Status: Work in Progress

My Struggle

The Way to the Store

Kat walks downstairs after getting showered and dressed. She looks around and frowns. "It looks like I'm the first one down, and I am suppose to be the GIRL!" She yells up to them, smirking knowing this will get their attention.

Monte comes down putting his arms around her. "They are almost done, Max and Robert had to get their hair just right." Kat giggles shaking her head, remembering their hair means everything to them.

Ronnie comes down, "Awww that's so cute!" He laughs looking at Monte and Kat. Monte blushes bright red, Kat shakes her head.

"Are they almost done?" She asks, getting impatient. Monte can tell she's really excited to see this shop, he wonders why, Kat never was that interested in instruments.

As Max and Robert comes down, looking at the three of them.

"Well looks like someone impatient. I wonder why, sis." Max says looking at Kat, smiling. Kat frowns shaking her head, getting her purse she walks to the car.

"Lets go, I was told I could get in before the store actually opened, I knew you guys would like that." She says, they all walk out, Kat has an SUV. Monte gets into the passenger side, the other three get into the back seat.

She starts the car as everyone puts their seatbelts on. She pulls out of her driveway, going towards town. Monte messes with the radio, there's a CD in. He turns it on, and "I Want it That Way" from the Backstreet Boys come on. Max stares at me, he's sitting behind the Monte.

"Kat, I didn't know you were into boy bands. I thought you were hardcore like us." Max shakes his head. "I was wrong about you then sis."

She takes the CD out, "I have it to remind me of when I was innocent, before you and Ronnie corrupted me." She smirks pulling into the parking lot. "I totally forgot it was in there, I usually have my iPod hooked up."

Ronnie and Robert waited until I stopped before they sing at the top of their lungs, " I don't want to hear you ssssaaaayyyyy!!!!!" Monte and Max bust out laughing and Kat shakes her head, smiling.

"Only the guys of Escape the Fate would burst out in song to the Backstreet Boys." She laughs getting out, the boys follow, Monte goes and takes Kat's hand. She smiles at him as they wait for Max and Ronnie to get out.

"Those two are going to be the death of me." Kat says shaking her head.

"Hey I heard that." Max said jumping on to Kat's back. Instinctively she grabs his legs. "Now say sorry or I will make you collapse." He says holding her tightly.

"Ugh! Max! You are heavily! " She sighs, "I'm sorry Max, I shouldn't have said that." She says with an "innocent" voice as she walks over a puddle.

Max jumps off, missing the puddle. "Nice try, I seen it before you walked over it." Ronnie laughs and Monte takes Kat's hand again as she shakes her head. They all walk up to the store, Kat knocks on the door.

A guy, about all of their age, comes to the door, he opens it. "Kat! I'm glad you could make it." He smiles, looking at the guys, "And you brought Escape the Fate! Awesome, I guess you weren't lying about Max being your brother."

Max laughs, "Nope, she would never lie about that," He hugs me putting his head on her shoulder. "Don't you see the resemblance?" He smiles big, messing with the guy.

"Nope, but I would get in before the fans find out you are here and tackle you. I'm Ian by the way." He smiles at Kat, then looks at Monte's hand. Monte hasn't let go of Kat's hand. All of the go into the store.

Ronnie and Robert trails behind. They watch Ian look at Monte and then at Kat.

"Do you see what I'm seeing?" Robert says quietly to Ronnie.

Ronnie nods, "Yeah, that guy Ian likes Kat, and I bet he's not to happy with Monte holding her hand." He and Robert walk around the store as Kat, Monte, and Max go to the guitars.

"This isn't going to be good, both of them boys will get jealous and Kat is going to get stuck in the middle. We need to talk to Max about this." Robert says looking at the drumsticks.

"Yeah, when he comes over to us wee will bring it up." Ronnie says as he looks at the microphones.

Kat giggles at Monte as he plays a song for her on an acoustic guitar. Max smiles checking out the bass guitars. Ian watches Kat and Monte, he is bummed that he didn’t get to Kat first, but maybe he could win her over...