A Thousand Diamonds

Perfect Plan

Zach’s POV:

“Something tells me Teal started that encore chant.” I say when we get backstage. I have never had so much fun during a show.

“She is your girlfriend.” Cameron says and grabs a bottle of water.

“Are you still drinking that poison crap?” Michael asks grabbing a Carpi Sun from the cooler we brought in.

“It’s better than that sugar drink.” Cameron laughs.

“Don’t diss the fruit juice.” Michael gets serious and I start laughing. “Respect the pouch!” He drinks it like a little child and Cameron and I start laughing harder.

“Do you think the girls are alright out there?” Cameron asks after an hour.

“Yeah, you saw how the fans reacted to them. I’m sure they’re doing just fine.”

“Maybe we should go check on them. It is about time we go out anyways.” Michael says as he finishes his third drink.

“Alright, let’s go meet the crazies we call fans.” I open the door and kind of wish I had a jacket.



“Michael!” We are attacked with fans and the girls wave as they sneak on to the bus.

“No, get back here.” I say but they shut the door. Teal opens the blinds and waves at me. I stick my tongue out at her and she just laughs.

“Teal is so nice!” One girl holds out the word 'so'.

“Yeah, you haven’t dated her for two years. She isn’t always this way. Like when she sneaks on to the bus!” I yell and hope she can hear me.

“You two seem good for each other.” The girl says and walks off. By the look on her face I know she means it. Finally enough girls leave so we can leave, too.

“It’s official, the fans love every one of you.” Michael says as we get on the bus. I fall on the couch and Teal sits next to me.

“Are you tired, sweetie?”

“It has been a really long day.” I tell her and she starts rubbing my shoulders. “Oh that’s the spot. Thank you, Teal.” She smiles and sits up so she can put her chin on my head.

“It’s the least I can do for you putting up with me.” I turn around and face her.

“Don’t even start that right now. I love you and nothing is going to change that. Now, can you work on the left shoulder?” She laughs and digs in.

“Anything for you.”

“Blue, what if we get married after tour. Like, maybe right after your birthday?”

“May 10th sounds like a good date. Is that okay with you?” She asks.

“That sounds perfect. I guess we should start making plans then.”

“We have a while to do that. I think you should go to bed now because you have many more shows to do. And it’s three in the morning.” She kisses me and we go to our bunk.

“I am so glad I have you watching out for me.”

“That is what I’m here for.” She says and I’m asleep before either of us can say anything else.
