Status: More interesting than it sounds...

What Can We Say, We're Classy Girls

006: Aoife ~ Like a Child

Two Years Later, Current Day.

"The house is clear..they got wind that we were in town and moved on. Sam said he could probably track them down again but we thought about just moving on and hitting a few more cases that we have lined up." He was still smirking and still looked like he was king of the world. Aoife walked up to the window and leaned against the frame. Disappointment showed on her face as she slid her knife back into its sheath, her eyes fell on Riley and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.
"Well, what do we do now." Aoife's question was directed at her white/blonde haired sister. The darkness within the house had passed, settling her nerves.
"I dunno, I guess we go back to the motel." Riley muttered, "And when we get back, remind me to get some ice. My ass hurts." Aoife laughed so hard her stomach hurt as she escorted Riley to the car. Even sounds of laughter could be from Sam and Dean behind them. As they got into the car, Aoife could hear words that sounded like, "Your fault," mutter from her soul sister's mouth as Riley glowered at Dean.

They drove back to the motel room in their temporary residence in the tiny town of Biswell, Colorado. Once they'd put some distance between Riley and Dean Winchester, she began to loosen up. Aoife couldn't help but find Riley's bruised bum humorous. She was still chuckling—stomach still tight—by the time they reached their motel just a little ways into the town.
"Would you stop laughing at me!" Riley grumbled playfully, attempting to stop the corners of her mouth from turning up by pressing her lips into a firm line. Aoife wiped the tears prickling at the corners of her eyes as her hand reached for the passenger door handle.

The instant her fingers touched it, every muscle in her body seized and every instinct she had told her run. Run, far away and hide... Her stomach churned instantly forcing nausea forward. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, and her heart stuttered painfully. Very painfully... Almost as though she would be thrown into a breakdown, but every part of her knew that she couldn't. Despite her shaking—which she did her best to hide from Riley—she pushed open the door and firmly followed Riley to the door.
The churning of her stomach calmed as she reached the door, her sister by her side. Riley unlocked and pushed open the door sending a sudden wave of prickling fear down her spine. Riley's head whipped around when Aoife let out an uncontrolled, shocked yelp. Her deep blue eyes probed Aoife's as she did her best to rack her mind for a cover up that was believable.
"I-I stubbed my toe." Aoife mumbled laughing awkward. Her stomach dropped as Riley's face curled into a smile that didn't touch her eyes. She hadn't bought it, but Aoife knew Riley well enough to know that she wouldn't bring it up for a while. Aoife glanced into the studio style motel room as Riley walked through flicking on the lights.

"You know you can come in right...?" Riley sprawled out on her bed as she watched her with a playfully snarky smirk on her face.
"Duh." Aoife rolled her eyes and forced her foot through the door frame. Her stomach settled slightly once she got over the doorstop.
"Since your up, could you get me some ice. My butt really hurts..." Riley sighed, rubbing her behind. Aoife nodded, her heart lightening from soft laughter. She closed the door and got her sister the ice. Her stomach fluttered as she handed her sister the ice pack.

A knock sounded at the door, and Aoife answered it. She met Dean's smirk. "Are you going to invite me in?" Aoife couldn't help but return his smile.
"Are you going to accept it if I say no?" Her nerves were momentarily calmed as Dean let out a chuckle. She never understood Riley's distrust of them. Dean had always treated her like a sister, and even though he had remarked on her beauty, she had a feeling that he would never feel anything romantic for her.
"Where's Sam?" Aoife glanced around outside.
"He's coming. Can I come in or not?"
Aoife sighed sarcastically, "I guess." She started to step out-of-the-way when Riley's voice reached her.
"Don't let him in!" She groaned, "Do you want me to die?" Aoife rolled her eyes and laughed it off before she stepped aside. "Traitor!" Riley grumbled. Aoife chuckled as Dean stepped through the door shortly followed by Sam.

"How's your-" Dean choked down a laugh, "-your ass?" Riley shot a dark glare at him, pressing the ice to her bum.
"What do you think?" She sneered. Aoife laughed and sighed as she walked to her bed.

She barely made contact with her bed when ever part of her screamed for her to run once again. The last time she'd felt like this, she was a scared five-year-old sleeping with her mother because she thought there was a monster under her bed.
"I-I'm going to take a shower." Aoife's shaky hands grabbed her large duffel as she darted into the bathroom. As she locked the door, she could hear Sam's muffled question.
"Is Aoife okay—seems jumpy?"

Aoife leaned against the door for support, her knees weak. What was wrong with her? She was perfectly fine before she and Riley had gotten back to the motel room. She felt even more like a child in a twenty-six year old's body than ever before. Aoife stumbled across the room and started the water, taking mere moments to strip and step into the warm stream.
She let the warm water untense her muscles, to wash away the anxiety twisting her stomach. Her heart accelerated, adrenaline pumping throughout her body. Her hair stood on end and the feeling that something evil was close. She washed herself and her hair quickly as the dark, expectant feeling churned in her stomach. She breathed deeply as she reached forward to stop the water, when the lights flickered and turned off.

Aoife glanced around, her heart quickening to a panicky thrumming beneath her chest. This room had no widows and the door was seamless so light didn't escape from the other side. Her shaky, petite hands groped around clumsily in the dark, eventually feeling around the tub to the edge. As she carefully began to step over the edge, something brushed by her leg instantly making it recoil and a scream ring through the air.

Moments Earlier.

Dean settled into a cheap arm-chair across the room, his smirk aimed at Riley, who held the ice pack to her bum. Riley's dark glare was aimed at Dean as Aoife crossed the room. Her face was oddly distracted, but Sam seemed to be the only one that noticed. Aoife barely made contact with her bed before she was on her feet again.

"I-I'm going to take a shower." Riley's eyes left Dean's and every eye was on the petite mahogany haired girl darting across the room. The door shut behind her and then the click of a lock sounded.
"Is Aoife okay, she seems jumpy?" Sam's eyes lingered on the door, his eyes edged with worry.
"I don't know." Riley muttered over the water turning on from the next room over. The room filled with silence for a few moments, but it was short-lived as a low voice sounded out of nowhere.

"Dean." Riley practically—almost comically—flipped off the bed and landed on the floor with a yelp.
"Do you have to do that every time!?" Riley pushed herself off of the ground, a look of dignified annoyance on her normally smug face. Her annoyance didn't ebb at the serious look in Castiel's eye.
"What is it this time Cas...?" Dean sighed.
Cas didn't pay attention to Dean, his soft blue orbs were on Riley. "You don't feel the dark presence?" Riley's eye brow raised and she was about to question it when a feeling deep in her stomach stopped her.
"Something's wrong." She glanced nervously at the bathroom door. The feeling of dread and evil seeped under the door, when the lights went out.

Two calls of surprise rang through the air. Riley's, "Da fug—?" and Dean's, "What the—?" Sam stayed quiet as he walked across the darkened room. He disappeared into another part of the apartment for a few moments and returned quickly.
"Well, it isn't the breaker." He concluded.
Castiel's eyes were on the bathroom door just as a high-pitched scream rang through the air. Riley strode across the room in three easy strides and began to bang on the door. "Ef! Ef!" Banged a few more times with no answer, "Aoife!!!"
Dean jumped out of the chair, "Move." Riley jumped out of the way as Dean's foot collided with the door, sending it crashing in. The room was dark, but as it was slightly illuminated, Aoife's figure could be seen curled up—with her knees hugged into her chest—in the tub. The dark feeling in the atmosphere instantly disappeared, allowing the lights to flicker on.

Aoife glanced around nervously, her pretty face tear soaked and her petite form shivering. Riley closed the door gently and coaxed her sister out of tub, helped her dress into comfortable pajamas, and coaxed her into the main part of the motel room.
"What just happened?" All humor was gone from Dean's voice and his face was grave.
"An evil entity touched this place," Castiel's voice was a gruff monotone, "What it was, I do not know."
"Well, we need to find this fucker before anything else happens." Riley grumbled, her arm around her sister's shoulders.
"Do we know where to start?" Sam asked.
"Not really." Dean retorted.

"I felt five again..." Aoife's normally sweet and confident voice was drained and dejected. Puzzled faces were mirrored on the brothers' faces, but Riley understood. Castiel's face was mostly emotionless, but hints of curiosity ringed his eyes.
"What?" Dean voiced their confusion.
"I'll explain later." Riley muttered darkly.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter might seem a little short in the amount of time that passes, but it is supposed to. The next part would be better told through Riley's eyes.
And no. They didn't think to use magic to light up.