Status: Complete: May 3rd, 2013 :)

I Think I Love You

Isn't It Ironic?

It's been a whole month since my mom's miscarriage. I remember crying along with my mom for a half an hour, then crying some more into Ez's chest after hanging up with her. I had just started getting used to the idea of having a baby brother or sister. It's sad to think that they didn't even know the gender of the baby. In other news, I think I'm coming down with the flu. I've had mild headaches and I've been exhausted. Just today, I've been feeling extremely nauseated. I hope I'm over this mess by next week. I'll finally be eighteen on Monday!

When noon rolled around and I still wasn't out of bed, Ez came in to check on me. He laid down beside me and rubbed my back. "I'm sorry you don't feel well," he said. I went to say something, when I felt my stomach flip. I bolted up and ran to the bathroom, where I vomited. Thankfully, I got to the toilet in time. When I finished, I stood and wiped away the tears. I flushed the toilet and closed the lid, sitting down on top of it. After the dizziness subsided, I went to brush my teeth. We were out of toothpaste, so I looked under the sink for a new tube. As I looked, I noticed an unopened box of Tampax. That reminded me that my period was due to start any day. Without giving it any more thought, I grabbed the new toothpaste and brushed my teeth.

I went back into my room and laid back down. Ez was still there and I asked him, "Can you go to the store and get me some Ginger Ale?" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Anything for you." He gently climbed out of the bed and disappeared. I went downstairs to look for saltines. I didn't find any, so I caught Ez as he was walking out the door.

"Ez! Get me some saltines too," I said. He nodded and walked out the door. I went into the living room and flopped down on the sofa next to Abby. I groaned and rested my head in her lap.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she smoothed down my hair.

"I have the flu," I mumbled. My stomach still wasn't feeling all too well.

"What makes you say that?" I sat up and turned to face her.

"I've been having headaches and fatigue over the past week and a half." She smiled at me with a certain light in her eyes that I'd never seen before. "What?"

"I don't think you have the flu."

"How else would you explain this?"

"When was your last period?" She answered my question with a question. Smooth move, Abby.

"What does that have to do with any-" I thought back to the box of Tampax and then thought back to the last day of my period. March fourth. I was due to start any day because I was late. "Oh, no. I can't be pregnant. Maybe I'm just late."

"When I was pregnant with Ez, I thought the same thing. I'd advise you to take a pregnancy test, just to be safe." I sighed and stood up. I went up to my room to slip on my shoes and grab my car keys and wallet. When I went back downstairs, I told Abby,

"If Ez comes back before I'm home, make up an excuse for me."

"Okay, honey. Drive safe," she called out to me as I walked out the door.

When I arrived at Walgreens, I went straight for the health aisle. I looked around until I finally found the pregnancy tests. I grabbed three First Response tests and went to the check out counter. I had to wait behind five people and each of them had way more than me. I figured someone would let me ahead of them, just out of the kindness of their hearts. I mean, come on people! I'm a seventeen year old girl buying pregnancy tests! When it was my turn, the cashier looked at me strangely as he rung up my items. It made me really uncomfortable.

I went home, and Ez (thankfully) wasn't home yet. I went upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door. After peeing on all three of the tests, I waited three minutes - as advised. I swear, that had to have been the longest wait ever. I watched the clock on the wall and after three long minutes had passed, I took a deep breath and checked the tests. All three of them had two pink lines. I couldn't believe this. I, of all people, was pregnant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, the length of this chapter was short. It was more of a filler than an actual chapter.

Love you muchly :)