Status: active

Bad Enough For You


Rowan jumped at the loud knock that sounded from the door door. She stopped what she was doing and quickly and ran to it. Looking though the peep hole to see who it was she smiled as she opened the door.

Macy Masterson, Rowan’s best friend since she could remember stepped through the opening and embraced Rowan in a tight hug. It had been a while since they had seen each other, what with school and work, but today they planned on spending the day together.

“Ro! I've missed you, darling!” Macy practically shouted in excited.

Rowan giggled, “I missed you, too! Come in, come in! Let me finish up getting ready then we can get lunch.”

Rowan finished up getting ready, having Macy help her decide on an outfit. A big, cream colored sweater with a pair of black leggings and her brown riding boots. Not a very big fan of make-up, Macy put on a simple coat of black liquid liner on her top lids, and the two girls headed out.

Walking arm-and-arm down the street to the small restaurant a few blocks down, the girls chatted.

“So what’s been going on with you, Mac? How’re you and Ryan?” Rowan asked. Ryan was Macy’s long-term boyfriend. “He’s great. We’re great.” Macy said with a giggle. Having been going out for four years, the two were practically made for each other. Rowan sometimes found herself feeling jealous that she had never met a boy that made her as happy as Ryan made Macy, but she knew she was being ridiculous. She was very happy for her best friend, she just wished she could find someone to make her happy.

“That’s great. Tell him to come along next time. It’s been ages since I've seen him!” Rowan replied.

The girls walked into the restaurant, and were seated quickly and a small table by a window.


Outside, Harry and his friend, Louis, happened to be walking by the very same restaurant that Rowan and Macy had just walked in to.

Harry stopped as her caught a glimpse of Rowan through the restaurant window.

“Hey, let’s eat here, yeah?” Harry asked Louis.

Louis shrugged his shoulders and the two headed inside. Harry chatted up the hostess, asking for a table next to Rowan and her friend.

Rowan’s eyes widened as she saw Harry and another boy approach the table that was place conveniently next to hers and Macy’s.

“Hello again, Rowan. Strange how we keep running into each other.” Harry smirked as he and Louis took their seats.

“Uh, yeah. Quiet strange indeed…” Rowan replied.

Macy coughed quietly, getting Rowan’s attention. She raised an eyebrow at Rowan, silently questioning how she knew this boy. “Oh, um. This is Macy,” Rowan said pointing towards the brunette, “Mac, this is Harry, I bumped into him a few days ago and we seem to keep running into each other..” Rowan said uncomfortably.

“Lovely to meet you, Macy,” Harry said, “This is my friend, Louis.” Harry said, clapping a hand on his friends shoulders.

“Hello, girls.” Louis smiled at the two girls.

They smiled and said hello. Macy turned back to Rowan, “Bathroom, now.” She said before excusing herself.

“Uh- excuse me.” Rowan said before following her friend into the ladies room.

Once inside the restroom, Macy stared at Rowan with wide eyes. “What?” Rowan question, unsure of why Macy wanted to talk with her so urgently.

“Ro, that’s Harry freaking Styles and Louis freaking Tomlinson!” Macy practically squealed.

Rowan gave her a confused look, “Uh, okay?”

Macy’s eyes grew even wider, “Okay? OKAY? Rowan! Harry and Louis are in that boy band, One Direction! The biggest boy band in the world! How didn't you know this?!”

Rowan just shrugged, still a little confused. Harry’s famous? She thought to herself. Why would someone famous take an interest in her?

The girls exited the bathroom, and went back to their table, where the two boys sat at the table next to theirs, looking at their menus.

Harry looked up when he saw the girls approaching, spending a few extra seconds staring at Rowan. God, she’s fit. He thought to himself.

All throughout lunch, the two groups of friends made small talk, Rowan feeling uncomfortable for a better part of the lunch because of Harry’s constant staring. She shifted uncomfortably when their eyes met when he asked if she would join him outside.

Rowan was hesitant. Should she go? She looked towards Macy, her friend nudging her on. With that she stood up and followed Harry to the restaurants patio area. It wasn't very crowded, what with it being a slightly too cold day to eat outside.

“So, Rowan,” Harry started “You never did answer my question the other day.”

Rowan looked at him, “What question?” She asked.

“The one about you giving me your number.” Harry winked at Rowan, causing her insides to flip. Much like they usually did whenever Harry was in her presence. She didn't know how to respond. She didn't want to give Harry her number. Why would someone like him want her number? It didn't make any sense to her.

“Uh, s-sorry, Harry. I uh. I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Rowan said. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Harry, still not used to this sort of reaction from a girl, stood there silently. He never had this much trouble getting a girls phone number. This girl confused him, and he wasn't sure he liked it very much.

Rowan motioned to leave, “We should get back inside.”

Harry continued to stand there, trying his best to figure the blonde girl out. When Rowan turned to start walking back inside, Harry grabbed her hand and spun her around back to facing him, holding her body exceptionally close to his own. Rowan’s eyes went wide, What is he doing?! she thought.

Harry raised his hand to tuck a strand of hair that had fallen in front of Rowans face behind her ear. He brought his lips to her ear and said “I’ll get you, Rowan. I promise you that.” He whispered.

Rowan pushed him away and practically ran back to the table, throwing her money on the table to pay for her and Macy’s meal she said goodbye to Louis and dragged Macy out of the restaurant.

“Rowan? What’s going on? What happened?” Macy questioned. But Rowan kept quiet, too embarrassed to talk about what had happened just a few minutes before.


Back at the restaurant, Harry sat down back at his table with Louis with a small smile on his face.

“What was that all about?” Louis asked, referencing to Rowan practically running out of the restaurant.

Harry smiled at Louis, and proceeded to tell him his plan of how he would get the girl, that apparently wanted nothing to do with him. Because Harry Styles always got the girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
And so Harry's plan is in motion. How do you think Rowan's going to handle it?

You guys are absolutely fantastic.
18 subs in two days? I'm freaking out!
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