I Can Change Him


It was finally a long week end. Not school for three f*cking days! Now I can relax and listen to music. I waited my friday doing nothing but watch tv. In Saterday I desited to do something productive. Go for a walk.
I listened to music as my boots crunched under the freshly fallen snow. Every thing looked very beautiful with the snow covering it.unlike a few weeks ago everything just looked dead. I was in my own world listening to my music. I was suddenly pulled out of my world by a very loud noise. I looked around and noticed across the street a young boy stormed out of a house. The loud noise must have been the door slamming. I watched the boy storm down the street, only to notice that it was Mark.
I made it across the street just in time to see him slip and fall on a patch of ice. I ran over to him, "are you ok Mark?"
"Ah, f*ck!"
I kneeled down next to him and sat him up, "Mark?"
"Are you ok?"
"My f*cking head hurts," he went to go touch his head but flinched, he brought his hand back and there was blood on it, "damnit."
"You need to get that wrapped up, and put some ice on it. Come on, I'll help you to your house..."
"No!" He yelled as I helped him up, "I can't go back there. Not now."
I wanted to ask him why, but desited that it was none of my bisness, "Ok. Well my house is only a few blocks away, we can go there. My mum is a nurse and she has a lot of medical stuff laying around."
"Ok," he said as he started to walk, but lost his footing and triped.
I caught him, "You must have hit your head pretty hard. Are you dizzy?"
His eyes met mine, "Yeah. Very."
I put hisarm around my shoulder, "just lean on me."

It was a quiet walk back to my house. We walked into my driveway and i noticed my mums car was gone, "I wonder where my mum went."
"Your moms not home?"
I opened the front door, "Mom! Hello, are you home?" there was silence, "I guess she went to the store. Come on."
I lead Mark into the kitchen and sat him down at the kitchen table, "let me got get my mums first aid kit."
I ventured into my mums room and found the handy dandy first aid kit on her bed stand. I went back into the kitchen only to find Mark playing with my cat.
"His name is Henry."
He looked at me startled, "Oh. He's friendly."
I opened the first aid kit, and got out a pair of rubber gloves.
"Why do you need those?"
"Well I'm going to be touching an open wound, I don't want it to get infected. Now let me see your head."
I had to push his longish hair away from the wound, it was quite deep. And it was still bleeding. I dabbed up some of the blood, and washed it off with some water. It was big. Too big for just a fall he must have landed on a rock or a chunk of ice.
"Ah, f*cking damnit that hurts. Sh!t."
"Um, I have some bad news."
I sighed, "you need some Stiches. Not more like only two."
"What!" he turned around to look at me, "Who the hell is going to stitch me up? I cant got to the hospital."
"Why not?"
He starred at me for a moment, "My dad would be pi$$ed at me."
I chewed at my lip, "Well, I could do it."
He looked at me confused, "You could. How do you know how?"
I laughed, "My mum's a nurse, and my father's a docter. I new how to do this Seince I was four."
He brushed the hair out of his eyes, "Are you sure?"
"If you don't want me to I.."
"No. You have to do it for me."
I surched mums medical bag for sterilizer, anastetic, a medical needle, and medical thread.
"Ok, so I'm going to put anastetic on. It may sting for a moment, but you shouldn't feel a thing. Now this thread should disintegrate in about a month. Ok I'm done."
"Are you?"
"Yep," I said as I dabbed away the rest of the blood, "be very careful when you wash your hair for about two weeks."
"How do you know all this. Yeah your mom and dad are in the medical thing, but do you have to lurn about it?"
I sat down acros form him, "Well, yes. My parents want me to know this stuff. It's all intresting and good to know, but it's not like my parents want to me be like them."
He smiled, "Your parents care about you."
"Yeah, " I looked at him confused, "Why wouldn't they?"
He was quiet for a moment. Score looking up at me, "No reason. I should, uh, probably go," he stood up and started for the door, "oh and, and thanks for fixing my head Katelinn. I'll... I'll see you at school."
And with that he left. And for some reason my heart felt all funny that Mark was in my house.