A Thousand Diamonds


Zach’s POV:

I walk to the fountain at 7 and see Teal there. The wind is blowing her hair and she looks amazing. She smiles when she sees me.

“Hi, Zach.” She says as I get closer.

“Hey, Blue.” She smiles and giggles when I say it.

“You can call me Teal, I don’t mind.” She says and we both sit down.

“I like calling you Blue.”

“Okay, if you want to. For now.”

“For now?” I ask her.

“Well, I do want you to call me by my real name. The pet name is cute sometimes, but not all the time.” I am not going to fight with her this early. We aren’t even five minutes in to our first date.

“Okay, Teal, you got it.” She smiles and we go to get a pizza. “Are you okay with a meat pizza?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.” She smiles and I take her hand.

“Is this okay?” I ask her, not wanting to move any faster than she’s comfortable with.

“It’s fine.” She smiles and I pay for the pizza and we go sit at the fountain again.

“Tell me about yourself, Blue.”

“Well, I’m an only child so my parents care and stuff.” She laughs and I know it was a joke. “I just graduated high school about a month ago, but I turned 18 in April.” The sun is setting behind her and it looks like a painting.

“Do you have any goals for after school?” I ask her.

“Not really. Actually, I have no idea what to do in life.” She confesses.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to decide right now. You still have plenty of time to make it big where ever you decide to be.”

“Zach, that’s really sweet.” She bites her lip.

“I try to be.” We sit and talk for a few hours. The moon is at and it catches her face. If I knew what a thousand diamonds shining looked like, it would be her face right now.

“What are you thinking about, Zach?”

“Your face is shining with the moon. It looks like diamonds.” Why lie this early?

“That reminds me of one of my favorite songs. It’s Broken, by Secondhand Serenade. I really like that band.”

“I’ve never heard of them, but maybe I’ll listen to them now.”

“You should, Zach.” She tells me and I lead her back to her car.

“We should do this again sometime. Meet me at the beach tomorrow?” I really want to see her again and have a relationship start.

“Sure, that sounds great. I’ll see you around noon?”

“Time is good but give me your address. I want to pick you up this time.” I insist on it and she writes it down for me. “I’ll see you at noon, Teal.”

“Bye, Zach. I’ll see you then.” She drives off and I don’t get in my car until I see her taillights disappear. It may sound pathetic or cliché but I don’t really care. I really like Teal and I hope it goes somewhere from here.
