Status: More interesting than it sounds...

What Can We Say, We're Classy Girls

016: Aoife ~ This City is a Grave

Her bright chocolate eyes were a somber, dead color as she gazed down at her brother's grave. Her mind and her spirit were numb as her eyes brushed over the name on the head stone—Oliver Nicklin.

"Hey, Oliver." She muttered, her eyes reddening and her voice cracking. "It's been a while. Seven years right?" She could feel the presence of her sister behind her, but even the strength that she radiated couldn't touch her now. "I'm sorry I don't visit more often, but I just—" An ivory colored, long-fingered, elegant hand reached forward and placed a bouquet of tiger lilies—his favorite flower—and she could speak anymore. Her eyes stung as she but her lip.
"Hey, why're we in a cemetery?" Dean was beside Riley, "Ow! Hey what the—oh…well shit." He muttered, a grimace in his words.

Those words stabbed Aoife deeper than any knife. Even that familiar heat that now tugged at her right side couldn't ebb the flow of emotion that now poured down her face. A hand gently touched her shoulder. She glanced back at Riley, whose expression held gentle compassion.
"I want to be alone." Aoife turned back to the stone, her voice barely a whisper.
"What—no!" Sam protested, speaking for the first time.
"Come on Sammy." Dean sighed.
"Let's go Sasquatch." Riley muttered grimly. And then Aoife was alone…able to grieve in solitude.

"Poor child." She'd almost forgotten about the warm presence beside her. She glanced at Cas, something about him felt odd. She couldn't place it, so she didn't bother.
"Your have had much pain and suffering." He muttered stepping closer to her. She wiped her tears eyes and turned to face Cas.
"I-I'm alright." She drew in a shaky breath.
"Yes." He stepped in closer, leaving only a foot between them. Her heart fluttered in an unnatural way, not how it normally reacted around him. She felt her senses go wild, leaving her with a feeling of intoxication. His fingers brushed across her cheek, exploring her jaw and tilting her face up to his.
"C-Cas…?" Her cheeks burned, and her toes tingled. "W-what are you–" She swallowed hard as his fingertips wiped away a stray tear. His fingers left a heated trail that forced her stomach to flutter in an unnatural way.
She peered into his heavenly soft azure eyes, "I don't know why I hadn't thought of this long ago…" Her senses told her to run, not to lean into his lips that were now leaning toward hers. This wasn't natural, and this wasn't Castiel. He was an angel of the lord, and he didn't diverge from that path often. Her lips began to burn with a fire that felt a though it could not be quenched. Her hazy mind told her that if she'd just allow him to caress her lips with his, they would be soothed. The hammering of her heart intensified as his lips drew nearer to hers, as did her yearning. Oh how she wanted to close that distance…
Wait! What was she doing! Her hunters' senses were screaming at her to run, that this wasn't natural. That this wasn't Castiel…
She jerked her head to the side, turning her face from this creature of temptation. "Tempt me no longer…m-me iam non t-temptabis…" She stuttered through her stammering heart.
His gruff voice chuckled his her ear, "You're so caught off guard that you can even use a spell that should be so simple for such a high level witch." Her legs quaked beneath her, but she still stood. She could not let this thing into her mind. She couldn't… "Your attempts are useless, my dearest Aoife." With that voice, that body, those eyes, that form, she was a goner.
She did her best to desperately think of something else other than the tempting angel impostor before her. Thinking of Riley, she shot off with a very Riley-esque response.
"Fuck off!" His warm hand clamped around her neck, restricting her breathing. His eyes were no longer their beautiful sky blue, but they were now black with pupils of white.
"You will be mine, even if I must use your Angel to do it." What would Riley do?

Adrenaline rushed through her as she balled the fist of her strongest arm. His hand tightened, starting to bruise her already lightly purpled neck. Aoife's fist jutted out and socked him right in the jaw. His head whipped to the side, jaw tensing viciously.
Suddenly, Aoife was flying through the air. Sharp pain split her skull as she crashed through a smooth, brick wall.
Aoife tried to force herself up, a searing pain setting fire to her body. Her head spun, a disoriented whirling throwing her into a stupor. Something warm began to trickle down her face from the right side of her forehead. Her petite, shaking hand brushed across her cranium and pulled it back. Crimson coated the tips of her fingers, instantly making her stomach queasy.
Off in the distance, she could hear Riley's shouts. "Aoife!"
Aoife lifted her heavy head to see the Castiel shaped creature sauntering toward her. A smirk spread his handsome lips as he squatted over her. "Does it hurt?" A current of demented pleasure courses through his words, ruining Castiel's gruff monotone.
"Cas…What the hell are you doing!?" Dean's shout felt like it was splitting Aoife's skull.
The handsome angel looked at the white/blonde haired woman and the man with auburn hair, "Boo…"
"What the hell, Cas—"
"You!" Riley exclaimed, glowering at him. "Castiel, you fucktard! Where are you!?"
"What is…a fu—" A gruff voice answered.
"That's not important." Riley sneered, slipping her sickle out of its sheath on her hip. "I am fucking sick of you, you stupid douche ass motherfucker!" She charged forward, diving at it.

The slightly distorted form of the creature grinned deviously, his hand reaching right through Aoife's chest. A searing pain ripped trough her, her spirit constricting as she felt the creature grip it tightly.
"Sisto." He muttered, his voice subtly changing from its gruff monotone. Riley's eyes widened in shock as she froze in midair. "Eiecto." A silvery sheen began to envelope Riley.
"Da faq—" Riley started, but before she could continue, she propelled backward violently.
"Riley!" Dean yanked out the colt an began firing rounds into the creature. It grunted, laughed it off, and disappeared in a shadowy fog.
"Rilez…" Aoife groaned. She lifted her heavy limbs to try to block out the bright light from above. Every inch of her smoldered like she had been lit on fire when she moved. If her body settled, every small movement set her ablaze.
"Check. On. Aoife. You dipshit!" Riley growled pushing Dean away harshly. Riley pushed herself up, rushing forward despite the protesting of her body. She slid in beside her sister.
Aoife's arms shook painfully as she tried to push herself up. Riley wrapped her arms around her, "Don't suffocate her Ri–" Sam was cut off.
"With what?" Dean stated.
"Hey—you asshat!" Riley flushed bright scarlet as she glared at Dean, punching his shoulder. "I'm not that flat…" She grumbled releasing her sister and gripping her breasts protectively. "I could smother her if I wanted to…" Dean and Sam gave her a look and she flushed, "I'm not going to!"

Aoife's arms gave out and her eyes closed. Riley's arms—or at least she thought they were Riley's; they felt a little big—wrapped around her. She could feel the swift, slightly painful motion of her body lifting off the ground. She could hear Riley's voice in the distance. She didn't sound that close…then… Dean spoke close to her, his voice slightly muddled by her now pounding head.
"We need—back to Gr—and Joe's." His voice was dim.
"Lead—way, Deany-boy." Riley muttered, her caustic monotone muffled. "Let's—go Angel—."
After that, she didn't hear anything. The eerie darkness spread around her.

She began to slowly drift in to a painful tremor beneath her. Earthquake? No…Shelbyville didn't get earthquakes. Tornado? No. That rattled houses. Dean and Riley wrestling? No. There would be grunts of strain and shouts of anger, then Riley declaring that she'd won.

`Her eyes drifted open slowly, adjusting to the bright light up ahead. She glanced around her to see the backseat of her Jeep Wrangler. That's why she felt like she was vibrating…very painfully too. She glanced over the top of the seats. The back of Sam's head was visible over the back of the drivers' side, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Her eyes—wincing at the sudden movement—darted to the seat beside her. His soft blue eyes gazed forward, into an unseen distance. His lips were set into a controlled frown, and his shoulders still and uncomfortable.
Her eyes squinted out the window gazing through the blinding light to see them pull up to a gas station. Riley's mustang and the impala rolled in next to her jeep.
"Why're we stopping?" Aoife's words slightly dragged as she tried to mentally shake the grogginess that washed over her. Castiel's eyes darted to her as she spoke and Sam whipped around.
"You're awake." Shock layered Sam's voice as his brown eyes landed on her. Hmm…they were brown today. "How are you?" His brows knit together in concern and his eyes filled with understanding.
"Fine." Her eyes drifted to Cas, swallowing the odd lump forming in her throat. Why was she suddenly so hesitant around him? Just because the creature could…it could take the form of anyone around her…Oh god. "I'm gunna get some air while we're stopped."
She opened the door to her deep blue-violet wrangler and jumped out, walking swiftly into the Shell station. She could still feel Castiel's eyes on her back as he walked down one of the narrow rows full of ten to ninety-nine cent candy. She trudged to the back of the store, past the coolers, and into the restroom marked for females. By the time she reached the sink, her hands shook and her heart pounded frantically.
She glanced up into the long mirror. Her scraped up knuckles were white with strain as she gripped the counter. The dim fluorescent lighting made the scrapes and bruises up her arms darker and much worse than in reality. The deep, bruise-lined gash across the left side of her forehead had been cleaned and bandaged the best they could for the time, and tiny scratches were scattered across her left cheek and her forehead. Deep, purple bruises in the shape of a male hand wrapped around her neck, giving her the appearance of an abused housewife. Aoife let out a shaky sigh. Is this what Riley felt like when she fell all the time?
She turned the cold water on and splashed it on her face. She looked pitiful…even Riley never looked like this. Hell, she used to fall down the stairs at Gramma and Joe's all the time and all she got were a couple of marks. But if she stubbed her toe her entire foot would be bruised…Aoife on the other hand had tougher skin. She used to fall all the time and all she got were bumps or scrapes. Nothing too serious…and now—as she looked at her beaten form in the mirror—she looked sad.

A toilet flushed behind her and a plump woman with wispy ash blonde curls walked out of the off white stall. She walked up to the sink and froze at the sight of the petite woman next to her, easily a head shorter that her. She washed her hands as Aoife ran her hands through her own mahogany locks. She felt self-conscious as the woman glanced at her.
"I know that it's none of my business, but I'd leave the asshole." She muttered as a white/blonde haired woman pushed through the door.
"Actually, I plan on killing the bastard." Aoife muttered in spiteful sarcasm.
"Well, darlin', there's a dump up on Unionville road, no one'll know." She chimed, winking an eyelid thickly coated in blue eye shadow before walking out.
"I like her!" Riley chimed. Aoife smiled sheepishly at her sister. "So, you gunna tell me why you ran away from Cas like he had a disease? I'm pretty sure angel boy is an uber virgin, so he doesn't have any STDs."
Aoife sighed, "I didn't run from him. I knew he was in the jeep the entire time…"
"Aoife, don't lie to me." Riley rolled her deep blue eyes, "I grew up with you, so I know when your hiding. Now, be a man and accept that you need to talk."
"Not now Riley." Aoife brushed past Riley in a brisk, graceful motion. Her stomach knotted and her head pounded with tension. Riley wasn't going to let this go. On her way out, she brushed past Dean and Sam on the way out gas station. Cas was nowhere to be found.

Her body ached, every small movement setting her ablaze. She walked to the drivers' side and opened the door.
"What are you doing?" A gruff voice took her off guard.
She jumped, her heart pounding as she turned to face Cas. "O-oh—it's you Cas…" His oddly addicting warmth radiated off of him the way it didn't seem to when her creature took the form of her beloved Angel. "I'm driving." Blunt.
"That isn't safe. Your head–"
"My head is fine." Aoife muttered, "I don't need rest, I don't need to be babied, and I damn for sure don't need you or anyone else concerned about me."
"Aoife, don't be so stubborn." He stated bluntly, his heavenly blue eyes determined.
Aoife's heart stuttered as he stared her down. This reaction didn't feel the same unnatural emptiness that it had when her creature had taken his form. It felt as natural as breathing.
"Cas–" She protested. Footsteps approached behind her, but she paid them no mii
"You're not driving." The youngest Winchester opened the back door for her. "Go on, get in. I'm not letting you drive in your–"
"In my what? My condition? Why'd you let Riley drive in hers? Huh. Why is it that every time I get hurt its the end of the world, but If Riley damn near gets a concussion everything is fine?" Aoife ranted, anger slowly boiling over in her stomach. Her head pounded harder, reverberating through her skull.
"Aoife, come on. It's not like that. Riley's wasn't that bad, and it isn't like you were in any better of a cond–" Sam argued.
"Bull! I was tired but–"
"No buts, even now your cringing at light, movement, even the sound of my voice…of your own voice!" Sam stated as Aoife winced at his slightly raised voice. "Aoife, just swallow your pride and accept help." He ran his hands through his hair, "Never thought I'd have to say that to you of all people. I normally reserve that for Dean and Riley…"
Aoife opened her mouth in a futile effort to argue, but Sam cut her off. "Riley will back me up on this." White-hot anger surged through her, and for the briefest of seconds, she wanted to attack the youngest Winchester brother. This nuisance was really beginning to get on her nerves with the over protective crap. Her fists clenched, the familiar "push" of magic in her stomach and the taste of a spell on the tip of her tongue.
"Aoife…" Castiel's gruff voice didn't reach her through her pulse stabbing through her head.
She massaged her temples, the pounding beginning to grow overwhelming, "You've just proved my point." Sam muttered. He coaxed her into the backseat and closed the door once he'd buckled her up. "Was that so hard…" He slid into the drivers' seat.
"Shut up…" Aoife grumbled spitefully. She could hear Riley's voice approaching.
"Hey, what the hell was that damn power surge!?" She barked. "Do we want every damn creature in the state to know we're here!?" Sam whispered something to her so quietly that she found herself straining to hear anything over the god-forsaken pounding in her brain.
"Dammit Aoife…" Riley yanked the back door open and Aoife winced at the sudden light, "Cas—" Castiel answered with a brief 'Yes?' before she continued, Aoife's eyes snapping to the angel she hadn't realized was there. "If her dumb ass keeps trying to act like me, I give you permission to do some Angel voodoo to shut her up."
"Angel voodoo?"
"Silence!" Riley pointed to Aoife, "You've lost your rights to argue!"
"Yes mother." Aoife grumbled.
"Hey, if I was yo mamma, I'd be a sexy mothafucka!" Riley did a hip thrusting motion with her body.
"Where are we going?" Sam inquired.
"Gramma and Joe's."
Anger surged through Aoife again as she heard Dean yell, "Come on! Let's get this show on the road!"
"Oh. My. God. Shut up!" Aoife snapped shooting a glare at her white/blonde haired sister. Riley opened her mouth but no sound came out.

Riley tried to say something that looked very much like, "Aoife, what the—" She stopped, noticing that no sound was escaping. She glared at her sister, "Aoife you bitch—what the hell!?" She let out a silent growl, "Fuck yoooou…" She growled soundlessly, her mouth stressing the syllables.
"Sorry, can't hear you." Aoife sneered, slamming the door shut.
"Aoife…" Sam sighed. "At least give her voice back to her…"
"Sano." She muttered darkly. Riley's voice suddenly broke the air.
"Aoife! What. The. Fuck!" She snapped.
"Riley." Cas warned, caution layering his gruff voice.
"What!" She barked. He said something into her ear quietly, and every voice within Aoife screamed mutiny. Riley's glare softened and turned determined.
Her body tensed, green flames of envy rolling through her. Even the way Cas was angled away from the white blonde haired woman through the window struck her with white hot fury. Her jaw tensed, her teeth grinding together viciously. Nostrils flared, her eyes narrowing in irritation. His hand was much too close to her waist… If it got any closer—if he got any closer, she would explode.
A look of shock crossed Riley's face as her deep blue orbs glanced at Aoife. Castiel's heavenly blue eyes sent a flutter of yearning through her chest as they landed on her too. Her head's pounding seemed to bounce around the cabin of her jeep. With a pop he disappeared. She sighed, the flickering flame of jealousy snuffing itself out. Why had she reacted so violently? Since the creature had taken a physical form, she hadn't heard from it since. Maybe it still had a lingering effect on her…maybe…

Sam hopped into the car, and guilt began to boil over as she watched the white/blonde haired woman walk away. Once she'd disappeared into the 'Stang, the guilt of how Aoife had treated her started to fester and brew a deep pot of regret. Why had she said all of that? It was too late to apologize currently, so she was going to have to sit and feel horrible for her actions. Now, it felt as though a veil had been placed over her and had suddenly been removed.
"Sam…" She muttered quietly, her head was still plagued with the persistent pang.
"Yeah?" He muttered softly.
"I'm sorry," She rubbed her temples, the gash softly throbbing. "I dunno why I acted like that, I just don't feel like myself lately. I'm so sorry…"
Sam's mouth formed a strained, thin line of a smile, "It's alright, Ef. You haven't really been yourself lately at all."
"Do you think Riley is angry with me?"
"Probably," He shrugged, "But I doubt she's as mad at you as you are yourself."
"I agree." That familiar heat suddenly radiated from the seat next to her, making her jump and groan when she bumped her head. Her world had been sent spiraling.
"Cas…" She groaned. Her arm was now draped over her eyes to block the light. Her cheeks burned as she thought about the Angel sitting beside her.

The rest of the ride rocked her into an almost relaxing half-sleep. No one spoke, the only sound that could be heard was that of the jeep accelerating down the road. Her tense body relaxed slowly, her once clenched jaw loosened, and the pounding eased.
She knew they had reached their destination when the sound of gravel crunched beneath their wheels. She didn't open her eyes, not even when her door opened or Cas's arms lifted her out of the seat (at least she thought it was Cas, her senses were much too muddled in her daze to tell the difference). The soft motion beneath her didn't hurt the way it did before, it soothed her into an almost deeper sleep. She fought the deepened sleep as best she could.

She could feel the arm stretch beneath her to push open the door, and an audible gasp rang through the air.
"What on Earth!?" A southern belle voice gasp.
"You remember what we talked about over the phone?" Riley's voice was next to her, sending a jolt of guilt through her.
"Oh dear…" A thin pair of arms scooped Aoife out of the arms supporting her. "It'll be alright, Angel boy." She really was related to Riley. Another twinge of remorse…
The soft motion beneath her was just enough to rock her into a peaceful void of exhaustion.

The petite woman sat in an wooden swing in the back yard of a blue house with a wrap around porch. The swing could seat two people, and it was tethered to the limb of the tree by two slender, silver chains. Her pure, white summer dress was draped across the seat, flowing into the empty seat beside her. The wind blew her hair away from her shoulders as it whistled through the air merrily.
"Yo! Short stuff," Dean called out from the back door, "come on! Gramma made pie!" Dean was such a fat kid at heart…though, who could blame him. Gramma's baking was to die for.
A smile pulled up Aoife's lips as the smell of apple pie beckoned her through the open door. She began to stand when a voice broke her concentration.
"Leaving me so soon?" The gruff voice said. Her chocolate eyes glanced beside her, catching a pair of handsome, sky-colored orbs.
Aoife's head tilted curiously, "When did you…you weren't here a second ago. We're you?" She wracked her brain. He hadn't been there but mere seconds. She would have felt her heart swoon and soar out of her chest. She would have felt her pulse quicken and her mind stutter.
"Of course I was." His blunt monotone was nonchalant as he stated her down.
His gaze pierced through her, reaching into the depths of her soul. Her cheeks tingled as she glanced down bashfully. His hand wrapped around her hand, easily pulling her petite body down next to him on the swing.
"Cas!?" His warm finger pressed against her lips, his other hand tilting her face up. Her heart stuttered unnaturally, pulse quickening and mind growing hazy. Her senses told her to run, flee before it was too late, but she knew she was his. He knew it too as he leaned in, stealing a kiss from her again.
"Ef," A tiny voice within her spoke. "Aoife." it was a little louder. Now it sounded like Riley. A twinge of guilt slammed into her. Wait, why did she feel guilty? "Aoife!" Her chest began to hurt as his lips caressed hers. "Wake up, Aoife." The ache began to seep into her lungs. "Aoife! Wake up damn you!" Their lips parted suddenly.

Aoife woke with a start. Riley's deep blue eyes stared down at her. Her mouth was set in a panicked grimace, and her hands rest on her shoulders. The pounding in Aoife's head was just a dull ache.
"You weren't breathing." Riley stated.
"Oh…" Aoife looked down, wringing her hands together nervously.
"You decide to talk to me yet?" Riley muttered spitefully.
Aoife gazed into the look of reproach in her eyes, "About–"
"I guess not." Riley pushed herself off the bed irritably. A pang of fear constricted Aoife's heart so suddenly that she couldn't control her hand when it clasped around Riley's wrist.
"Riley—I'm scared!" She whimpered, her voice a hushed whisper.
"We'll find Sydney, and we'll find a way to get rid of this bastard." Riley wrapped her slender arms around her, "l promise."

A few hours later, Aoife made herself appear presentable. They were going to go out and search for Sydney.
"You be careful now," A southern belle drawl called out to them, "Come right home of your head starts to act up Aoife, dear." Aoife waved without looking back as she slipped into the passenger seat of Riley's mustang.
"Any clue where Syd might be?" Aoife asked grimly.
"Wheel, maybe?" Riley suggested.
"Don't know, but I'm hungry." Aoife sighed, her stomach growling in protest. "Wanna have the guys meet us at MacDonald's?"
"Sure." Riley grabbed her phone and dialed Dean. "Hey," She greeted, "You wanna follow us into town and meet us MacDonald's? Yeah…Kay. We can talk about what we'll do next. Yeah. Alright. We'll meet you there." She ended the line and pulled out of the parking lot, the boys following after.

When they pulled into the MacDonald's parking lot, they parked next to a flaming red moped.
"There's no way…" Aoife muttered looking to Riley.
A look of bewilderment crossed Riley's face as she looked at the moped herself, "Da faq…"
♠ ♠ ♠
If this chapter is a little confusing at the start, there was a jump in area. Cas is not with them until Riley calls for him, and he left shortly after they first entered Gramma and Joe's house just to clarify that too.
I didn't have to type this because I was smart this time and I used my iPod to type it. Yeah... I'm cool, or at least I think I am.
Eiecto: (command) Eject, Propel ["Original Languages"/Latin]
Sisto: (command) Stop [O.L./Latin]
Sano: (command) Sound [O.L./Latin]