A Thousand Diamonds

A Plan

Zach’s POV:

“Dude, we need to get this song out now.” Michael tells me, looking at his phone. He shows Cameron the text.

“Okay, that is really bad.” Cameron says.

“What?” I walk over and Mikey shows me the text from Tanya. “Teal thinks we’re broken?” My heart drops. When we were fighting I could tell she didn’t think we would make it through.

“You really screwed up, Zach.” I have an idea that may be better than the song.

“Mikey, text Tanya back and make sure Teal is at the mall on Christmas Eve.” I say.

“Okay, what’s your plan?” I am not telling anyone until I know if it works.

“Nope, that will stay a secret. This is going to be good.”

“Zach, I know that look. You’re going to get Teal back, aren’t you?” Cameron asks me and I have hope for this plan. It just has to be perfect.

“I really hope so.” Mom, dad, and Vic come down.

“We have the camera ready if you guys are ready. You boys have to get home and get ready for your tour tomorrow.” I look at the guys and they nod.

“Roll the camera, Vic.” We go through a few takes, but I think it’s finally perfect.

“That is just beautiful, Zach. I hope Teal takes you back after that.” Mom wipes away a few tears and I think even dad has a tear or two falling.

“I will edit this and get it on YouTube tonight or tomorrow. She’ll love it, Zach.”

“Thanks, bro. Go do your mad video skills.” I tell him and he runs upstairs.

“You are lucky to have him for a brother.” Mom tells me and I nod.

“I know I am. I’m lucky to have all of you and now I need to have Teal back in my life. Without her I am nothing.”

“Maybe you should add that to the end of your video.” Mom suggests.

“No, I have a plan. It will be better than any stupid message that she may or may not listen to. I can’t even guarantee she’s going to watch the video.”

“Tanya texted back. She will have Teal at the mall Christmas Eve around 2.”

“Can we be back here by then?” I ask Cameron.

“I’ll make sure we get back in time. I don’t know what you’re planning, but it’s obviously really good.” I hope she forgives me once she sees this.

“Alright, boys, your parents want you home now. They only get a few more hours with you.” Mom shoves Cameron and Michael out.

“Mom, do you really think the song is going to work?” I ask.

“I hope it does for your sake and her sake. She does love you. Maybe your other plan will work, too. Do I get to know?”

“Let the boy have his secrets.” Dad says laughing.

“Thanks. I need this to be a surprise for everyone in case I don’t go through with it or it doesn’t work.”

“Zach, you will go through with it. I know you far too well.” Mom kisses me and makes me come up for our last family dinner for a few months.
