I'll Change Their Minds

The Depths

''C'mon guys! It's the break we need! After this our fan base will blow up and more people will be introduced to us, that's a fucking fantastic opportunity!'' I stood staring at them, bemused as to why they were even questioning it! You probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about, so I'll start from the beginning.
My name's Amelia Carlile, younger sister of Austin Carlile. Lead vocalist for Of Mice and Men. I'm in my own band with 4 of my best friends in the whole world, Jack, Bobby, Tatum and Josh. We all went to high school together and formed a band shortly after we all left. Josh plays drums, Jack on Bass Guitar, Bobby does the clean vocals and lead guitar, whilst Tatum is on guitar and I'm the lead vocalist. Like my brother. But sometimes I do sing the clean vocals, I don't enjoy it as much though, it doesn't feel quite right, I prefer to be able to stand at the front of the stage and give it all I've got you know? I think there are more emotions in 'screaming' than there is in just plain old singing.
But anyway, back on subject.
We've been putting all of the songs that we have covered/written on YouTube for the world to see because we never really thought that we'd get anywhere with it. I know, you’re probably sat there like 'just get Austin to slip a good word in here and there and you'd be set' but it's not that easy. We don't want to be handed fame on a plate, we want to earn it, like everyone else that Rise/Fearless have signed.
Yesterday we got a phone call from a number none of use recognized, we answered it, hoping it wasn't some pathetic bastard trying to sell us some crappy old television set or something equally as bad. As it turned out, it was Rise Records, offering us a record deal and a place on the next Vans Warped Tour. A double whammy of awesomeness.
We've been waiting for a chance like this since we formed the band, and now they're actually giving it a second thought. I just. I don't understand it. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU BE GIVING A RECORD DEAL A SECOND THOUGHT?!?!?!?!
I'm surprised I haven't bashed all of their heads together yet, it's just...urgh. So frustrating.