A Thousand Diamonds


Teal’s POV:

“Shelly, Tanya, I have a date with Zach!” I yell in the car.

“Really, when is it?” Shelly asks me.

“I have no idea. I gave him my number and he said he would let me know. What if he doesn’t call me?” Now my heart is sinking and reality is setting in.

“He will call you.” Tanya tells me and right on cue my phone rings.

“Teal, its Zach. How about next week, maybe the 15?” I can hear how nervous he is.

“That sounds great, Zach. I’ll see you then. Do you just want to meet somewhere?” I ask him since he doesn’t know where I live.

“Sure, I’ll meet you at the fountain downtown. We can share a pizza or something.” I laugh.

“Okay, I’ll see at what time?”

“Be there at 7.” He tells me.

“Okay, I’ll be there.” I tell him and he hangs up, but not before I hear him cheer.

“Someone has a date!” Shelly teases.

“Yup, next Saturday at 7.”

“Tell us where it is!” Tanya yells at me.

“Tan, I will not tell you two where it is until after. I do not want you showing up and ruining everything. You would embarrass me beyond repair.” I say knowing my friends too well.

“Yeah, we probably would. You better get us with Cameron and Michael. They were definitely interested in us when we were talking to them.” Shelly says.

“Of course I will! I can’t let my two best friends be alone while I date the best guy in the world.”

“Second best.” Tanya and Shelly both say.

“That just proves that I have the best.” I tell them and we laugh. Tanya pulls in my driveway.

“Tell us all about your date when it’s over.” Shelly warns me.

“I’ll video chat you both as soon as I get back.”

“We’ll be waiting.” Tanya yells out the window. She doesn’t wait very long for you to get in or out of the car before leaving.

“How was the concert, Teal?” My mom asks when I close the door. It’s already one in the morning.

“Oh, you know, the way any concert is. Met the guys and got asked out by Zach.” She hugs me.

“That’s amazing, baby.”

“It really is. We’re going out Saturday at 7.”

“I can’t wait to meet him if you two work out.” Dad is standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Daddy, I’ll bring him home the day he asks me to be his girlfriend.”

“It doesn’t have to be the exact day, but we would like to have him over for dinner soon after you two are an item.” My mom says and goes upstairs. I can’t believe this is really happening. My phone goes off and it’s a text from Zach.

“Can’t wait to see you again, Blue.”

“Blue?” I text back. Why did he call me that?”

“You don’t like always being called Teal so I’m calling you Blue.” I laugh out loud then cover my mouth.

“I like that. See you Saturday.” I text him back and go to bed with the biggest smile I’ve ever had.
