A Thousand Diamonds

New Friends, Old Loves

Teal’s POV:

December 15, the day before Zach leaves for tour. I can’t believe how fast all of this came.

“Ready for our last day together?” Zach calls me when I get up.

“Not at all. I’ll be at the beach in a few hours and I’ll see you then.” I hang up and go down there early. This is it, the last time we’ll be here for a while.

“Teal Underhill? Is it really you?” I turn around.

“Hi, Gage. Why are you here now?” We broke up a while ago, around tenth grade, but we’re friends now.

“I was walking and I saw you. How have you been?” He asks. His green eyes sparkle and his blonde hair has sand in it. He’s been surfing.

“I’ve been good. I’m dating a guy, Zach.”

“Yeah, I saw that in the paper a year or two ago. I’m glad you moved on after all the things I did to you.” He pushes a strand of my hair back.

“Gage, I forgave you a long time ago. Sure we’ll never get back together, but you’re my friend now. You cheated on me once.”

“And then I hit you when you found out.” I flinch, remembering. “I am really sorry, Teal. I never should have done that.”

“You were in a dark place but I gave you the wakeup call you needed. All is forgiven.”

“You are still the same Teal Sky I remember.”

“My actress name!” I laugh remembering when he gave me that name.

“I never did forget you.” I look down and see a wedding ring.

“Is she good to you?” He sees me looking and nods.

“Yeah, do you remember Wanda Pole?” He asks.

“She is really good for you.” I put my hand on his shoulder and he smiles.

“Thank you, Teal. Well, I see your boyfriend so I better go now.”

“Bye, Gage.” I turn and walk to Zach who is clearly mad right now. “Hi, Zach.”

“Don’t say hi to me! I just saw you with that guy!”

“That guy is my ex, Gage.”

“You think you can act like that on the day before I leave? With your ex!” I am getting really mad now. I don’t think he trusts me.

“We were just talking! He’s married now, just so you know!” We are not seriously arguing over this right now. We haven’t fought since June. We’ve been really happy together and now he’s trying to ruin everything.

“Don’t give me that crap! I saw everything. The hair moving, the laughing, you putting your hand on his shoulder! How could you do this to me?”

“Zach, if you would just listen to me!”

“I don’t need to listen to anything!” I walk away and go back to Gage, crying.

“Are you okay, Teal?” He pulls me in for a hug.

“No, I need a friend right now. I don’t know where Shelly and Tanya are.” Zach is walking over to us and I just can’t talk to him right now.

“You will always have me as a friend.” Zach is in front of us and I prepare for the worst.
