her head and broght it down as hard as she could on top of Micheal's skull. There was another
sickening crack as the bones shattered. He was dead.

Breathing heavily, Becky looked at herself and at Halme and Krieg, all of whom were covered in blood. "This is why I got those supplies." Halme said, going to his
car. He broght back a small black bag and took from it the lighter fluid and matches he bought. He started a fire in the barrel and told Becky to remove all of Micheals
clothes and put them in the fire. She did so while Halme told Krieg to get the machete he said to bring, Krieg did so and Halme took the machete. He pointed to a large
concret structure on top of which was a manhole cover. "Put his legs on top of the manhole." Halme said, when Krieg did so Halme brought the machete down on Micheal's
kness, severing the bottom part of his legs. He did the same the the rest of Micheal's body, where his thighs met his waist, at his elbows, and shoulders, and severed what
remained of Micheal's head. He put the body parts into the fire for them to burn to ash. "We have to burn everything, his clothes, our clothes, his body, everything here, we
can't leave any trace of what happened here tonight." He went back to his car and brought back the large plastic storage container, the case of bottled water, and the
sponges he bought, filled the container with all of the water and gave each of them a sponge. "Get naked and wash all the blood off of yourself and burn those clothes,
they're covered in blood." he said as he pulled off his own shirt. The other two followed suit and burned all of the clothes they were wearing and washed themselves off.

Halme took the crowbar out of the bag and removed the manhole cover and poured the bloody water down into the sewer, then placed the plastic container into
the fire as well. He burned the bag as well and went back to his car to put on his fresh clothes, the others did the same and watched all of their evidence burn in the barrel.
They stayed there until nothing, not even bones, were left in the barrel but ash. They then scattered those ashes into the manwhole cover and replaced it where it belonged.

They collected their $500 each from Becky and worked on their alibies, they had snuck out to do their job, neither Halme's nor Krieg's, nor Becky's parents knew
they were gone, Becky would tell the cops that Micheal never showed up for their date after his mother told them where he was planning on going that night, And they
would never speak of the incident again, as far as they were concerned.......it never happened.