A Thousand Diamonds

Welcome To Tour

Teal’s POV:

“Zach, do you really have to go back to tour today?” I ask Zach. It’s the day after Christmas and I know he has to get to his fans.

“Technically shows start tomorrow, but with the drive we have to leave in a few hours.” I smile because I know he’s trying to joke with me.

“You know I’m going to miss you a lot. Let’s never fight again.” I know it isn’t that possible, but I can dream.

“Blue, you know us. Fighting is what we do, but only the greatest couples overcome like we are. Hey, how about you come on tour with us!”

“Really, and what would I do?”

“I don’t know. I bet Shelly and Tanya would come too and you girls could hang out.” He’s begging and it’s really cute.

“Okay, you talk to the guys, get my friends to go, and I’ll go with you.” I kiss him and he makes his calls. I grab my bag and start packing.

“Teal, where are you going?” My mom runs in.

“I’m going on tour with Zach. He wants me to come and I really don’t want to be away from him much longer. This way we can spend New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day together.” I smile.

“If it makes you happy then go. It’s not like I can keep you here.” She hugs me and leaves. I am about to go on tour with my boyfriend, my fiancé. Zach runs in and spins me around.

“Pack faster! The girls will be at my place in an hour and you need to be there, too. We will leave without you, but I’ll try to make them wait if you’re gonna be late.” He kisses me and runs out. I throw clothes in my suitcases and go.

“I’m here, Zach. No need to leave me behind.” He runs over and his smile falls when he sees my bags.

“Three suitcases? Teal, we have a big bus, but not that big.” I do a pouty face.

“It’s gonna be almost two months. Do you guys even do laundry?” I ask opening the door and being attacked with a smell that could kill.

“No, we take three outfits each and wear those for three months.” I almost laugh but I see that he is completely serious.

“Dude, that is so gross! And I hug you!” He gets a mischievous look and walks closer to me.

“Teal, you look cold.”

“No, Zach, don’t do it. You’re so gross right now.” He runs after me and catches me. We both fall to the grass laughing.

“Save it for later, you two.” Michael laughs and I see everyone staring at us.

“I guess this means you two are back to normal?” Shelly asks and I nod.

“We are definitely back to normal.” He helps me up and we load the bus. Shelly and Tanya both have three suitcases, too.

“Thank goodness we pack light.” Michael jokes and Tanya playfully hits him.

“Thank goodness I don’t have perfume to spray on all your stuff.” She smiles at him and he swings her up on to a bunk, I’m guessing his.

“Enjoy the stench!” They start laughing. This is going to be a great two months.
