Status: active

Bad Enough For You


Standing behind the counter of the small café, Rowan was handing a customer his change. He thanked her and she smiled, and the man went on his way.

A few minutes later she heard the familiar sound of bells going off from above the door, signaling that someone had just walked in.

Rowan looked up to whoever had just walked in, and froze when she saw the same green eyes that she was so awestruck with a few nights before. There stood Harry, in nicely fitted dark jeans, and a dark blue and white plaid shirt. His curls were perfectly framing his face, and that same small smirk found its way onto his face when he realized who the girl behind the counter was.

He walked up confidently, "Rowan, wasn't it? How are you, love?" He asked.

Rowan could only stare, her mind went blank once Harry had spoken to her.

"Rowan? You alright there?" Harry tried again.

This time Rowan reacted, shaking her head a blush settled upon her face. Breathe Rowan, breathe. He's just another customer.

"Hello, Harry. I'm fine, how are you?" She said to her shyly, still slightly embarrassed.

Harry smirked again, "I'm just grand, love. Seeing a pretty bird like you really improves a man's day." He said with a wink.

Rowan blushed again, not knowing how to respond. Somehow she found her voice "Oh uh, um. T-Thank you," She mumbled out. "Can I get you anything?" She added.

"Your number would be lovely." Harry said, now leaning against the counter.

Rowan just stared at him. She blinked once. Twice. His smiled stayed permanent on his face, as he was used to these kind of reactions from girls.

Just then, someone had walked through the door, the chimes going off once again, snapping Rowan out of her trance as she looked at the door. It was Bobby, one of her coworkers who was there to take over the next shift.

Rowan was grateful for the interruption, "Sorry, my shift is ending. Uh, bye Harry. I'll uh see you, uh, maybe around. Bye." Rowan said quickly as she practically ran to the back of the café to retrieve her things and go home. She let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding, and quickly moved to the door of the café to exit.

She almost made it, until someone grabbed her elbow, pulling her back. Rowan looked up, and was once again met with the intense gaze of Harry.

"Why are you in such a hurry, love?" Harry questioned.

"I, uh, I-I just want to get home. Bye." Rowan said, and pushed the door open and sped walked down the block.

Harry stood there, watching her walk away, with a confused look on his face. Most girls would give anything to have Harry Styles hit on them, but Rowan was different. She hadn't had a clue who Harry was, and that intrigued him. Rowan didn't know his reputation, or his career. Nothing. And this excited something within him. This one's going to be a challenge, Harry thought to himself. I like a challenge.
♠ ♠ ♠
10 subscribers after only the first chapter?! WHAAAAT.
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