Status: As active as my sex life. ...Nevermind, that's not very active...

Can We Create Something Beautiful?

When You Can't Sleep At Night

-Eric's POV-

I guess I was hanging out with Blake today. Honestly, I was a little afraid to. He was so sweet and cute, I might not be able to keep myself composed.

I drove to my house and waited for Blake to get there. I was kinda nervous, quite honestly. I didn't wanna make a fool of myself. Oh god, what if my mom thought I liked him? I mean, I do, but she'd totally embarrass me! I can't let her find out. So that means I can't look at him with want in my eyes. Yeah, that'll be easy. Sigh.

Blake got here and I invited him to my living room. "You have a nice house," he said.
"Thanks. My mom decorates when she's bored."
"Hah, my mom does too." He looked a little out of it, but I made nothing of it.

"So...what's your house like? Y'know, sounds, smells, feelings..."
"Oh. Well, when Aidmoon's around, its all peppy and happy, but when I'm alone, its the scariest thing..."
"You and Aidmoon hang out a lot?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"What about your parents? What's it like with them?"
"Well, my dad is dead, and my mom...she's pretty serious. I don't talk to her much."
"Ahhh. Do you have a job?"
"Yeah, I work at New Kid Records. It pays pretty well."
"That's good. I can never seem to find a job."
"There's loads around here, you just gotta find them." He gave me a reassuring smile and opened his backpack, pulling out a fuzzy panda hat. He pulled it onto his head.

"I see you like pandas," I said.
"I love them. They're so cute and furry. I wish I was a panda sometimes. No responsibilities, just sleeping and eating bamboo all the time."
"Yeah, I get you. But I think I like being a human."
"Meh. Its okay. I mean, I can make a difference in the world. And that's all I really want to do with my life..."
"I could never make a difference."
"I bet you could. Just set your mind to it." He smiled again and stroked his hat, as it was fuzzy. I did so as well, making him giggle. His giggle was the cutest thing I had ever experienced.

"So, what do you do when you're bored?" I asked. I wanted to know everything about him.
"I usually write. Poetry, stories, songs...I sing too. Play guitar."
"Really? I suck at all that. I usually play with my cat and go on the internet," I said sheepishly. He was so talented, and I was

"I bet you're good at something. You just gotta find it."
"You're probably right. But I don't know what I wanna do with my life. I just wanna graduate and sleep all day."
"Now, you know you wanna do something."
"I do, I just don't know what."
"Do you like cooking? Drawing? Stars?"
"I mean, I guess I like drawing, painting, sketching...but I suck at it."
"Hey, don't say that! You're probably really good."
"I don't think so."
"Do you have any paintings? Drawings?"
"Yeah, I usually draw things like landscapes, flowers, myself..."
"Can I see one?"
"Umm...yeah. Hang on."

I ran to my room quickly, trying not to leave him alone for too long and grabbed my sketch book. I ran back and sat next to him. I flipped it to a page of a drawing of Eldin Bridge from the Legend Of Zelda. I hadn't coloured it yet, but I planned on doing so.

"That's...amazing," Blake said, gently tracing over every shading with his finger. He smiled a little bit. "Eric, you're really good."
"Thanks, but...I'm not finished yet. I don't have the right colour for the stones. The sun is a generic yellow orange. It should be gold."
"C'mon, most people dream about being this good!"
I blushed. "You really think so?"
"The only person who's ever said that was my ex...and I didn't really think they told the truth."
"They did. Trust me."
"Well, he said-"
"I-I mean..." I totally didn't mean to say he. I didn't want to freak him out. I bet he thinks I'm weird now.
"Are you gay?"
"Cool. Me too."
"Yeah. It took me a while to figure out, but I guess realizing that I didn't even find Aidmoon to be became pretty obvious."
"I've always kinda known. I liked guys since the day I was born. I remember thinking Adam Levine was the cutest thing..."
"Really?" he said, giggling.
"What's so wrong with Adam Levine?" I said, smirking a bit.
"He's alright, I guess, but c'mon, Patrick Stump? Brendon Urie?"
"I guess they're cute."
"I knew you would think so."


Blake and I became fast friends. His phone rang. "Hello? ... Oh, okay. I'll be there soon. ... Okay. Bye."

"Who was that?"
"Aidmoon. I gotta go, okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay. Hey, what's your number? We could text sometime."
"Oh, here!" He got a Sharpie and wrote it on my hand. 233-6533. I'd never forget that.

He stood up and smoothed out his shirt. I stood up as well, going to grab my phone to put his number in. He then pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks for having me over. Too bad I couldn't meet your parents," he said.
"O-Oh, yeah..." I was blushing so hard.
"One more thing you need to know, I'm a hugger. Or a cuddler. I like cuddles."
"Me too." He pulled away and left. I suddenly wished I had that moment back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit to Of Mice & Men. And awww, hugs ^-^
Next chapter soon, my little lemon drops.