
You're Right Mabel, He's Flawless

Dipper paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room, his old hat from the Mystery Shack clenched between trembling fingers. It had been twelve years since they had first gone to Gravity Falls, the two now full grown adults. A few hours before Mabel's water had broken and he drove like a maniac to the hospital like a good husband should.
He had been excited when she told him of her pregnancy. Mabel would be the best possible mother. But as she grew farther and farther along, he began to worry. He had heard of cases where family members had children, the baby deformed both inside and out.
He and his sister were good people who just happened to fall in love. So they did what was sensible when two people loved each other. They got married and Mabel decided they change their last name to Oak. "Hey, pine trees and oak trees. Both wood so it's kinda the same." She said when asked about it.
A woman in mint green scrubs came out, "Dipper Oak, your wife wants to see you." He looked up and nodded, replacing his hat on his head and following the woman to the appropriate room. Mabel, her hair tied back in a braid, lay on the bed. Her face was pale with bags beneath the eyes and she looked exhausted. But her attention was focused on the small blue blanketed bundle in her arms.
She looked up and smiled, waving him over. He hesitated, staying at the foot of the bed. "H-how is he?"
"Perfect. Right weight, right size, all fingers and toes." She smiled, letting the baby wrap his tiny hands around one of her fingers. He walked forward and looked at the little boy. He looked up at him with blue eyes that would turn brown in time. "Little Eric Oak. I like it." She said, having chosen the name that they picked out nearly a month ago. "Do you wanna hold him?" She looked over at Dipper. He nodded and gently picked up the blanketed being.
He let out a small noise of irritation at being moved, but relaxed in his father's arms. He gave the man a toothless smile and reached a chubby hand up to touch the scruff of facial hair on his chin, laughing when he felt the odd texture.
"You're right Mabel, he's flawless."