Status: Work in Progress

My Struggle

What Will He Say?

"Hey Kat, I have a question" Ronnie says to get hers and Max's attention. Max looks at him, wondering what he's going to ask. Monte looks questionably at him. Kat smiles alittle knowing it will be good. "Do you or do you not like our own little Monte?" Monte's mouth drops open, Max blinks alittle, surprised at his question.

Looking at Ronnie she opens and close her mouth, not wanting to say the truth, giving him a look. "Truthfully Kat, do you like Monte or not?" He says again smiling, knowing what she will say.

Monte looks at Kat waiting for her answer. Kat looks down, her face getting really red as she starts to blush again "yes.."

Max looks at Kat, wondering if he heard her right. "Did I just hear what I thought I did?" Monte looks at her like he doesn't believe what she just said.

Ronnie smiles as he says "say it again, so we can hear it Kat." Coaxing her to say it again, louder.

She bites her lip as she says "Yes, I do like him…" She looks down smiling. All Monte could think of as she bit her lip was that it was incredibly hot.

But before Monte can say anything, Ronnie looks at him saying, "Monte do you like Kat?"

Max looks at him, waiting for his answer. All Monte could think of right now was, 'That little shit, he planned this all along.' He looks down with a little smile on his face, cursing his shyness in his head, as he feels it rising up, "Yes, I do like her.." quietly.

Ronnie shakes his head, "you have to say it louder too Bryan, we can't hear you." He smiles knowing Bryan knows that he planned this by now.

Monte takes a deep breath, looking up, "I do like Kat."

Kat blushes a deeper red as Ronnie looks to Max to see his reaction. Max trying to process this through his mind.