Status: active

Bad Enough For You


Rowan and Harry stepped inside the small Italian restaurant, Harry walking up to the hostess to inform her of his reservation. The hostess smiled and grabbed two menus, looking at both Harry and Rowan as she spoke, "Right this way, please."

The couple followed behind the hostess throughout the restaurant, where they were lead to a small table towards the back where they would not be disturbed. "Thank you very much, love," Harry said to the hostess as he took his seat across from Rowan. Rowan gave the girl a shy smile as a thank you. "You're very welcome, enjoy your meal." She said as she walked back the the front of the restaurant to seat another group that had just walked in.

"This is one of my favorite restaurants. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do," Harry said to Rowan with a wide smile. Rowan looked up at him, a smile grazing her face as well, "I'm sure I'll love it," she replied.

The couple fell into a comfortable silence as they both looked over the menus that were placed in front of them. Almost the entire menu had been in Italian, making choosing an entree much harder than it needed to be. Harry always ordered the same thing, so he decided rather quickly what to drink and took a glance at Rowan's angelic-like face. She clearly didn't know what anything on the menu said as her eyebrows would furrow, trying to figure out what the foreign words meant, making Harry chuckle with amusement. She looked up at him with a pointed look and he stopped immediately. He coughed to try to cover up his previous actions, but Rowan was already red with embarrassment. Rowan looked down at the menu with a sigh, "I don't know what any of this says.." she said lowly. Harry chuckled again before taking her menu her hands, "Just get the chicken parm. It's delicious, trust me," he said with a wink. A young girl, maybe around Rowan's age walked up to the table to take Harry and Rowan's orders, the evil gleam in the girls eyes did not go unnoticed by Rowan.

"Hello, my name's Felicia, I'll be serving you this evening," the girl, Felicia, said looking directly at Harry, Rowan being ignored. "Hi Felicia, I'll have the chicken alfredo with extra pepper and your best white wine please." Harry said handing his menu to Felicia. She smiled as she wrote his order down, then looked over at Rowan with a bored expression on her face. "And you?" She asked coldly. "Um, I'll have the uh, chicken parm please? With a sprite also." Rowan said closing her menu. Felicia snatched the menu from her hand then turned back to Harry, "I'll get those orders right in." She smirked.

Rowan rubbed her hands together sub-consciously. The way Felicia acted towards her was very off putting, Is it because I'm with Harry? She thought to herself. Probably. Harry coughed then to get her attention, which made Rowan look up to see the ever present smirk on his face. "Thinking about me, eh?" Harry joked. Rowan gave him a small half smile, embarrassed that he had been right.

"So Rowan, we've known each other for what? About a month now? And I still know hardly anything about you. Tell me about yourself." Harry asked with his hands resting under his chin.

"Uh, well..I uh live in an apartment on my own. Unless you count my cat, Whiskers, that is," Rowan never really liked to talk about herself, thinking she was too uninteresting to do so. "I work as a barista in a café, but you already knew that. Um you met my best friend, Macy, who I've known since we were fifteen. Uh, I'm studying to go to London University for business. And....that's it." Rowan looked down at her hands, which were growing clammy with every work she spoke.

Harry replied, "That can't be all there is about you, Rowan! What do you like to do? What do you want to be when you're older? What's your family like?" He pushed.

"Uh well, I like to draw and listen to music. I want to own my own business someday, I'm just not sure..what kind. And uh I just have my mom and my little brother, Max, and they're pretty great. My dad..he died when I was about five." Rowan said, looking down at the table. She hadn't seen her mother or Max in a while, and talking about her dad was always hard. Harry took notice in her change in attitude, and reached forward to lightly touch her arm, "Sorry 'bout your dad. You don't have to say anymore if your don't want to." He said when she met his eyes. She gave him a slight smile, "Thank you. Well..what about you? Tell me what Harry Styles' life is like." She replied.

Harry grinned and went to start talking, but Felicia came back to the table with their drinks. "A white wine for the handsome gentleman," Felicia fluttered her eyelashes at Harry, "And a sprite." She added, nearly spilling the contents in the glass on the table as she abruptly put it down. "Thanks.." Rowan replied hesitantly. "Is there anything else I can get you?" Felicia asked, once again ignoring Rowan. Rowan just rolled her eyes and waited for Harry to reply. "No, I think we're good. You wan't anything else, Ro?" Harry asked her. Shaking her head, Felicia walked away, but not without giving a Rowan a rude once over.

"So," Harry began, getting back to what he was about to say before Felicia showed up, "My families from Cheshire, where my mom and older sister Gemma live. I live here in London, though. I think it's more exciting." He said with a slight laugh. Rowan couldn't help but chuckle, his laugh was contagious. "I'm in a band with my four best friends and we travel a lot. I like to try and play the guitar, but I'm still not that great. I like music and just hanging out with friends mostly." He went on, thinking of things to say as he went.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" Rowan asked him. He smiled at her, glad they were actually having a normal, relaxed conversation. "I like older stuff, The Beatles, The Stones, Pink Floyd, you know, the good stuff. I also like Coldplay a lot too." He said. Rowans eyes lit up as he spoke. "You like Coldplay? They're my favorite!" She giggled, glad that they found something in common. "No way! What's your favorite song? Mine's always Viva La Vida, I know it's pretty overplayed but I just can't help but love it." Harry stated. "Oh that one is pretty infectious, I love Fix You. It's just...fantastic." Rowan laughed. "It is! Oh man have you ever seen them live? They're incredible!" Harry went on. "No, not yet. I plan to someday though. Now's just not the time." Rowan said with a shrug. "Well I'll have to take you to one sometime." Harry said with a wink, making Rowan's stomach twist in embarrassment. Harry Styles wants to go to a Coldplay concert with me? she thought to herself.

Rowan could see Felicia walking over to the table and what happened next may have been the most mortifying moment of Rowan's life. As Felicia set down Harry's food in front of him on the table, Rowan should have saw it coming. The dark red tomato sauce all over her entree's plate was just dying to ruin an outfit, and the waitress holding the plate was just dying to do the same. Rowan watched as Felicia "accidentally" tipped the plate full of chicken parmesan, making it fall completely onto Rowan white lace dress. Rowan looked down and froze. Oh my God. Oh my God. What do I do? She thought to herself. She looked up at Felicia who had an evil smirk on her face, proud of what she had done. Then Rowan looked at Harry who's eyes were wide and his mouth slightly opened, not knowing what to do as well. Tears started to form in Rowan's eyes as she threw the plate to the floor before quickly running to the marked bathroom that was a few yards away. She could hear Harry calling after her, asking her to stop but Rowan couldn't stop. She barged into the bathroom and looked at herself in the large mirror that was hanging over the sinks. A large red stain sat in the lap of her dress and there was absolutely no way of getting it out. Her favorite dress was ruined, and all because of a jealous waitress who was out to get her.

Rowan heard a pounding at the door followed by Harry's deep voice asking if she was okay. Rowan didn't respond though, as she didn't know what to say. Of course she wasn't okay, who would be okay after something like that just happened? She was mortified, and she didn't know what to do. The her only was out was the entrance/exit of the restaurant that was all the way across the floor. She couldn't leave the restroom without having everyone notice her. And Harry would definitely not want to see her again, the second hand embarrassment was probably going to be too much for him to handle.

Rowan wet a paper towel, trying to scrape off the remaining sauce on her dress. Once she was done there was a deep red stain that went all the way though, almost looking like a gun shot wound to her stomach. Rowan took a deep breath as she went to the door of the restroom, ready to step out and make a run for the door. She gently pushed it open and nearly froze when he saw what was going on on the other side of the door.

Harry was yelling in Felicia's face, causing to girls eyes to go wide and her mouth was sealed closed. "What the hell is the matter with you? You did that to her on purpose! You've been incredibly rude to my date the entire time we've been here! You're lucky I don't get your ass fired for pulling a stunt like this! You'll be sure that I'm never eating at this place again if this is the way the employees treat their guests." Harry's face was bright red with anger. Rowan's breath caught in her throat as he stood there defending her in front of the whole restaurant. Harry then looked over to the restroom door and he's face softened as he saw Rowan standing there. He walked over to her, grabbing her hand and walking back towards the table they were sitting at. "Apologize to her right now or I swear I will have you fired." He said to Felicia in a low voice. Felicia looked a Rowan with tears in her eyes, "I-I'm so sorry. Really I am. I had no right to do that." She said, then looked back down to her feet. Harry grabbed his jacket that he put around the back of the chair and used it to cover the stain on Rowan's dress as he put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her out of the restaurant.


"I'm so sorry she did that to you. She was a psycho crazy bitch who wanted to ruin our night." Harry said to Rowan as they walked back to her apartment. Rowan just shrugged, "She was just jealous that she wasn't the one on the date with Harry Styles I guess."

Harry shook his head, "But that should matter! If I was just some regular guy, this probably wouldn't have happened. Why don't people understand that I am just a regular guy who just wants to go out with a beautiful girl and have a great time without it being ruined?!"

Rowan stopped walking, which caused Harry to stop as well. "What?" Harry asked her. "You think I'm beautiful?" Rowan blushed. How could Harry think she was beautiful when she looked like an absolute mess and the current moment. Harry smiled, "Of course I think you're beautiful. Who wouldn't?"

The compliment caused Rowan's cheeks to glow even more red, she looked down at the street, fighting a smile back that was working it's way onto her face. The couple walked in silence until they got to Rowan's apartment building. "Can I walk you up?" Harry asked he, to which Rowan nodded with a smile. Harry then grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers between his own as they walked through the doors and to the elevator. When the doors opened to take them up, Harry still held on to Rowan's hand, not wanting to let go anytime soon either. Harry and Rowan stepped out onto Rowan's floor and walked the short hallway to Rowan's door. When they got there, Harry grabbed Rowan's other hand now holding onto both of her hand withing his own. They awkwardly stood outside the door, unsure of what the other one wanted to do next. Rowan shifted her weight back and forth on each foot as she looked at the ground. Is he going to try and kiss me? Or should I just say good night and go inside? Rowan asked herself. Should I kiss her? Does she want me to kiss her? Man I really want to kiss her. Harry's mind was racing.

"I..had a nice time tonight. Besides the whole sauce thing. Up until that it was a lot of fun." Rowan said, still looking down at the floor.

Harry looked up, letting go of her hand to tilt her chin up to look at him, "I had a nice time tonight, too. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" He asked Rowan.

Rowan couldn't believe it. Harry wanted to go out with her again?

Rowan smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I-I'd like that a lot." She got out with minimal stutters, as she noticed Harry moving closer to her as she spoke. Harry stopped just before his lips met with Rowan's, smiling.

"I'd like that a lot, too." Harry said, then brought his lips down to Rowan's in a deep kiss. Rowan felt like she was floating. Harry Styles kissed her. Harry pulled away and gave her a lopsided smile, then kissed her cheek quickly. "Goodnight, Rowan." He said before letting go of her hand and walking back towards the elevator slowly. "Goodnight, Harry." Rowan said as she watched his retreating form. Harry turned around in the elevator, bringing his hand up to his lips and blowing Rowan a kiss. Rowan waved back and stepped inside her apartment.

Rowan closed the door quietly, not sure if Macy was sleeping or not, and slid down the door to sit on the floor with her legs straight out in front of her. She heard footsteps a moment later, and Macy's form appeared in the door way. "What happened to your dress?!" Macy asked, causing Rowan to laugh and shake her head. "Why are you laughing? You're dress is ruined! What happened? Tell me!" Macy asked frantically.

Rowan smiled and looked down at the red stain on her dress, "He kissed me."


When the elevators doors shut, Harry smile fell from his face. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called up Louis, who picked up after the third ring. "Hello?" The older boy said when he answered the phone. Harry took a deep breath, looking at himself in the reflection that the elevator walls caused, "Louis..I think I'm in trouble."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry.
School and work were really crazy the past few months but I'm done with school so I should hopefully be able to update more!
They kissed!
What do you guys think?
Any predictions as to what's going to happen?
Don't be a silent reader!