A Thousand Diamonds

Giving Up

Zach’s POV:

Teal and I have been fighting a lot. If we only go at it once a month, that’s good. Now I may do the stupidest thing and start another fight. We’ve just celebrated our two year yesterday.

“Teal, I’m going on tour in a few months.”

“What’s a few months?” She asks, her voice cold like it is every time I mention the band.

“Uhm, we leave in December and won’t be back until after Valentine’s Day.”

“So you’ll miss Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, and Valentine’s Day?” She asks knowing that’s what I’m saying.

“I’m sorry, Teal. We leave the week after my birthday, on the 16.” I am about to start World War III here.

“Why are you telling me this now?! We just enjoyed the fact we’ve spent two years together and haven’t killed each other or broken up. You know Tanya and Michael just got back together yesterday!” That was the worst week of my life. Michael was a wreck and it sounds like Tanya was the same.

“I know but I figured you would want to know before we release dates.”

“Let me guess, you aren’t doing a show here.” Why did I bring this up?

“No, we aren’t.”

“And I bet you still haven’t listened to Secondhand Serenade have you?” She keeps bringing up this stupid band.

“No, but I will.”

“You promised me that a year and a half ago! I hate you Zach Porter! Get out of my house!” Here come her tears again. The ones that make me feel like an ass.

“Blue, don’t do this. I promise I’ll keep in touch with you.”

“That’s what you said last tour and you never did. You’ve been breaking a lot of promises. You said we would get married one day and I’m glad you didn’t promise me that.”

“Teal!” I can’t believe she just said that and I can see in her face she can’t believe it either.

“Zach, I need to think about things right now. I’ll call you later. This isn’t the end of us.” She’s still crying and I know there are more waiting.

“Okay, call me when you’re ready.” I walk out and her mom stops me.

“Zach, you need to quit screwing up. Would you like more egg salad to take home?” I might puke if I eat more of that.

“No thank you.” I say and walk out.

“You two fighting again?” Mom asks when I get inside. She loves Teal and treats her just like a daughter.

“I screwed up and told her about tour.”

“She needs to know. You can’t just surprise her with it.”

“Yeah, but I did it in the worst way possible then she found out I still haven’t listened to that stupid band she likes.”

“Never call a girl’s favorite, or tenth favorite band, stupid. She obviously likes them for a reason and you need to find that reason.”

“Maybe one day I will, mom.”

“Make it soon, Zach, before you lose her for good.” I hope that never happens. Teal calls later that night.

“I’m sorry, Zach, I keep overreacting. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Of course you will. I’ll pick you up.”
