A Thousand Diamonds

Letting Loose

Teal’s POV:

“Hey, why don’t you go to the mall today?” Shelly suggests right before I hang up from talking to her.

“But it’s Christmas Eve. I don’t want to deal with that traffic.”

“Tanya and I both think it’ll be really good for you. Please, just go and get your mind off Zach right now. You have two months to think about it. Go let loose, be a kid.”

“I’m 20, I’m not a kid.”

“You know what I mean, Teal.” She won’t give up and I don’t want her to get Tanya involved.

“Fine, I’ll go shopping or something if it will make you feel better.” I hang up and get my coat.

“Where are you going?” Mom asks.

“Apparently to the mall. Shel and Tan won’t give up until I go.”

“Are you meeting them there?” She asks, happy I’m finally getting out of the house.

“I really don’t know. I’m confused by this whole situation.” I tell her and grab my car keys. I’m still saving up cash so I can move out. I’m giving up on waiting for Zach.

“Have fun, Teal. You deserve to let loose right now.” She tells me and I go.

“So I’ve been told. I should be home for dinner at 6.” I tell her and she nods.

“It’s okay if you’re a little late.” Now there’s something she’s never said to me before. Maybe Zach and I should break up more often. I go to the mall and see a bunch of kids screaming while they wait in line for Santa. I stand and look.

“You should go, you’re never too old.” Someone tells me. It won’t hurt to be a kid again, to let loose. This Santa looks kind of skinny, but it’s not like he’s real. I’ve been thinking a lot and I just want Zach to come back.

“Alright, miss, you are the last person in line for the day.” The little helper guy tells me. I wait my turn and finally go sit on Santa’s lap. This is so weird that I’m sitting on some creepy old guy’s lap.

“Ho, ho, ho, what would you like for Christmas?” He says with too much jolly. This Santa looks so familiar, but I don’t know why.

"I know it's not that possible, but I would like to see my boyfriend, Zach Porter. He's on tour right now and I just really miss him. We were in a fight, but I forgive him. If he could be home for Christmas tomorrow I would love it." I get up to leave but the helper guy stops me.

“You didn’t get your picture yet.” I go back and sit on the guy’s lap. I guess I can fake a smile. He takes his beard off.

"Merry Christmas, Teal." He says and I grin.

"Zach, you're here?" I don’t believe this right now.

"Yes, I am."

"I've missed you." I tell him.

"I've missed you, too. Teal, will you marry me?" He gets on his knee and I cry.

"Yes!" The camera snaps as he puts the ring on my finger.

“I love you, Teal.” He says.

“Go change, Zach. We can spend the rest of the day together.”
