Status: More interesting than it sounds...

What Can We Say, We're Classy Girls

008: Aoife ~ Monster Under My Bed

A meadow stretched around a mahogany haired girl as she sat in a patch of flowers. Her cotton white dress gingerly caressed the grass that she sat upon, and her pretty hair lay draped over her shoulders, tiny flowers interwoven in complex patterns between locks. Her petite hands delicately fingered the petals of the flowers around her, her voice singing in a soft alto tone that suited the scene.
The sky was a beautiful blue, and the sun shone on the girl in a flattering manner, highlighting her bright chocolate eyes. Her soft, rosy lips forming the tune were pulled up in the corners as a smile accented her singing. Birds chirped in the trees, the grass hummed with a song, and the breeze whistled a merry tune as it drifted through the high grasses.
"Aoife." The girl lifted her pretty head to face the voice. A white/blonde haired woman walked forward. Her regularly rigid features supported a soft smile, and a similar cotton white dress accented her thin, hourglass frame. She kneeled beside the girl with mahogany hair, gently placing a long, elegant hand on her shoulder.
"Riley," Aoife sighed, her beautiful song ended as her chocolate eyes gazed into a pair of strong, deep blue orbs. "I'm happy you could join me." Her smile widened and a feeling of elation filled her stomach.
Riley's smile turned into a smirk as she slightly pursed her lips, "Don't get all mushy on me, Ef." A giggle leaped from Aoife's mouth as she smiled at her best friend—no—soul sister. The girl she went through everything with, and the girl she would love more than anyone else forever.

"How is Sydney?" Aoife sighed, "We haven't seen her in so long."
Riley's mouth stiffened into a sly smile, "She's dead."
Aoife's eyebrow arched and a playful smile tugged on her lips, "Come on, Rilez. I'm not kidding." A deep feeling of foreboding began to fill her stomach with unease as she stared deep into her sister's eyes.
"Neither am I." Riley chucked darkly.
Aoife's smile dropped, "It's not funny, Rilez. What's going on!?" A few clouds off to the distance began to darken into a deep, stony grey as they approached. A flash of lightning, and then a peal of thunder. Aoife hopped to her feet, her heart rate quickening to a terrified pace. The panic in her eyes was evident.
"A storm's coming Aoife." Riley's voice was unlike her own. While it sounded like the Riley she knew and loved, there was a sense of humanity that was absent. "If you aren't strong enough to brave it, then you will doom all you love." The emptiness echoed through her words as her serene face twisted into an evil smile.
The dark clouds began to twist and cover the sky, blackening out the sun and destroying the sunlight that once warmed the scene. Rain fell from the sky, first tiny droplets of what seemed like water, then in dense droplets of crimson that could only be blood. Aoife shivered as the bloody rain fell down upon her, staining her dress a deep crimson and coating her skin with a thick warm liquid.
Riley let out a high cackle, "Isn't this marvelous! The blood of all you shall doom soaking into you!" Tears bit at the corners of Aoife's eyes as they caught Riley's. The deep blue irises that once shone in her eyes were a glinting black with pupils of white. Her white/blonde hair matted to her face, sticky with the maroon liquid that trickled down her face. Riley now stood, "You are so young, so fragile, so breakable. Do you really believe that you stand a chance against me? That you can conquer me? That you can even resist me..." This creature was no longer her soul sister, its malicious eyes glinted with power and cruelty as its fingers stroked Aoife's cheek. "I will consume you, just as I will destroy you. You are my puppet, and your mind is my harbor." The lips of the girl Aoife formerly know as Riley touched her forehead, "Don't believe me? Your friend Riley is next..."

Aoife sat erect, tears streaming down her face and a high-pitched, strangled scream ravaging her throat. Her hair was matted to her face and her clothes stuck to her as a sheen of sweat covered her body. The door slammed open and Riley rushed into the room, followed quickly by Dean.
"What! What! Aoife—" Riley rushed over and threw her arms around Aoife's shaking and screaming form, "—Ef what is it!? What happened, honey?" A calming hand massaged Aoife's back as her heart ached for the comfort she knew she'd find in the embrace. Aoife sobbed into Riley's collar-bone as she wrapped her arms around her white-blonde haired sister.
Dean's sigh radiated throughout the room as his boots tapped forward, "What was that?" His sigh was a slightly exasperated mixed into a worried overtone.
"Aoife—What's wrong?" Riley cooed as she rocked her friend in her arms.
"It's all my fault..." Aoife muttered hysterically, her tears burning the corners of her eyes as they flowed in a torrent down her face.
"What—" Riley's finger silenced Dean's started question, "What did you do?"
"I killed everyone..." Aoife's strangled whisper echoed through the tense room as the door opened again.

"I heard a scream and came as fast as I could—" He instantly stopped, his eyes scanning Aoife, then Riley, and finally resting on Dean sitting beside the girls almost helplessly.
"She just had a nightmare..." Riley sighed, stroking her hair softly. Aoife sucked in a sniffling breath and cast a look out at everyone around the room.
"We really need to do something about this..." Dean muttered, "It's getting ridiculous."

"Dean." Riley sighed; this time, Aoife jumped her red, chocolate eyes catching a pair of unearthly blue eyes. "There was an evil presence here, and it was—"
"Strong?" Riley's eyes held Castiel's before he could finish, "I think we gathered that..." Castiel didn't say another word, his expression stony as he gazed into her eyes. Aoife's heart stuttered as her cheeks warmed in embarrassment. She had just let one of God's angels see her cry a like a child a second time. Her stomach knotted even tighter than it had been before, knitting itself into a painful, undetangleable snarl.

An hour later...

Aoife curled up next to Riley on one of the cheap, motel couches, a depressed sort of stoic expression on her face. Bags hung beneath her pretty eyes, her blanched face blank, and the corners of her rosy lips turned down in a frown.
"What time is it?" Dean sighed, his hand running through his auburn hair.
"It's about three thirty." Sam yawned, his eyes lingering on Aoife for a fraction of a second.
"Damn..." Dean's eyes were then on Aoife too, before they brushed over Riley. "So what now?"
"I don't know, it's not like anyone told me how to kill the fucker." Aoife's heart quivered and quickened, dropping shards of anxiety into her stomach. The words the creature spoke to her echoed through her mind, her pulse racing to keep up with the scrambling of her thoughts.

"You can't fight it—promise me you won't!" Aoife's cracked voice shook with the anxiety and dread that tugged on her chest. Riley jumped back at her out burst, her deep blue orbs wide with alarm.
"What...?" Riley's mystified tone did not reach Aoife as her teeth began to grind her bottom lip between them, a nervous habit that she'd never been able to shake. "Aoife, don't chew on your lip, love." Riley sighed, her elegant fingers smoothing out her lip.

Castiel's gruff voice broke the intensity, "Your nightmare, what was it?" His unearthly blue eyes held hers, a flush rising to her tear soaked face at being spoken to directly.
"What the hell kind of question is that!?" Riley snapped, her eyes narrowing and her nostrils flaring at him in anger.
"A simple question." was his only blunt reply. A tear burned the corners of Aoife's eyes as she and Cas shared an intense stare for almost an entire minute. Aoife opened her mouth as if to answer, but words caught in her throat. The feeling of a finger pressing against her lips sent a chilling shiver down her spine. The air around them thickened, and her stomach tightened. Riley always described it like an axe, but to Aoife, it was a morbid creature coming to doom everything. Rampaging through those she cared for. Destroying all she knew. Coming for her...

"Aoife." The way her name rolled from his mouth tightened her stomach as a fluttering feeling filled her. Her cheeks warmed, and her eyes were on the handsome Angel's face. His eyes held warnings, but his face was in a stoic mask. Electricity seemed to zing through the air as her insides squirmed, almost as though she were a teenager with a crush.
The piercing pain of pure jealousy and rage stabbed into her stomach so suddenly she let out a high pitched whimper, and in one quick moment the cheap motel couch, she and—a very worried—Riley sat upon, was thrown backwards, both of them falling back with it.

Castiel's eyes darted around the room as both boys jumped to their feet to help the girls from the dislodged couch. "What the hell was that!?" Dean looked around as he helped a cursing Riley to her feet.
"Are you alright?" Sam asked softly as he bent down to help Aoife. The stabbing pain shot through her again, and Sam was slung across the room as if he were a rag doll. His tall fame crashed into a wall, breaking some of the cheap drywall beneath his weight.

"No, no, no-" Aoife whimpered, her heart stuttering painfully as she curled herself into the fetal position.
Dean trotted over to his brother, who luckily only sported a shallow gash across his forehead. He asked a question unheard over Aoife's soft sobs that ripped through her chest. His hand lightly lingered on his shoulder long enough to receive his nod before he turned to the scene on the opposite side of the room.
Everyone's eyes were on Aoife, but Aoife knew they couldn't feel the bubble around her. The darkness trying to seep into her skin, unnerve her, break her down, mess up her already sensitive thoughts. They didn't understand the fear that had her paralyzed on the floor, sobs rocking her petite body. They didn't feel the ache of her eyes when the tears scalded them as they cascaded down her cheeks. Not the relentless pounding of her heart that constricted her already restricted breathing. Not the uncontrollable sparks that stabbed down her spine every time this creature was near her.
Her stomach ached as sobs ripped through her harder. A hand brushed across her forehead, and she shakily recoiled as the jealousy stabbed into her once again. Riley's fingers brushed the air around Aoife, kneeling beside her sister almost helplessly. She could feel the dark veil around her, but she knew she could do nothing to pierce it. Each time her hand grazed over it, a painful burning sensation erupted in her fingers, she could feel it... Deep down she knew... Nothing was going to reach her, to make her feel safe. If she couldn't no one can.

Castiel popped in beside her, making her jump, squeak, and fall back on her ass. "Why–" She gasped, gripping her shirt over her beating heart, "Every damn time—" She took a second to compose herself, attempting to ignore the dark pulling on her stomach.
"She's trapped." His assessment was blunt, but it still left Riley with a "Whut~" sort of expression. "Aoife is trapped. How did she escape the last time?"
"Wait—What~" Riley's eyes lingered on Aoife for a brief moment before her expression hardened over, "I don't know. She didn't really...We had to pull her out of her funk, but her mom and dad almost died doing that." Riley sighed, exasperation and frustration coloring her tone, "It doesn't matter anyway, I dunno if we can pull her out...We can't even see the damn thing."

"What if you could?" Dean sighed in exasperation.
"Well I can't so—"
"Wait, Riley, Dean has a point." Riley and Dean shot Sam a dumbfounded look, "I mean, what if—bare with me, it's only a theory—what if you did a spell of some sort that let you see it? I mean, you do have magic blood in your veins, right? So, I think it's worth a shot." Sam's eyebrows were slightly raised in anticipation.
"I'd have never thought of it..." Dean allowed, looking to Riley. "Worth a shot?"
"Is it even do-able?" Riley looked to Castiel, he always had the answers.

"I do not know if it is possible." Blunt, straight forward, "I will consult the heavenly father." And with a pop, he was gone.

Riley sighed, her eyes traveling to Aoife's giant duffle bag. Her sister had always been more interested in the witchcraft lore than Riley had been. She always carried a thick volume around, and—it being Aoife—it wasn't your normal exorcisms and incantations. Riley stood–hesitantly leaving her sister's side–and ambled over to Aoife's duffle. Her fingers found the zipper and yanked it open, quickly finding the thick, worn book at the bottom of the bag. She fingered through the pages, hoping to find the one she needed.
Dean stood over her shoulder, glancing down at the pages with a bewildered expression. Sam sat with Aoife who sobbed while still curled up in the fetal position, her knees tucked into her chest. Riley didn't know this book as well as Aoife, she hadn't read it. She merely skimmed through it when Aoife had told her to check it out. Many of the pages contained detailed descriptions of rituals for many occasions. Fertility, luck, invisibility, and even resurrection... This book had it all. No wonder Aoife had been so fascinated by it. Now Riley just needed a ritual—or even a spell, a simple incantation maybe—to see the creature haunting her sister. The creature putting the shield around her now that kept Riley from comforting her. From protecting her from this evil that now had them separated.

Dean, of course, was no help at all. He just stood there. No words left his mouth, but the occasionally pointed or shifted awkwardly behind her. A sigh rattled softly behind them.
"Dean, switch with me." Sam sighed standing from his spot on the floor next to the petite woman, "Maybe I'll be able to help. I'm better with books than you are."
"Hey! I'm good with books—" Dean paused almost as if to reconsider his words, "No, we all know that's a lie...Yeah, let's switch." Sam nodded, taking Dean's place as Dean took his.

Sam started to help her page through, stopping her only when he saw a passage that looked promising. "Wait!" Sam pointed to a page with a rather lengthy paragraph that introduced the idea of subconscious creatures. Their eyes skimmed over the paragraph until they reached the part they needed, "Here it is... 'A creature may be created from a child of magick's subconscious. Their dreams. Only this child will be able to see it unless they wish it otherwise. Though, once the creature is strong enough, it may develop the ability to make conscious decisions. There is always a chance that this power will corrupt this being of subconscious, and this may lead to disastrous consequences.'"
Riley sighed, "I know it has free will. It just wanna know why we can't see the mofo."
Sam read on, "This creature-"
"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah..." Riley muttered skipping through the paragraph until she found the part that gave her the answer to her question, "Said creature of subconscious may even develop such advanced free will that it may cloak itself from anyone but-" Riley's jaw tensed, "but the creator of said creature... Well—Fuck."

"So it is choosing to make itself–for lack of a better word–invisible." Sam concluded, his eyes brushing over the still woman on the ground.
"Yes." A gruff voice broke the silence before Riley could, making not only her, but Dean and Sam jump too. Riley was just much more dramatic as she groped the air over her heart.
"Son of bitch..." Dean gasped, gripping the fabric over his chest.
"There is an incantation in which Riley can use to force the creature from its invisible veil." Castiel stood over Aoife staring down at her, his brow slightly creased.
"How—" Dean interjected.
"The heavenly father told me so; therefore, it is so." Blunt.
"Okay, okay." Dean put his hands up in surrender, "So, oh so knowledgeable angel of heaven, what is it...?"
"I do not know." He pointed to the book in Riley's hands. "It is there." A few pages of the book flipped and a piece of text in the book stood out.

Riley's eyes traveled down to the book as Aoife let out another yelp after several minutes of quiet. A sharp, angry, rage filled her twisting as it gripped Aoife's body. Her spine tingled as its wall began to waver, allowing some of the Angel's warmth through. The demon let out a growl, knowing only Aoife could hear it. Its sound reverberated throughout the room, sending unconscious shivers down everyone's' spines.
Riley began to read the incantation, "Daemon somnia—" Aoife whimpered out in pain as the monster howled in rage at being acknowledged by the witch, "manifesta—" It's power of the girl was beginning to thin into a feeble shield of darkness allowing the Angel's light to filter through it, "—te."

The creature's growl was suddenly completely audible as Sam and Dean jumped backwards at the sight of a dark purple and black shield surrounding the woman on the ground. A shadow with a pair of black eyes with pupils of white glared at the witch holding the thick book. Riley's strong blue orbs glared into his defiantly.
"I hate reading that crap." She sneered.
Aoife could feel the anger radiating through the creature as his shield began to stretch, leaving it almost penetrable. From the outside, Aoife was not visible, so her body could not be seen loosening. Nor could she be seen wiping away a loose tear. Riley bound to her in one easy stride and stared down at it helplessly.
"Call to her." Castiel ordered. Riley's expression was quizzical as she glanced at the tall angel, whose unearthly blue eyes were on the purple and black energy surrounding her soul sister. "Do it."
"Ef, honey-" She started softly.

"That isn't good enough."
"Well then you do it, angel boy." She barked.
"You must do it-"
"Then let me do it my way..." Riley took a deep breath, "Ef, honey," She started again, "grow a pair of damn lady balls and get the fuck out of that damn thing!" Riley's foot lashed out, kicking the shield only to recoil in pain, "Fuck-Son-of-Douche-Ass-BITCH!" Dean stifled a snicker, but Aoife could hear her soul sister's words floating through her. Her heart tapped on her chest and her stomach tightened with fear, but her hand hesitantly reached forward. It inched forward shakily until it finally broke free of the barrier. A strong, warm hand gripped hers and pulled her through the stretched wall between them.

Aoife stumbled forward into the arms of the angel standing in front of her, sobbing tears of relief as the aching of her body ceased with the disappearance of the shadow specter whose presence seemed to leave the room completely.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter took a long time to write because it was difficult to sit down and actually write. Yiiiisss... There is a little Aoife X Castiel in this chapter~! Heehee. Riley falls like the friggin klutz she is... Hee, Cas is all mysterious... Read and Enjoy.
~ Funsize