Tainted Love

Love burns it's casualties

Jeordie has platted sections of my hair as we lay in bed together. He is whimsical and playful now and I am tolerant. I know it will be curly in the morning but I don’t mind. His ethereal fingers dance drunk along my naked abdomen and chest, tracing patterns and touching old scars. I think he is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen and I feel overwhelmed. His colourful dreads snake around him and I’m scared that if our eyes touched now I would be turned to stone. I want to possess him, own him, absorb him, before he absorbs me and I am lost. I want to make a jacket out of his perfect skin and jewellery out of his pearly teeth and pale bones, even drink his blood and eat his flesh to ensure that he will be with me forever, that he will never leave me. My thoughts and feelings terrify me and I could cry. My eyes wonder over the red finger prints, scratches and teeth marks and I am reassured that at least for now he is mine.

Pressed tightly to Marilyn I can feel his heart pound in his chest and I wonder what thoughts run through his head, what feeling he keeps captive in his still, quiet body. On his torso I write all the words that I could never say to him, silently spilling my secrets onto his bare chest. He is my alpha and my omega. I feel like we’ve lived and loved each other before, like we’ve survived natural disasters, wars and famines together, died of the plague and endured opium addiction and concentration camps together. Like we’ve been children together and had children together. I feel like I’ve loved him for an eternity, like his name is carved into my bones and our fates entangled have been written forever in the stars.
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Sorry for making them both so nuts :S I recently read Prozac Nation and Killing for Company which coloured their characters a little.