Status: Up and Killin' it. (see what I did there.) :3

You're My Baby Girl?

Full Name's

"I found you!" I looked up to see Carl and I squealed.

I ran behind the R.V. And waited for Carl to find me, it was about 5 minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Carl grinning like a fool.

"Got you Lilly." I giggled and yelled,

"Aww, dang you Carl umm, what's your middle name?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Carl James Grimes." I said proudly.

"Oh, mine is Lillian, um, Silvia, Dixon!" I smiled at him and I heard foot steps behind me.

"Oo, that's Daryl's last name!" I heard Sophia behind me and I smiled at her.l

"Woah! Maybe your related." Carl suggested.

"Maybe, he's my daddy!!! My mama said my daddy didn't want me." I frowned at him.

"Aww, well we like you Lilly, right Carl?" Sophia smiled.

"Yeah your the best." Carl joined in.

"Thanks." I hugged Carl then Sophia.

"Carl!!!" We heard Carl's mom yell and we all ran back to the adults.

We got back to camp and saw no one there, I saw everyone under cars so I dragged Sophia and Carl with me under the closest car.

"Why are we down here?" I heard Carl whisper.

I pointed to the walkers feet at the sides of the cars and the both gasped, I felt tears welling up at the corner of my eyes. They were limping past our car until they were all gone. I stuck my head out from under the car and right back in when I saw another pair of feet.

I looked back at Carl and Sophia and then saw a head pop in front of me and I got from under the car and ran for the woods with tears pouring down my face.

I looked around and saw just trees, I kept running since I heard leaves crunching and sticks breaking behind me. I reached a lake and was swooped up from up behind, I slapped the arms of the person that grabbed me.

We reached a little dam in the middle of the lake and I was set down under it. I looked up at Rick and saw sorrow in his eyes, I smiled at him and he said,

"Stay here and don't move, if any come down here run down that path way." I pointed to the trees where is had yellow grass as a trail.

"Ok." I smiled and nodded.

With that he took off running threw the water and into the woods, I was left alone for just water flow and the sounds of small animals. I looked around where I was and found I was all alone again.

*£* Back At Camp *£*

Everyone at camp was paci back and fourth waiting for the two to get back to camp. Everyone knew it was real dangerous to stay out in the woods.

"Mom do you think dad will bring her back?" Carl asked his mother.

"She'll be fine." She reassured.

"Do you thinks Daryl cares about her?" Carl asked another question, that confused Lori.

"I think so, why do you ask?" She answered.

"Well, today me and Lilly were playing hide and seek, tag." Carl started. "Then she went to call me my full name cause I got her and so I told her. When she told me hers, she said her last name was Dixon. Sophia told us that Daryl has the same last name, so I suggested maybe they're related." He rambled.

"Then, Lilly told me that she didn't have a dad and that her mom said that her dad didn't want her, and now I am thinking at maybe Daryl is her dad..." He trailed off and Lori gasped.

"Maybe, but we might not know for sure." She smiled down at Carl, "go see if Shane needs any help." She shooed him away.

Lori went to look around for Carol, when she found Carol she was wi Daryl talking. Lori looked at Daryl with wide eyes and Daryl shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Carol do you ink I could talk to you." She asked sternly and Carol nodded.

"Yeah, Lori what is it?" Carols voice was smooth.

"Well I got some information from Carl about Lilly and he said that her last name is Dixon, and that she never had a father and that her mother told her how her father never wanted do you think maybe you could talks to Daryl about it?" I whispered.

"Holy mother of gosh! Are you sure it's true?" Carol yelled, causing a couple heads to turn our way.

"Yep, Carl said it came right from Lilly's mouth." Lori said to the woman.

"I will tell him right away, who would go so low and leave a little girl like that!" Carol huffed and everyone's attention was on us at the second.

"Daryl! I need to talk to you urgently!" Carol demanded.

"Tell me why ya' all huffin' an' puffin'." Daryl commented.

"Lillian, that why how can you leave a little girl like that!" Carol was steaming now.

"What are ya' goin' on abou' we brought her back ta' camp didn't we?" Daryl had no clue what made her so upset.

"I am not talking about that, do you even know her full name?" Carol looked him right into his eyes and confusion was written on them.

"I don't know I've never seen her before all I know is her real name is Lillian." Daryl didn't know why she was making a big deal out of a name.

"Oh, right why didn't you want her, her life is so precious, and to let her mother tell her that makes me so furious." Carol was now in Daryl face.

"Why are ya' tellin' me this?" He tried to stay calm.

"Her name is, Lillian Dixon." Carol shouted and Carl added, "It's Lillian Silvia Dixon!"

"There is tons of people with that last name." Daryl added in.

"Her mother told her, that her father didn't want her!" Carl steamed.

"I wouldn't tell anyone that." Daryl growled.

"Well, then figure out her Mama's name and maybe it'll trigger something!" Carol snapped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap, that is a shocker. Well maybe to some of you, maybe some of you knew it was coming but here ya go now you really know what happened.

Love you,

- Hannah <3