Status: As active as my sex life. ...Nevermind, that's not very active...

Can We Create Something Beautiful?

-author's note-

My excuses are awful, babes.

So grab a chair.


Ohmygod, guys, I know, I haven't updated in forever. I honestly have no other excuses but laziness or lack of interest in my own stories. I've attempted writing one shots, even, but those haven't been working, either.

I have no motivation anymore.

I'm not sure what it is exactly; I just don't want to update these babies, you feel?

This is also my first time typing with proper grammar in months, oh god, I'm so sorry.

But I'm going to attempt to push myself to begin my Oli Sykes x OMC story. I really like the concept of it and I might to a Joey Graceffa x Anthony Padilla one shot, even.

I'm writing this on a computer and I feel the need to tell you that I just pressed my spacebar twice in hopes that it would make a period as I'm used to my iPod. *facepalm*

But in 69 days I'm going to see Blood on the Dance Floor, The Relapse Symphony, Farewell My Love, Haley Rose and Heavygrinder in Boston for the Bad Blood tour. And God knows that I will get some sort of fan fiction idea form that, so maybe you'll get a Jahvie? Who knows anymore? I'm so messy with my life and accomplishments.

But you guys leave the sweetest comments, they make me so happy, oh my god.


Until I get motivation, guys...I feel like I'm just gonna be reading other people's stories. I'm also auditioning for this band called Nevermore soon, and that'll get in the way, if I get in, even.

So until then, fair winds, and enjoy some Jalex fan art!
