Status: active

Bad Enough For You


After Harry had successfully gotten Rowan's number, he waited to call her. That's how the plan worked. Get the number, wait a few days until they really wanted you, then go in for the kill. It's always worked for Harry, and by his calculations, it always should. So when Harry rang up Rowan a week later he was surprised that she hadn't answered right away. He tried once more, still not getting an answer. Harry looked at his phone, confused. They always pick up. Why isn't she picking up? He thought. Most of the girls he went after were waiting by their phones 24/7 until they heard from Harry, so why didn't Rowan pick up?


It was a Saturday morning, and also Rowan's day off. She liked to go to the café to get studying done on mornings like these. It was quiet and she was able to focus, just what she needed. She also needed to get a certain curly haired boy off her mind. Yesterday, when Rowan had seen her phone light up with Harry splayed across the screen, she ignored it. It had been a week since Rowan had last seen him, and she thought he would call he much sooner. Maybe he's busy, Rowan thought after the first three days, or maybe he just lost interest, she sighed sadly. Rowan felt so stupid, for even thinking for a second that someone like Harry could actually be interested in someone like her.

The chimes above the door broke her from her thoughts and she returned back to her reading. Harry glanced around the café quickly, his eyes settling on the girl he had become quiet attracted to.

The chair across the table from Rowan slid across the floor and Harry sat down in it, staring intently at Rowan as he waited for her to look up from her book. When she did look up, she met Harry's eyes for a second before they shot back down to continue her reading.

"What do you want, Harry?" Rowan asked him, her eyes still glued to her book.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Harry questioned back.

Rowan just shrugged, not wanting to give him the real answer. Harry grabbed the book out of her hands and laid it down on the table. Rowan sighed and looked at him. He looked exceptionally good today, adding a beanie to his laid-back look. Taking his curls out of his face, Rowan wondered how it was possibly for someone to look even more attractive than they already did.

"Come for a walk with me." Harry said as he stood up.

Rowan sighed again, before she packed up her books in her over-sized purse and followed Harry down to the park that was near by. The pair walked in silence for a few minutes before Harry broke it.

"I don't get you, Rowan." He stated. Rowan stared at him, not expecting those to be the words to come out of his mouth.

"Well, to be fair, I don't really get you either, Harry." Rowan replied. Harry didn't know how to respond. Most girls would be head-over-heals to be at the stage where Rowan was right now, but Harry had to keep reminding himself that Rowan wasn't most girls. Rowan was different. Rowan was a challenge, and he had to get used to it. But he wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"What's not to get, love?" Harry finally said.

Rowan continued walking; slightly breaking down the small wall she had started to build against Harry, "I gave you my number and it took you a week to call. I thought you lost interest." Rowan said while blushing, embarrassed to actually say why he was so annoyed with the green-eyed devil. Harry chuckled beside her, "I'm sorry, love. I had no idea that you would be so affected by it," he said with a smirk. Rowan's face grew even more red, more embarrassed than before. She sped walked up the path, trying her best to get away from Harry, not liking that he found so much amusement in her embarrassment.

Harry jogged to catch up with her, "Rowan, wait up!" He called. Rowan continued on her speed-walk up the path, nearing the gates of the park so she could get home.

"Rowan!" Harry grabbed onto her elbow, effectively stopping her. Rowan looked up at him, "What, Harry? Can't you just let me go home? I've had enough of you this morning."

Harry smirked, "Come on, I didn't mean to embarrass you, love. I wasn't thinking. I'm truly sorry for what I said. And also for not calling you for a week. I don't know why I waited so long, honestly. Beautiful girls tend to make me nervous I guess." Harry smiled at the blonde.

Rowan rolled her eyes, "Sure, Harry."

"Honest, love. I wouldn't just forget about a beautiful girl like yourself." He replied.

Rowan blushed again at the word beautiful. She had never had a boy call her that before. And coming from a boy like Harry, well that she certainly didn't know how to react to. Harry grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers as he let his other hand fall underneath her chin, lifting her head to meet his eyes.

"Go out with me tonight." Harry whispered, his green eyes baring into hers.

Rowan froze. Harry just asked her out. On a date. An actual date. Her thought were running a thousand miles a minute, until she finally gave Harry a simple response. The response that took down the rest of the wall that she was just starting to form against Harry.


And Harry smirked once again, the second part of his plan being set into motion.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I don't entirely love this chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something. :/
So Rowan agreed to go out with Harry! Who's excited?!
Please leave a comment to let me know what you think?