Secrets to Tell


It was the mall. Claire had a weird look on her face like something was going wrong.
"So, why are you guys here?" Andy asked us.
"Well, we came to see you and My Chemical Romance." Claire told Andy.
"You flew all the way from New Jersey to here to see us."
"And My Chemical Romance." Kelsey said.

Kelsey wasn't really talking. I think this trip was a bad idea, but we really wanted to see the concert. This is going to be weird for the rest of the trip. Having Fall Out Boy show us around in a shit mobile or Pete's van.

"Jackie!" Claire was waving her hand in front of my face then she snapped her fingers.
"What?" I said really confused.
"You blanked out again." Kelsey told me.
"Oh, sorry."
"Do you do that a lot?" Patty asked me.
"Yeah. I think a lot."
"About what" Pete asked.
"I think we should get out of the van." Joe said.
"Thats a good idea." Everybody said.
We got out of the car then you hear girls start to scream.
"Oh my god its Fall Out Boy. Ahhhhhh."

Kelsey, Claire, and I started to laugh. We started to walk into the mall while they were being all Fall Out Boyish. They are really nice to their fans. I can't believe I knew them before they became big. Pete rarely called, Patrick called a lot then stopped, Joe and Andy never really called. Now I'm back and its like I was never gone. I grew up. I got skinny. My hair was different. I still wear my glasses, old converse and ripped jeans. If I didn't move I might have turned out differently. I'm kinda glad I moved. I met my best friends. I'm glad they are here. I don't know if I could have done this by myself. Meeting Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe after all this years. I think I changed more then they did. They still play video games and thats basically all they did. Pete, Patrick, Andy and Joe walked in. I snapped out of it.

"Sorry about that." Andy said.
"Its okay." Claire told them.
"Where shall we go first" Patrick asked.
"Patty cakes you knew me since I was two. Where do you think I want to go?" I told him.
"Pick me! Pick me!" Pete started to jump up and down while raising his hand.
"Pete." Kelsey pointed to Pete.
"Hot Topic."
"Yay Pete." Kelsey said sarcastically.

We started to walk to Hot Topic. We were there for about a hour.
"I need new bras." Kelsey said. Claire and I nodded in agreement.
"Victoria Secret time!" Andy said with a big grin on his face.
We started to walk to Victoria Secret. Until I saw her.