A Thousand Diamonds

Fan Encounters

Teal’s POV:

We finally go out to the mob of fans and wait for the show.

“Are you Teal?” A girl asks me and I smile.

“Yes I am. How could you tell?”

“Because you look like the kind of girl Zach would date.” I want to ask what that means, but she continues. “And I saw your ring.”

“Yeah, that would give it away.” I laugh.

“You’re Teal? I can’t believe I’m looking at the girl Zach will marry! This is awesome!” She runs up and hugs me. Soon I'm being mobbed by fans. I look at Shelly and Tanya but they both just shrug.

“Look, its Shelly and Tanya! The girls that Cam and Mikey are dating.” I yell and they shoot me a death glare as girls surround them. So this is how the guys feel every night.

“Hey, I see you’ve met our girls.” The guys run on stage and I hear Zach’s laugh.

“Play nice with them. They’re fragile, except Tanya. She’s tough like me.” Michael grins down and Tanya waves to him.

“Love you, sweetie.” She yells to him and he nods, his way of playing cool with the fans.

“Tell her you love her!” One girl yells. He gets up, jumps off stage, and kisses Tanya. She looks around, shocked, and helps him back up.

“Can you believe he did that?” She asks me but Shelly and I are bent over laughing.

“You poor thing.” I can finally say.

“Oh, you think he’s the only one who can do that?” I look up and see Zach who kisses me and spins me around. Shelly bursts out laughing and so do I, but for a different reason.

“Turn around, Shel.”

“I can’t be the bad guy.” Cameron says before he kisses her.

“Alright, you guys, play the show these fans came to see. They aren’t here to watch you make out with us.” I say and the girls around me laugh.

“Oh really, smart one.” He smiles but looks at Cam, who starts playing The American Dream. Shelly, Tanya, and I rock out just like we did at the first concert. Zach smiles at me and I smile back. It’s nice to have him again.

“Alright, this next song some of you may recognize from a video we posted about a week ago.” Cameron says and starts playing Broken. I cry and Zach pulls me on stage. I shake my head but I can’t fight him.

“I hate you, Zach.” I say when the song is over.

“You don’t mean it.” He smiles at me.

“No, I don’t mean it at all.” I jump back down and the guys finish their show.

“Alright, we’ll be outside in an hour or two to meet you all.” Zach looks at me and nods. “Teal, Shelly, and Tanya will be out there now. Be nice to them because they will tell us everything.” The guys go off stage and I start the chant.

“Encore, encore, encore!” Tanya starts in with me. Shelly joins and soon all of us are screaming it.

“One song and then we’re done.” Zach says coming back onstage. They play The Last Time and then say they really have to go so they won’t spontaneously combust.
