Higher Than My Expectations

The Boy Who Could Fly

Bright white lights greeted me as I woke up; I moved my head slightly around the pillow, groaning as I did so.
I closed my eyes shut again and tried to shift myself up in the bed but to no avail.
''Lexi...Lexi...are you awake?'' I heard from my left
''Ahh... I guess so...'' I tried to open my eyes again and kept them open this time.
''How are you felling?'' Kyle rubbed my right hand
''Oh I don't know, like I just got beat up I suppose. You know, apart from that I'm fine and dandy'' I laughed nervously and sat up a little more in the bed.
''Hey, don't sit up so fast'' a doctor butted in from somewhere behind my line of vision '' you got a nasty bump to your head so you're going to have to take it easy for a few days, we might have to keep you in overnight to monitor you, but we won't know that for certain until further in the day when your medication has worn off.'' He walked around the end of my bed and got the file out of it and smiled warmly at me.
''Medication?'' I asked warily unsure of why I would need medication, I mean I only got a bump on the head, just like the doctor said.
''Yes, we had to give you some pain relief and something to help stop the bleeding; we're not sure whether or not you will need a scan so...yeah. Try and take it easy for now, if you have any problems, like dizziness, nausea or anything of the sort, just let us know okay'' he smiled again and walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
''So erm...what do I do now?''
''Well I think we should just chill out...or whatever and wait for your brothers to get here...’’ They looked guiltily into their laps and twiddled their thumbs.
''Guys, c'mon. None of it was your fault so you've got nothing to worry about!'' I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
''No, all of it was our fault; I shouldn't have made you come to the hospital with her''
''And I shouldn't have made Kyle take my turn in driving''
''Look honestly guys none of this is your fault. It would have happened whoever was driving, and I would have ended up in here anyway. I mean, I would have bit your arm off just to come here and check how that little girl was doing! You know how stubborn I can be!''
''True, it still doesn't stop me feeling guilty though''
''Oh come of Kyle, it doesn't matter! After all of what her sister did to me she'll have to drop the charges or else I'll get a law suit on her fat ass!''
They chuckled slightly; David's face dropped suddenly and looked up at me '' Why, what did her sister do to you?'' He raised an inquisitive eyebrow and leant back in his chair.
''Well, back in high school we were in the same classes together and...'' I was interrupted by the door to my room swinging open, almost throwing it off of its hinges altogether.
''What the fuck happened to you?!'' My two, very out of breath, brothers stormed in gasping for breath.
''I'm pretty sure you already know what happened Vic'' I looked at him, staring him straight in the eyes, knowing that it wouldn't be long until he started accusing Kyle and David of all sorts.
''Yeah we do, and we know exactly who's to blame!'' He gave them both dirty looks.
''It wasn't their fault Mike!''
''Oh right, so who was driving and who was supposed to be driving? And who forced who to get in the ambulance, who managed in a hospital bed of her own? Hey, you answer me that!''
''Well, Kyle was driving. David was supposed to be driving. Kyle made me get in the ambulance. BUT, Mike, that doesn't matter!''
''Of course it bloody matters!''
''No Mike, it doesn't. It would have happened no matter what or who was driving. I would have bitten off my own arm to make sure I could come and make sure that kid was alright! No matter how much of a bitch her sister just so happens to be. So don't come in here and start pointing the finger at these because they couldn't help what happened! They wouldn't have been able to stop it!'' by the end of the rant I was pretty much shouting at them, I mean, being siblings and all we have had our share of fights, but none of them had ended up in me shouting at them both.
''Well we want them gone.'' Vic said as calm as he could, even if it was through gritted teeth.
''Oh do you? Well I want them to stay '' I crossed my arms over my chest and sucked in my breath.
''Lexi you don't have any control over this''
''Oh really? Well when you're the one in the hospital bed, you can choose who visits you. But for now, you aren't. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And this just so happens to be one of them''
''Lex, come on!'' Mike half shouted at me.
''No Mike, as much as I love you guys, I'm not putting up with your bull shit!''
''Bullshit? What bullshit?'' Vic commented.
''False accusations, making decisions for me, what's next? Making me move into your bus and hanging out with you and the boys all tour? Then what, kicking me out because I manage to grow a back bone and stand up for what I believe in?! Remember what happened when you tried to control my life before? I ended up in hospital in a coma because some stupid idiots I call brothers wouldn't let me do anything for myself'' I could feel tears pricking at my eyes by just recalling the memories.
''Now you know that wasn't our fault Lexi! You should never have gone out should you!!'' Vic retaliated.
''What, so because you were a miserable arse hole I wasn't allowed to have any fun?'' I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek as I took in a large gulp of air before continuing '' I fell out with someone and you wouldn't let me out of the house apart from school, you wouldn't let me walk down the street by myself after my 'little accident' and you always blamed other people for what I did. Did you ever take a moment to think that maybe wrapping me up in cotton wool and not letting me out of your sights had done that to me?! Of course you wouldn't, you just wanted me to be safe. I fucking understood that, okay. I get that you care about me but there's only so far that a brother can go before they start scarring someone. And you know EXACTLY what I mean by that Michael. Don't you.'' I sighed and wiped the tears from my face and carried on '' Don't get me wrong guys, I love you. I really do, but you just need, *sigh* you just need to give me a break for once in my fucking life! It took me almost 3 years to convince you to let me even join the band in the first place, and then god knows how long to make sure if getting a job over in England was okay with you. You're worse than Mum! She doesn't make me run everything by her, and I don't have to tell her everything that goes on in my life. I'm an adult guys, and I have been for a while now. You just need to accept the fact that you can't control me forever!''
They both just stared at me with a blank expression on their faces, Vic's quickly turned into anger as he stormed out of the room. Mike was soon to follow, but his facial expression was more of a sorrowful one.
I curled up in my bed and tucked myself into the thin covers that smelt like and elderly woman's perfume, and cried.