Status: Up and Killin' it. (see what I did there.) :3

You're My Baby Girl?

Feelings and a New comer

*£* Daryl *£*

After the incident with Carol I have been avoiding her, when I was doing what I was doing, it made me feel gross. I liked Carol but as a friend, mother type of relationship and it felt just plain weird.

I moved awkwardly away from Carol as we were in a where we found out that Lori was Pregnant and that there is a barn full of walkers. I knew that I couldn't let Lillian out of sight without thinking the worst of what could happen.

"I say we kill them!" Shane protest against Rick.

"It Herschel's land, and we will do what he says." Rick tried to reason with him.

"So you okay with Carl and Lori sleeping knowing that they are those things just a few feet away from them?!?" Shane was up in Ricks face.

"Don't turn this on 'im it ain't his fault." I pointed my loaded cross bow at him.

"No need to raise weapons." Rick ushered me to put down my weapon.

I put down my weapon and stalked of into the woods, I threw my crossbow over my back and looked around taking in my surroundings.

I was walking around for hours alone and I only caught squirrels and a rabbit. I heard leaves crush and grunts, I looked around and saw at least 5 walkers surrounding a Women with Orange/Red hair. I brought up my cross bow and shot the last walker that was her left after she took out the other four.

I saw as she looked around her not noticing me yet, she stuck her knife her combat boot. I saw her fall against the tree and tears stream down her cheeks. She pulled her knees to her chest and start sobbing, she look so broken and I knew the feeling.

I jumped from behind the tree I was hiding from and walked over to her and set my hand on her back, and her breathing caught. She looked up and started to get up and she fell back onto her back. She looked at me with a terrified expression and I looked at her with nothing but sorrow.

"P-please don't hurt me." She stuttered.

"I ain't gonna hurt ya'." I grunted and picked her up by her arm.

"What are you gonna do with me." She looked down at her feet.

"I aam gonna take ya' back ta' my camp, get ya' cleaned up 'n' we'll see from there." I replied.

"Okay..." She seemed unsure about going with me so I dragged her along.

We got back to camp and I saw Lillian running up to me, I smiled and picked her up she hugged my neck. She looked at the girl next to me and smiled and waved at her.

"Daddy, who is that?" Lilly pointed at the girl.

"That is someone I brought from the woods, she's nice so don't worry." I assured her.

"Hii! I am Lilly." Lilly waved again.

"Hello, I am Heidi!" Heidi waved back at Lilly.

Lilly got from out of my embrace and took Heidi's hand and led her back to camp. I sighed and looked at the two wander off into camp, I already heard people asking questions.

I got back to camp with the girl and everyone already met Heidi, Rick was happy for another surviver but hesitant. Shane was an asshole as well as Andrea, then The Greene's were welcoming and Dale was well dale. The kids played with Heidi, until she went and cleaned up a little.

I was with Lillian and we were in my tent, I saw a figure out in the distance coming from camp. I grabbed my cross bow and held it pointing at the figure, until it got close enough to find out it was Heidi.

"Whatcha doin' all the way out here?" I asked.

"Ugh, well, ugh, Rick said you might have a place for me to sleep for a while..?" She asked more that stated.

"Yeah, go inside just don't wake up Lillian." I told her, since I probably wouldn't sleep nod would be on watch.

"Okay, what about you?" She asked hesitating a little before asking.

"On watch, can't risk it." I stated and she nodded.

She laid down in my tent and I could tell it took her a while to fall asleep. It must be hard to adjust to something after do something different for so long.

I kept my crossbow close and a blade in hand. I had a flash light intact and it was pointing light into the dark. It was a new world we all had to get use to...
♠ ♠ ♠
So gettin' a lot of comments on him and Carol, though I know I never like Carol... At all. I also felt weird about him and Carol so I was like I need to change this shit up, so hope you enjoy this chapter. Then for the new character i will post a picture of her in the characters if you would like to see what she looks like at all. Also to,

Mikey Whiskey Hands: Yeah, I actually never did a Carol and Daryl love story and I don't plan on it 'cause it sounds odd and I never really like the character Carol. I mean I never really like Carol after she lost Sophia and turned all hopeless and useless, so I gave it a shot and then I was like, oh hell no this shit is gross change! So keep reading and find out.

Then to,

Soku9: Yeah like what I Said, I never really like Carol, but I felt like a bitch for saying I don't like her so I gave it a chance. Then I was like no its not gonna work so... I'ma change it around a bit, so hope you keep reading anyway!

Love you,

- Hannah <3