I Can Change Him


I hadn't seen Mark in a week. Seince he told me to f*ck off. His comments hurt me. He hurts a lot of people. What I don't understand is why? I mean I doubt he likes being hurt, so why hurt others? I couldn't dream of hurting some one like that. But I mean like Mark said I care too much, but the thing is its really hard to not care. And to care about everyone actually hurts, like people just take my care and shoves it up my a$$ likeMark did. Sometimes even worse.
But I still f*cking care. I even still care about Mark. Even though his rude comments made me thing about myself while I was in bed. Made me feel like sh!t. I still care about him. I hate that about myself because its just setting myself up to get hurt because not everyone cares. Not everyone will care. And something's it feel like no one cares.

It was Thursday, almost two weeks Mark has been out, but he's hear today. He had a horrid black eye and he wore a arm splint. From what I herd Mark tell his buddy's, he got into a moterbike accident and was bed ridden for a week.
For some strange reason, I didn't believe his story.
Through out the day, in all four of the classes Mark and I are in I would constantly find him stairing at me. It's nothing though. As I headed to lunch I couldn't help but eavesdrop on a conversation Mark and my friend Molly were haveing;
"Mark you need to stop that," Molly said as she pushed Mark away.
"Stop what?"
"Touching me like that."
"I'm not.."
"Yes you are. It's making me uncomfortable, could you please stop."
"Why," he said snakeing his arms around he waists, "you don't like it?"
Molly pushed him away, "no, I don't."
He looked at her with anger, "well that's not what I herd."
"Exsuce you! What ever you herd about me being a none vergin, well it's not true. I'm as pure as the freshly fallen snow. Now just leave me alone, don't talk to me again. Don't even look at me," with that she ran away.
As soon as she was out of sight Mark turned around and kicked some lockers, "you f*cking idiot!" He yelled at himself.
He hit his head against the locker and punded his fist saying, "idiot, idiot, idiot f*cking idiot!"
I made myself visible, I don't know if her knew it was me or not, but when he noticed me he pushed himself away from the lockers and stormed away.
I wanted to run after him like last time, in hope he would actually talk to me, but to be honest I was scared. I was scared of Mark. Not just his bitter words, but his actions. I saw utterly afraid of what he was caplable of.
But I still wanted to help him. I still care.