A Thousand Diamonds

Baby Porter

Teal’s POV:

Tour has been over for a few weeks. Zach and I just signed on an amazing house close to everyone. We decided it’s best to start living together now.

“Zach, can I talk to you?” I pull him aside from the guys. Cameron proposed to Shelly at the last show and Mikey proposed to Tanya yesterday. We are all hanging out now and planning the last few wedding details.

“Sure, Teal, is everything okay?”

“Your mom wants me to wear her wedding dress, but it isn’t going to fit me.” He looks at me and is almost upset.

“Teal, you aren’t fat! I’m sure a few things can be adjusted since you’re a little taller than her.” I laugh.

“No, it won’t fit. Zach, I’m almost two months pregnant.”

“Oh, God.” Is all he can say. He’s smiling so I think it’s a good thing.

“What’s going on?” Tanya walks in. I lead her back to the living room and Zach follows me. Everyone is here so it’s perfect.

“Why is Zach’s face like that?” Mrs. Porter asks. I look at him and he’s half shocked, half smiling.

“Mrs. Porter, I would love to wear your wedding dress, but in two months, it won’t fit.”

“Teal, I'm pretty sure you're done growing.”

“No, I’m two months pregnant tomorrow.” She and my mom hug me. Tanya and Shelly start freaking out. Cameron kind of smiles, but Michael has the best reaction.

“Wait, two months ago we were on tour. On the bus. You two were never alone. Gross!” He yells. Zach and I laugh and Zach kisses me.

“Please, you all sleep so much.” Zach says laughing.

“You two are gross!” Is all Michael can manage to say right now.

“Alright, we can go get you a dress tomorrow and make sure there is enough room for your little baby.” My mom smiles. “I’m going to be a grandma.”

“We’re going to be grandparents.” Mr. Porter and my dad are smiling now.

“Shelly, Tanya, I hope you can both share being Godparents.” I say.

“Heck yeah!” They yell.

“Which I guess makes Cameron and Michael Godparents, too, right?” Zach looks at me.

“I wouldn’t forget your friends. Besides, when they marry my friends, it just kind of works out that way.”

“This is so exciting. We’re going to throw you a shower after your wedding and buy so many things for Baby Porter!” Shelly is already looking at clothes and blankets.

“Wait a while. We don’t even know what we’re having yet and we won’t know until after the wedding.”

“That will be such a cute present!” This is the girliest I think I’ve ever seen Tanya. She usually can’t stand kids and said she never ever wanted any.

“Yeah and I can’t wait for it.”

“Then I guess we better start buying things for this kid and baby proof this house. What are we going to name him or her?” Zach asks.

“How about Jenna for a girl?”

“I like that name. I like Tristin for a boy.”

“Zach, you picked an adorable name.” He takes my hand and I know we can conquer anything.

“I think it’s time for you to tweet the fans again.” He says.

“Let’s wait until we know if it’s Tristin or Jenna.” I put my hand on my stomach and he puts his hand over mine. We couldn’t be stronger if we tried.
