Status: As active as my sex life. ...Nevermind, that's not very active...

Can We Create Something Beautiful?

When It Rains

-Eric's POV, weeks later-

I'm currently in the middle of my scene. Blake is more beautiful and poetic than I am, so it made sense that he play Romeo. I was Juliet, just kinda dead. I was the definition of awkward moment at this point in time.

My eyes were slightly open, fixed on Blake's beautiful face. I didn't know why I was nervous; he wasn't actually going to kiss me. He was gonna lean down and hug me. I wasn't too opposed to it. And honestly, I was good with whatever kind of physical contact he gave me. I liked him a lot.

He was done. He took a sip of the water bottle and leaned down to hug me. He stayed there for a few seconds. When I full-on opened my eyes, he moved his head over and placed his lips onto mine.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

His lips were soft, as I had presumed. His hand rested on the side of my face. Kissing him honestly made me the happiest man alive. If only it had meant something.

We continued on and finished the scene. I was still in shock and blushing. Mr. Raudelunas spoke up.

"Hmph. I thought you two weren't kissing."
"Me too," I added. Blake blushed.
"Well, nonetheless, you showed passion and it honestly seemed real. Good job, gentlemen."
"Thanks, sir," Blake said. Dear god, he was flawless.

-after class-

I caught up with Blake in the hallway. "So...what was that all about?" I asked.
"You kissing me. I thought we weren't."
"Were you uncomfortable? Sorry. This girl was staring at you like she was about to pounce on you and do you in front of the entire class. I wanted to break the news of you being gay to her softly."

My heart dropped. "Oh. I get it." was all I said.

We went on through the rest of the day awkwardly. I wished he had liked me the way I liked him. I could've sworn he had at least some feelings for me. I guess I was wrong, though. Nobody ever had feelings for me.

I drove home alone. Blake texted me a few times.


Hey Eric :)

I know today was awkward, and I'm really sorry :/

Please text me? :P

I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted to go to my room and cry. But if I did, my mom would want to know why. Maybe if I told her I wanted to take a nap...

"Hey, kid. How was school?" she asked.
"Tiring. I'm gonna take a nap, alright? Wake me for supper."
"Alright. G'night."
"Night." I strolled up into my room. I laid down and slowly but surely began crying. I never thought a guy could make me cry, quite honestly. I only cried for maybe two minutes until I got it together and wiped my eyes.

I'm sorry I haven't been texting you. Tired.

Even through text, I can tell when you're lying. What's wrong?

Nothing, really.

Eric, who do you like?

Just a boy. Its not important.

Is it me?

No, of course not. Don't worry. We're friends.

Oh. Alright. If something was wrong, you'd tell me right? I'll kill it.

Of course, Blake.

Good :3

I didn't text him back. He was adorable and perfect, but...I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to hear his calming voice or his adorable giggle. I didn't want to think of his beautiful face. I didn't ask to feel this way. So why do I?

-Blake's POV-

Eric didn't like me. For some reason, I was...crushed. I liked Eric, definitely. And that scene was just an excuse to kiss him! I didn't know why I was so afraid to tell him I liked him. I was confident enough to tell other people, why not him?

Aidmoon drifted into my room. "Blakeeeeyyy! Come join the family! You're always in your room, dummy!"
"I'm not in the mood, Aidmoon."
"What? Why?"
"I'm just...really crushed. Alright?"
"No, Blake. Not alright. If anyone knows anything about us, its that it takes a lot to take the smile off of our face. What is it?"
"Just a guy I like. He doesn't like me back."
"Its deeper than that. We've been in this sitch before."
"I don't know. He's just...different. He's almost my exact opposite. I feel like we balance each other out. He's so perfect that I can't even put words to it. You know that feeling?"
"Yeah, I do..."
"He's beautiful, funny, shy, quirky...all things I'm not, y'know?"
"No way. Blake, this is the first time you've insulted yourself! He's really special, huh?"
"Who is he?"
"Eric Light?! Why would you like him? Isn't he straight?"
"Asking if Eric is straight is like asking is Jeffree Star is straight, Aiddy."
"Oh. Guess not. But if he doesn't like you, there's something wrong with him."
"There's nothing wrong with him. At all."
"Want me to talk to him?"
"O-Okay. Go for it..."
"Okay! I'm gonna make you green bean casserole for dinner. Your favourite. You need some massive cheering up, sweetie!"
"Aww. Thanks, Aidmoon."
"No problem." She gave me a kiss on my cheek and went downstairs. I texted Eric.

Can you come over? Please?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit to Paramore. Yeah yeah yeah the whole play thing is clichĂȘ and stupid. But fuck tha police.