Sequel: Best Expectation
Status: I wanted to upload something.

Best Woman


By the fourth week, Evan had enough and sped over to Leo’s house, where Annabelle had been staying and knocked profusely on the door.

Annabelle, unaware lazily swung the door open and froze as she saw him standing there.

“Evan?” she stated, surprised.

Evan frowned at her: “How long is “ready” going to take, Annie?” he spat out angrily. Annabelle’s forehead creased in irritation as she waved him in.

“Whenever I damn well please – Evan.” She spat his own name back. Evan ran his hands through his hair, groaning in frustration.

“You’re driving me mad!” he snapped out, and Annabelle watched as he paced the living room, thankful that Leo and Faye had gone out.

“How so?” Annabelle confused, and Evan sighed and dropped his hands and looked at her.

“You won’t get off my mind, all I can think about is you Annie…” Evan exclaimed desperately.
Annabelle looked at him – truly looked at him- he had dark circles under his eyes, his hair didn’t look well kept, as if all he’d been doing was pacing and running hands through his hair. He was dressed in a blue sweatshirt, one Annabelle recognise and had worn on a few occasions when she had stopped at his. She loved that sweater.

Annabelle sighed and smiled faintly at him: “You’re getting married, Evan.” She reminded him, and Evan looked at her, almost appalled.

“I don’t care anymore Annie! I don’t want to get married!” he screamed out in frustration. Annabelle shook her head, as if Evan was a child and just didn’t understand.

“Evan you love Ellie…” she said quietly, not meeting his eyes.

“No! I love you Annie, I love you…” he interrupted, and stepped closer to her, taking her hands and squeezing them – Annabelle didn’t squeeze back, just left them there limply.

“I love you.” He repeated, and tried to get their eyes to meet.
His eyes looked so sad, and his face looked exhausted and it killed Annabelle to see him like that.

“I love you too, Evan.” She couldn’t not say it too him.

“Let’s leave Annie…me and you…” he begged, squeezing her limp hands again. Annabelle felt her heart thudding in her chest, and her whole body screaming in fear of what she was about to do.

She met his eyes and reached and touched his face, something she had grown to love. Evan nuzzled into her hand, placing his hand over hers and kissing her palm.

“Please Annie…please…” he whispered desperately.

This was her chance.

“Evan…” she croaked, as her eyes brimmed with tears.

“I love you, I have been in love with you for six years and I will be in love with you for the rest of my life…but I’m not going to let you make the biggest mistake of your life…” she murmured.
Evan shook his head, ready to argue but she shushed him with her finger on his lips.

“Let me finish…” she insisted. “You do love Ellie, you wouldn’t have proposed to her if you didn’t…you’re confused and worried, that’s why you’re here.”

Evan again tried to argue, but Annabelle frowned at him, immediately silencing him.

“In two weeks, you’re getting married…and I will keep my promise and be your best woman, I will be by your side.” Annabelle felt her heart being ripped out as she said the words.

Evan searched her face, pleading her to stop: “No…” he breathed. Annabelle shook her head.

“And after your wedding Evan, you will pick your wife over me, you understand?” Annabelle asked him.

Evan didn’t move at all, just frozen.

“We can’t be friends anymore Evan, too much has happened…”

“I don’t want to be friends Annie, I love you!” Evan blurted out, and Annabelle felt her heart thud. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

“I can’t let you Evan…which is why, after the wedding…” Annabelle breathed, trying to keep calm.

“We’re done.” She finished. Evan’s lips parted in shock and fear, and he gripped onto Annabelle’s body, as they held one another, hugging tightly.

“Don’t push me away…please don’t push me away.” He whispered frantically in her ear. The tears rolled down her heated cheeks, and she sighed softly.

She pulled away and placed a single kiss on his lips.

“Don’t you ever change Evan Woodson.” She whispered, and smiled sadly, she pulled away forcefully, as he refused to let go and walked to the stairway.

“You can let yourself out, right? I’m afraid I can’t close the door on you.” She said, trying to sound cheerful. Evan looked at her in desperation, unable to bear the pain that was about to come.

“Why not?” he rasped, feeling hurt.

Tears streamed, and Annabelle tried to wipe them away and sniffed: “I can never close the door on you Evan, never have….” She said tearfully, and quickly jogged upstairs before she changed her mind.

Evan did leave, with tears in his own eyes, wishing he had realised his feelings sooner.
The two weeks flew by, and Evan and Annabelle hadn’t spoken until the rehearsal dinner, it was just formal words that meant nothing to either of them.

Ellie was clinging to him like a leech, giggling and kissing him constantly. Annabelle sighed into her wine glass as she finished it off, her third one.

“Drowning your sorrows there, kid?” Leo’s voice came, and leaned on the bar beside her. Annabelle smiled, feeling tipsy and nodded.

“I’m going to miss him…” she hiccupped, as she glanced at him. He was playing the host perfectly, kissing the women’s cheeks, shaking the men’s hands, laughing at the bad jokes, complimenting and schmoozing all of them.

He’d always been the charmer.

Ellie reached and kissed him again, at that point Annabelle lifted her hand the bartender, who smiled sympathetically at her. “Another one, my man…” she drawled and slid the glass over and twisted on her chair, crossing her legs again.

Leo glanced at his sister warily: “I don’t understand why you’re letting him go, Annie…” Leo sighed tiredly, and asked for a beer from the returning bar tender.

Annabelle sipped her wine quickly and looked at her brother “He’s happy, Leo…he’s going to marry her and have babies with her…” she felt a lump in her throat suddenly.
She took another glug of alcohol, needing to feel as numb as humanly possible.

“Hey Annabelle! Come meet my cousins!” Ellie called suddenly, and Annabelle smiled falsely at her and nodded, as Ellie waved frantically.

She slid off the stool, wobbling slightly and Leo steadied her: “You alright?” he asked concerned.

Annabelle huffed, straightening out her dress, and staggered over. Evan watched her nervously. Annabelle tripped up, and fell into one of Ellie’s cousins, he chuckled and steadied her.

“Well hello…” he flirted, and Annabelle smiled drunkenly. “You’re cute.” She hiccupped, and she felt her arm being tugged away and being yanked away from Ellie and her flirtatious cousin.
Ellie hadn’t noticed, too absorbed in her happiness as Evan dragged his best friend outside

“What the hell you think you’re doing?” Evan snapped furiously. Annabelle sighed exaggeratedly.

“Sweetie, calm down…” she hiccupped, and Evan glared harshly: “I can’t believe you’ve got drunk at my dinner rehearsal.” He snapped.

Annabelle shrugged, and felt herself leaning and stumbling over. Evan grabbed her and steadied her, refusing to let her go.

“Lemme go…” she mumbled, and Evan shook his head.

“Annabelle…look at me…” he ordered, and she stupidly did, looking into his aqua blue eyes that she adored.

Evan searched her face, and loosened his grip, and hugged her lightly, they swayed gently, as if they were swaying.

“God I’ll miss you.” He whispered, squeezing her.

From the drunken haze she was in, Annabelle couldn’t reply, she just held on to him lightly, and enjoyed the soothing scent of him and the warm arms around her, making the most of it while she could.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm such a sloth for not updating, but you'll be pleased to know the rest is prewritten and I'm considering a sequel, not sure yet...

Also, I just want to say thank you so much to all of you lovely people for reading, commenting and subscribing, it means the world and I'm not just saying that. Those who comment, thank you for putting such nice things and honestly if any of you guys need a story reading, rated or whatever, lemme know! :)

This A/N is really long....sorry! ;) <3