A Thousand Diamonds


Zach’s POV:

When I was looking in Teal’s eyes, I saw something. I know I’m supposed to be with this girl.

“Teal, we’re going to get married one day.” I tell her and she laughs.

“Let’s get through dinner first.” I know she doesn’t believe me, she just thinks it’s a crazy dream. But I know it’s going to happen.

“Hi, you must be Zach! I’m Paula Underhill.” Mrs. Underhill pulls me in to a hug.

“Excuse my wife, Zach. I’m Eric.” I shake his hand.

“Please, have a seat. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. I hope you don’t mind steaks, we had some left over.”

“I don’t mind at all.” I’m not the biggest steak person, but if she’s making them I can’t complain.

“Leave it to my mother to make something edible when we have guests over.” Teal laughs and we sit on the couch.

“Can she not cook?” I ask.

“Don’t ever ask that question again. If you’re over and it’s one of her specialties you just smile, compliment it, and shove it down.” Mr. Underhill is smiling.

“I will keep that in mind, sir.”

“Alright, Zach, let’s get something straight. You don’t have to call me sir. It makes me feel really old.”

“Understood, Mr. Underhill.” He walks back in to the kitchen. I hear Teal’s parents laughing and cooking together.

“Zach, what if that’s us one day.” Teal laughs.

“I wouldn’t mind it at all. But like you said, let’s get through dinner.” She smiles and leans on my shoulder.

“Man, you have a really comfortable shoulder.” She says after a few minutes.

“I have never been told that.” I tell her.

“Well, now you have.” She grins like a child that just won an argument.

“Yes, now I have.”

“Alright you two, come get dinner. I made the egg salad special.” Mrs. Underhill smiles.

“It looks amazing.” I tell her, just like Teal’s dad said to. I take a big spoonful just to make her happy. I sit at the table and start eating.

“Well, try the salad and tell me what you think. Teal and her father absolutely love it.” I see Teal force more in and her dad gives me a look. I take a bite and want to spit it out.

“Wow, I can see why they do. This is good.” I wish I hadn’t taken so much. It tastes like dog crap.

“Thank you, Zach!” She smiles and gets the bowl when I’m done. “Would you like some more?”

“Oh, no thank you. I am full right now.”

“Well you can take some home to your parents.” She gets a dish and puts all of it in.

“Thank you, Mrs. Underhill. “ I say and take the dish. We talk a bit and have desert, store bought thank goodness. “Well, this meal was amazing and it was nice to meet you, but I have to get home.” I say around 9. I grab the egg salad and head home.

“How was dinner with Teal’s parents?” Mom and dad ask. Vic is sitting in a chair, waiting.

“I brought home some egg salad her mom made. Don’t eat it, it’s poision.”
