Status: More interesting than it sounds...

What Can We Say, We're Classy Girls

009: Riley ~ Flaming Red

Aoife was lying on the bed cuddling her pillow, eyes opening and closing at random times. Riley angrily paced in front of the bed, her hands wringing over and over with a deep frown on her lips. Dean watched her pace from his seat on the side table next to Aoife's bed. Sam sat at the foot of the bed watching Riley as well, his face stoic.

"We NEED to destroy this thing," Riley growled. Cas looked from Aoife to Riley and then back again.
"What about you Angel boy," Riley stopped pacing and glared at Cas, "you have heavenly powers, work your shit!"
Cas cocked his head to the side and studied Riley, "I don't—"
"Fucking do something about it!" She yelled so loud Aoife flinched and curled in on herself. Riley winced at her sister, rubbing a hand down her face and let a deep breath.
"Riley–I cannot rid something of someone's mind." Cas said bluntly.
"You can wipe memories and change realities, yet you can't get rid of something for Aoife. Aoife!?" She was yelling again. This time, Dean stood up and came to Riley's side. He rested a hand on her shoulder. Riley looked at the hand, at Dean and then closed her eyes.
"We have to get rid of it," She said in a voice so low it was barely a whisper.
"We will Riley." San said with so much confidence, the white/blonde haired witch almost believed him.

In all honesty, Riley didn't think they could ever get rid of this creature. It was stronger than Riley thought. All she'd ever wanted to do was protect Aoife, and that's all she's ever done. But this thing… A deep, ugly fear settled into Riley's stomach as she looked at her soul sister. How fragile and scared she looked, even in her sleep… Her rosy cheeks were stained with tears, and her fists were clenched tight.
Another stab of fear went through Riley at the thought of losing Aoife. They went through everything together and always came through. This could not, CANNOT be what tore them apart.
"Book," Riley threw out her hand. Aoife's spell book flew into her hand. She ripped it open to the page and found the incantation. Her eyes scanned over, what she needed. She cursed at the Latin, wishing she knew it better than she did.

"Riley?" Sam gave the tallest witch a questioning look. Riley ignored it and continued to read through the words, her mind working overdrive and sending more fear to settle in the pit of her stomach.
"Riley," Dean's hand gripped Riley's shoulder once more. This time it was strong and cautioning. She read what he meant and shook her head.
"Dean, Sam get some rest." She said softly. The eldest Winchester gave the white/blonde haired woman a hard stare. Riley stared back with an even tougher glare, her deep blue eyes frosting over and give Dean a warning.
Dean frowned but dropped his hand from her shoulder, "We're staying in here."
He walked over to the extra bed and threw himself on it. Riley gave him a very evil look but sighed and shook her head.

She felt like her lungs were collapsing in her. She grasped the air around her, needing to find what was doing it to her. Her heart was beating frantically in her chest, threatening to break free. What was happening? Her hands flew to her neck and she felt two more. Strong hands with callouses, hands that sent warm ugly chills through her. She clawed frantically at the human tools cutting off air supply. With no reward at trying to pull them off her, she went to push the bastard off. She felt out for the person but no contact came. How could someone be killing her if no one was there!?
A harsh laugh ripped at her ears and Riley's heart stuttered. She knew that laugh... Dean was killing her, Dean was killing her!

"DEAN!!!" Riley shot up in the bed. The spell book fell to the ground as her hands jumped to her throat. She looked around the motel room in a haste, her eyes settling on the bed the Winchesters had chosen to occupy. Well, one Winchester... She noticed that the youngest of the brothers was not in the bed. Only Dean's head laid on the pillows, his mouth open with a single spittle of drool dripping from his mouth. His hair was messy as his body was spread-eagle.
She allowed herself a smile that quickly vanished as she looked to Aoife, letting out a happy sigh as she watched her soul sister sleep with no worries. Looking at the floor, she picked up the magic book and held it to her chest. Climbing out of bed, she made her way—silently—to the bathroom. Opening the door, she flipped the switch and jumped twelve feet in the air.
Sam sat on the toilet, his head in his hands. He didn't look up at Riley but spoke, "I couldn't sleep, but I didn't want to leave the room just in case—" His words trailed off, and Riley felt her whole body flinch. He looked up at that point and his eyes widened, "Riley, I'm–" She held her hand up to stop him.
"It's okay," She motioned to the book, "I came in here to read some more."
Sam's eyes dropped to the book then back up into Riley's eyes, "I'll get out." He stood up, but Riley stopped him.
"Don't—I...stay," She pushed him back down on the toilet and lifted herself up on the sink. Her fingers leafed through the pages, eyes scanning the words.

"Ri." Sam was in front of her by the time she looked up at her words. He was looking at her with a determined look that reminded her of Dean. He stepped up to her, put his hands on her knees, and pushed them apart. She raised an eyebrow in confusion but didn't protest. He was now really close with Riley, her legs on either side of him. His hazel eyes never left hers, and Riley saw something that sparked a light in her stomach.
"Everything's going to be okay," His voice was soft, "we'll find a way to defeat this thing." His hands rested on her thighs. Riley knew she should stop him, but she couldn't. His lips were close to hers. She could feel them brushing against hers. His hair was tickling her cheek, and his breath was reminding Riley of how long it had been.
"You're one of the strongest people I know. When it comes to Aoife, as long as you are there for her, she's safer than the pentagon." His lips moved down to her neck and sent hot waves through her. Oh wow, was all could think as her hands made their was into his hair. Fiery, red heat burned her skin where his lips touched.
Fiery red...

"Oh my God!" She yelled. Sam chuckled into her neck and bit down. Riley let out an involuntary moan, but pushed him away. He looked up at her with surprise painted on his face.
"Sydney!" Sam gave her the largest question mark look she'd ever seen.
"No, Sam." He pointed at himself.
Riley shook her head, "No, not what I meant. I know how we can see the creature." Her smile was large and filled knowing and hope, "Oh Sam, I found a way to help Aoife." She squealed loudly and threw her arm around the youngest Winchester. Sam awkwardly patted her back with a smile. He turned his face into her neck and kissed the spot he bit. His tongue traced over it before re-biting and kissing it again.
Riley moaned loudly at Sam's assault on her neck. She was so happy, she had found a way to help her sister after all. The bubble inside her was so full and so close to popping, and if Dean bit her neck again... Dean! She pushed Sam away and ran into the main room. Aoife was shaking violently on the bed, her head thrashing back and forth as she whimpered loudly.
"He NEVER sleeps that deeply," She said loudly. Sam ran to his brother as Riley made her way to Aoife. She hesitated a second before grabbing her soul sister. Aoife's eyes opened widely before scanning the room, landing on Riley and pooling over with tears.

"W-what?" Dean's voice was groggy, and Riley could still hear the sleep in it. Her hand rhythmically patted Aoife's back as she rocked them back and forth.
"What's happened!?" This time dean sounded frantic. Riley looked at the brothers and frowned at Dean. Anger replaced the happy feelings as she stared at the eldest Winchester.
"Why didn't you wake up!" She yelled. Dean gave her a wide eyed, open mouthed stare, "I was awake," His voice dropped as did his eyes, "I don't remember falling asleep."
"That's because you were put to sleep."
"Jesus!" Riley almost pulled Aoife off the bed in fear. Cas was standing, stock-still, in front of their bed. Dean was looking at Riley an amused glance.
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"The creature reached into your subconscious's and used them against you," He looked at Sam quickly before looking back at Aoife. The mahogany haired girl shook her head and pulled away from Riley enough to look at the Angel.
"You mean that...thing was inside my mind?" Dean sneered. Cas nodded briefly.

"Riley said she knows how to help Aoife," Sam spurted out as an awkward silence filled the room. All eyes fell on the soul sisters, who were both looking at each other. The happy feeling came back to Riley as she remembered her genius discovery.
"Really?" Aoife asked with a very timid voice. Riley beamed down at her best friend and nodded wildly, "How?"
"Sydney. I remembered something from high school. Remember Jackaleb Andrew's Halloween party Junior year?" Aoife nodded once, "Do you also remember when Syd was going to freak Mattie Quells out so she decided to tell her, her future," Another nod, "Good. If you recall, she grabbed Mattie's and Marcus White's hand in the 'circle' and, instead of telling Mattie her future–"
"She pulled them into one another's minds through her!" Aoife finished. Riley nodded so hard she thought her head would fall off. The Winchesters and Cas were giving the girls question mark looks. Aoife looked up and noticed—for the first time in what felt like forever—she smiled.
"Sydney's psychic." She said as if the guys should already know this.

Dean gave her an exasperated sigh and flopped down on the bed, "Should'a known you two would have weird friends."
Riley eyed the Ken doll look-alike, "You should talk."
"Nope, I don't have friends."
"That's sad."
"Riley? The tallest witch look at the angel. "What's on your neck?" Riley's had flew to her neck, exactly where Sam had bitten. She felt her face go a deep shade of red as she tried to come up with something. She saw Dean move in her peripheral vision. His hand grabbed Riley's chin and turned her head, while pulling her hand away. His eyes went wide.

"How did you get a hickey?" He asked a little too loudly. Riley tried to make her face stoic, but her eyes fell on Sam. Dean whipped around so fast it was a blur. Sam's eyes were wide, "You gave her a hickey!" He yelled. Before Sam could react, Dean's fist collided with his brothers face with a loud thwack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this chapter is done. This is the chapter where it officially sets them out to look for Sydney—a character you will meet in future chapters.
Dean gets a little jelly near the end...