I Can Change Him


I watched Mark as he slammed a kid up to a locker. Mark must have pushed him pretty hard because I could hear the impact from down the hall.
Mark was picking on one of his usual suspects, Robbie. Robbie was a skinny, small kid, ovously hadn't hit puberty yet. He still looked like he was in sixty grade rather than tenth.
"So are you going to give me that ten dollars you put into you pocket," Mark spat at Robbie.
"I-I don't know what your talking about," Robbie stuttered.
Mark laugh, "now don't lie to me Robert. I saw you pay for your lunch, I saw you put the ten dollars in your pocket. Now be a good friend and give it to me."
I was surprised when Robbie answered, "I'm not your friend."
There was a pause, I started to walk down the hallway to them, then Mark threw Robbie to the floor. He staired at him for a moment before he noticed me. His eyes were angered, and his jaw was set. When he saw me, he seemed to relax a bit, but then turned around the corner and was out of sight.
I bent over to help Robbie up, "are you ok Rob?"
He stood up and brushed off his jeans, "yeah I'm fine. Thanks Katelinn," he smiled as he walked the other way to his class.
I looked where Mark had disspered. I should go back to class. I had the bathroom pass and I'd already been gone to long. But I found me self walking the opposite way to where Mark disspered. When I peered around the corner I was surprised to see Mark. He was sitting on the floor with his hea in his knees. I cautiously walked over to him. As I got closer I could hear his sobs.
I was standing over him. He peered up at me, "What the hell do you want?"
His comment stung me. I still sat down next to him, "what's wrong?"
"Is it any of your f*cking business?"
Another stinging comment, "you know, you don't have to be mean."
He looked at me his blue eyes glassy, "why do you care. No one cares about me. So why should you?"
"Why not?"
He wiped his nose with his sleeve and look away, "Because I'm a f*ck up. Worthless price of sh!t. I'm not worth anyone's time."
I staired intensely at the side of his face, I put my hand on his back, but he quickly moved away.
"Well," I started to say, "I care about you. I don't care if you don't want me to or not I..."
"You don't even know me. We've been in like four class's together. You don't know anything about me, " he stood up, "and you should really stop careing about everyone so much, it makes you look like a pushover. And your just going to get hurt."
And he left me there. Feeling like a peice of crap.