Status: Updating as much as I can

Everything Has Changed

*** my life

Hey Odair Academy how are you on this fine Thursday? That's great I hope you're all doing terrible. Okay okay I am what to rant about today. How about the fact that I had eight views on my first chapter and two on the rest. People probably read this and said fuck this this sucks I'm out. I was screaming into my phone right now so sorry there's no commas and I'm not being like that deep motherfucker I have been lately. But back I'm going to rant about everything. I am I'm in ago to a random topic generator and I'll be back. Okay well the first thing that popped up with Howard Stern's love life. I don't even know who Howard Stern is. I judging by his name he probably has a really bad Love life. Shit I'm pulling a Jordan and judging people by their names. Okay next topic is Martha Stewart Jail Time. Um I don't think Martha Stewart has done jail time but correct me if I'm wrong. But If she did do jail time I'm pretty sure it would be for something stupid like shoving cupcakes up someone's ass. There are maybe it's for having her a household collection so expensive. Why the fuck do you think I want to pay $69 for a plate set by Martha Stewart. I don't I will really don't and I don't think anyone really does except Varrientos weird people that kind of just like fucking fuck you bitch. Or wants to but I mean fuck it.