Secrets to Tell


Pete's POV

We went outside to the car. Jackie got into the car and I locked the door then went to the car. When we got the airport and bought the tickets and loaded on the plane. The captain said everything. Jackie put her head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired?" I asked.
"Kinda," Jackie said, "Petey,"
"I don't know."

Jackie's POV

I fell asleep on Pete's shoulder. When I woke up to see Pete looking at me.

"Petey, why are you looking at me?" I asked.
"Well we landed a couple minutes ago and I didn't want to wake you." Pete said.
"Why not?"
"Because you looked so peaceful. And why do you ask so many questions?"
"I don't know. I just do."
"Ok we should get off the plane." Pete said.

We got our stuff and left the plane. When we got off we had to go to baggage claim and get the rest of out bags. We went to see who was picking us up.

"Pete who's picking us up?"
"Uhh I think Claire and Gerard not sure."
"Nice Pete. We flew to New Jersey and we don't know who's picking us up."
"Jacqueline Chanel Wentz wow that sound funny. Anyway get your ass over here." Claire yelled. Then ran over to us.
"Claire." I screamed then gave her a hug.
"Pete." Claire said then gave him a hug.
"Claire." Pete said then gave her a hug.
"So how have you been?" Claire asked.
"We been doing good." I was lying Pete and I were fighting more then usual.
"How have you and Gerard been?" Pete asked.
"Fine." Claire said.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"In the car probably sleeping."
"Why is sleeping?" Pete asked.
"Uhh he couldn't go to sleep again." Claire said.
"That makes two." Pete said.
"Huh?" Claire asked.
"Well. Jackie hasn't been able to sleep either." Pete said.
"Oh. We should get back to Gerard and the car."
"Yeah." I said.

Pete and I picked up the bags and followed Claire to the car. Gerard was is the car sleeping so we didn't bother to wake him. Claire dropped us off at the hotel even though she offered us to stay at her house. When we got to the hotel the guy gave us the room key and went to our room. I was really tired so I just went to bed. I hardly talked to Pete that night. In the morning we were visiting Kelsey, Mikey, and James. When I woke up Pete wasn't there again. I got up and took a quick shower. I put on a pair of tight jeans and a band-tee. I couldn't find my eyeliner so I just used some of Pete's. I put my hair in a bun and called Kelsey.

"Hey, Kelsey." I said.
"Hey, Jaxx where are you?"
"Uhh I'm at the hotel."
"Which one?"
"Holiday Inn," I said, " Do you know where Pete is?"
"No, why?"
"Oh because he wasn't here when I woke up."
"Did you try his cellphone?"
"Yeah I left him two messages."
"I don't know Jaxx. Do you me to pick you up?"
"I'll be there in five minutes."
"Thanks Kelsey."
"No problem. Bye Jaxx."
"Bye Kelsey."

Kelsey was there in about five minutes. When we got back to her house everybody greeted me but I still didn't know where Pete was.