Soul Of Despair

The Reason

Not a single soul knew about his whereabouts, nor did anyone know if he was still alive or walking along the shadows in this cold world. Seventy two hours into this search, he was found. He'd been hauled to jail? but why? It was all a sweet trap.

Many people envied her father. By sweat and blood worked off, he was a man of cash. Many wanted what he had. Economy problems started creeping up. Employment was not so easy to find. There was an offer. If her father got 25 people off an island, money was granted. Hundreds for each person. With desperate souls to get out of misery, they awaited his arrival which meant freedom from that island to them. Just 8 miles into his destination, strong men appeared out of the crisp dark night. He took a dive into the deep flows of water realizing he'd been set up. Making it out of the boat they destroyed into a thousand pieces, he swam and swam only for his legs to give out on him. Cramping, he gave up. Carrying him out of the cold waters, only God knew how many feet were underneath that man.

Under that same sky, back at her location, everyone was in tears. Looking like tiny crystals that have fallen on their skins...she realized she didn't have not three, not two, but not even one of those tiny crystals flowing down her face. She was clueless. She knew what the situation was, though her mind was calm. Too calm.