When Two Worlds Collide

When The Past Comes Back.

“Morning sunshine.” I greeted Eric as he walked into the kitchen.

He rubbed his eyes and sat down on the stool in front of the bench. “Morning. You cooking breakfast?”

“I sure am! You should go next door and get Thomas, Colton and Joey because i’m making them for everyone.”

“Alright.” He wandered out the door just as Anthony walked in all smiles.

“Morning Amy!”

“Morning Ladao! I’m so glad I know someone else who is a morning person.” He laughed and sat down on the stool Eric had been sitting on.

“Speaking of, where’s Eric?” He looked around the room just as he walked through the door followed by the boys who were all smiles as well.

“Morning boys! I thought i’d cook breakfast for you all.” Thomas took a whiff of the pancakes and melted into the stool next to Anthony.

“Smells amazing. I haven’t had pancakes in ages.” I smiled at him when Anthony spoke.

“I’m not gonna lie, Amy is a mean cook.”

“Aww. Thanks dude. Of course, I learnt from the best.” Anthony put his hand over his heart and smiled.

“Oh stop it. You’re making me blush.” He turned to Thomas. “She was hopeless before I taught her some simple recipes, now she’s overtaken me in cooking as well.”

Thomas laughed and eyed us both back and forth before speaking. “You guys are really cute. How long have you been together?”

We had heard that question so much that we both laughed. “Oh, we’re um... we’re not together.”

He looked down embarrassed but I saw a glimpse of relief in his face when he looked up. “Oh, i’m sorry. I just assumed.”

I laughed. “It’s okay. We’ve been friends since I was born. I say since I was born because i’m a year younger than him.”

He looked a little stunned. “Wait, you’re only 17?” I laughed.

“Turning 18. Anthony is turning 19 next month, but yes. Why the shocked face?” He shook his head.

“I don’t know... I guess you looked a bit older.”

“Well, I turn 18 in May... how old did you think I was?”

“I don’t know, 19 maybe.” A small burst of laughter came out as I covered my mouth.

“Wow. Really? With my height? I’m tiny! People usually assume i’m 16.” He chuckled.

“Your height makes you look young but your face looks a little older.”

“Well thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

I flipped the last pancake onto the last plate and called everyone to the bench.

“Guys. Breakfast is ready, maple syrup is in the cupboard.”

They all thanked me and took there position on the floor or the couch as they watched TV but Thomas stayed with me at the bench.

I walked around from behind the bench when Thomas’ eyes widened and all of the boys except Anthony and Eric look shocked and they looked away as quickly as they could.

“What?” I looked around and Anthony spoke with his mouth full of pancake.

“Look down.” I looked down and noticed that all I was wearing was a sweater and boy short underwear with spongebob on them.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I sleep like this and usually I just walk out like this and don’t have to worry about other people seeing. I’ll go change.”

I walked into Anthony’s room which was where my clothes were and I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled them over my underwear.

I don’t think the boys knew I hadn’t closed the door behind me when I heard them whispering.

“Damn guys. She’s... wow.” I heard Joey say as he continued. “How have you guys not tried to tap that yet?” My mouth came open in shock but I also found it quite funny at the same time for some reason. This wasn’t the first time a guy had only one thought on their mind when they saw me.

I heard Eric and Anthony stuttering trying to find their words when I walked out and saved them.

“They learnt from other peoples mistake to not try that shit with me. Also, they’re practically like my brothers so that would be weird.” I saw Joey’s head go down in embarrassment and I laughed.

“Joey, it’s okay. I’m actually flattered... in a weird way.” The boys chuckled as I sat down next to Thomas.

I turned sideways so I could look at him and eat at the same time.

“So, how old are you Thomas?”

He swallowed his rather large portion of food that he had in his mouth and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m 19, turning 20 in May.”

“Oh, no way. What day? I’m the 26th.”

He smiled. “I’m the 3rd.”

“Ahh damn. Beat me by 3 years and 23 days!” He laughed.

“So, besides dancing what also do you like to do?”

I placed a bit of my pancake in my mouth as I thought.

“I really like Photography and I do sing but i’d never do those professionally.”

“She’s really good at both of those as well. She was unfairly blessed with being good at everything she does.” Eric said eyes still on the TV.

“Mmhhmm.” Agreed Anthony.

“They’re lying. I’m not that good.” He did a half smile like he didn’t believe me.

“Show me.”


“Show me some of your photos.” I shook my head. “No.”


“No!” I laughed.

Anthony walked over his hands full of plates and he grabbed mine and Thomas’ and began washing them.

Eric came out with my camera and as I tried to fight him for it but Anthony pinned my arms to my sides and I frowned and pushed my bottom lip out in a pout.

“Guys!” Colton and Joey came over as well.

Eric flipped through my photos and I put my head down not wanting to see their reactions.

“Wow. WOW. Amy. These are amazing. You’re too modest.” I looked at Thomas who was smiling at me bigger than he had before.

“Now sing.” My eyes widened as Eric gave me my camera back.

“What? No. Hell no. And it’s good because you can’t force me to either.”


I shook my head. “Nope. No. Never.” Thomas sighed and gave in.


I looked at them time. “Okay. Well, i’m going to go get ready so we can get out of here on time.”

The sun was rising and from the window it looked beautiful.

I grabbed my camera from the bench and snapped a few shots before heading into the bathroom.

When I was ready I walked out the everyone sitting around talking. I was assuming they were waiting for me when I noticed Thomas was gone.

“Am I not the last person to get ready?” The shook their heads.

Eric spoke. “I forgot to tell you, Thomas may just take longer than you to get ready. Gotta get that quiff perfect.”

“You know it!” He said as he walked through the door.

He turned to me, “does the quiff live up to your expectations?”

I nod. “Uh-huh. Definitely!”

“Good.” I laughed.


We had made it out on time and we made it to Interscope records just in time.

They all greeted their manager whilst I stood around awkwardly.

“Oh,” Anthony pulled me forward. “This is our good friend Amy. I hope you don’t mind if she sits in on us just for the next two weeks.”

“No, that’s fine. Nice to meet you. I hear you’re a dancer. Maybe you can help us with choreography when we need it.”

I smiled. “I’m flattered but I think you’re in good hands with leaving the choreography up to Anthony and Eric.”

“Awww! We’re flattered that she’d say that but maybe when she returns in 6 months and we have some songs under our sleeves we can get her in to help out.”

“Okay.” We walked into the meeting room as my phone began to ring. It was the lady whose apartment I looked at yesterday, Eleanor.

“Oh crap. Hey guys. I have to take this.” They just nod and shut the door behind them as I wandered back and forth with the phone to my ear.

“Hey! Please tell me you have good news.” I heard her laughter on the end of the phone.

“Very good news. The apartment is yours if you come and see me now and sign the papers. I wish I could say we could meet up another time but i’m going on holiday to Bali for 3 weeks and I leave tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. I’ll come and see you now, where are you?”

There was silence as she thought. “You know what, where are you? I’ll come by and get you and we’ll go somewhere.” I smiled.

“Okay. I’m at the Interscope records building. I’ll wait downstairs for you.”

“Interscope records? Why are you there?”

“I’ll explain when I see you. See you soon! Bye!” I hung up the phone and poked my head through the door.

“Hey guys. Sorry to interrupt but i’m just letting you know i’m heading out with Eleanor for a bit to talk about the apartment. I’ll meet you back at yours later.”

I ran out the door before they could say goodbye when I heard the door open and close behind me.

It was Anthony.

“Hey. Are you going to be alright?” I laughed at the fact that he thought I couldn’t handle it. I knew he was protective but this was silly.

“I’ll be fine.”

He laughed. “I know i’m sounding extremely ‘older brother’ right now but i’m just looking out for you. Also, if I don’t get you back in one piece your parents will kill me.”

I smiled. “I know. Thanks Ladao. I love you. Now, go back to your meeting. I don’t want to hold you up.” He hugged me and kissed the top of my head before I got in the elevator and out the front door.

Eleanor was already waiting for me and I was shocked when I saw her. She was sat in a yellow porsche with her dreadlocks cut off and her hair was now a long blonde fringe that was razored and the sides of her hair were cut short; it almost looked shaved.

“Whoa.” I shook my head as if this was a dream. “Whoa!”

She laughed. “I know I look different. Get in and i’ll explain.”


We were at a small cafe as we spoke. “So, to explain my new look. I was never actually a real hippie. My fiancé is not even close to hippie, I don’t know why I dressed like one.” She laughed. “It was a phase and the clothes were comfortable. Also, the dreadlocks were getting gross so I snipped them off. I like this look a lot better.”

“You look hot.” I blurted out and she laughed.

“Thanks. Anyway, now you need to explain what you were doing at Interscope records. Should I be keeping your number for when you get famous?” I laughed and shook my head.

“Two of my best friends have started a boy band called Midnight Red and they were signed recently so they were having a meeting here. The reason I was in your apartment block as well is because they’re living there now and i’m staying with them for the next two weeks.”

“Wow. Sounds great. Good luck to them. Guess my apartment would be perfect for you then. Speaking of. I just need you to sign a few documents and it’s all yours in 6 months!”

“Sweet. Just tell me where to sign!”

We spent the rest of the morning going through the documents and details of the whole thing and we were finally done after what seemed like ages. My phone had buzzed a couple of times with texts from Anthony asking where I was so they could meet up with me and I texted back quickly the location.

I was about to speak when I heard a familiar chuckle from down the street and when Eleanor noticed I had completely blanked out on our conversation she started waving her hands in front of my face.

“Earth to Amy. Amy!” My head snapped up to look at her as I apologised.

“Sorry, I just thought I heard...”

“Ammmmyyyy! Hey baby. How are you girl? I haven’t seen you in ages.” I hid my face in my hands as I felt my heart rate increase dramatically. Every time he called me baby I got an awful chill down my spine.

They hadn’t approached us fully yet so El leaned in to ask me something. “Do you know him?”

I cringed at the memory of him. “Knew. Long story short. We dated. Told me he loved me. Turned out all he wanted was sex.”

“Oh. What a douche bag!” El said quite loud and he, or should I say Rob, heard.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say about someone you don’t know.” He shook his finger in front of El’s face and she slapped it away.

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and he grazed my boobs as he did.

“Oops. Sorry. Accident. I promise.” He had a smug look on his face as did his friend that was with him.

“Go away Rob.”

“Oh. Feisty. That’s no way to treat and old... friend.” He dragged out the last word.

“Oh trust me. We are not, nor were we ever friends.”

“Aww. C’mon babe. Don’t be like that.” By this point he and his friend had pulled up a chair to our table and El just gave him the scariest death stare I had ever seen from a person, but he tried to avoid eye contact with her.

“Get lost Rob. You’re an asshole.” I saw a hint of anger on his face.

He then got in really close to my face and I could smell alcohol in his breath. It didn’t surprise me that he was still drinking. He had been drinking since he was 16.


Rob and I had dated briefly when I had just turned 16 and he was 18. He had treated me well for the first 5 months of our relationship until he decided he wanted something extra from our relationship.

He had invited me over to his place for our 6 month anniversary. His parents weren’t home so we were all alone. The night started off with us watching a few movies when he told me he loved me for the very first time. About 30 minutes into the movie after that he started kissing me. It started out quite intense on my lips, then he ventured down my neck and as he started getting lower towards my chest I pushed him off of me but he insisted on going lower. By that point in the night I was freaking out and I eventually managed to get myself out from underneath him into a sitting position on the couch. He tried to make me feel comfortable by repeating the same “aww, c’mon baby.” over and over again. The way he said baby made me feel extremely dirty and I had no idea why.

He tried unbuttoning my shirt and when I jumped off of the couch he followed and pinned me to the wall. As I fought him he got a hold of my shirt and he tore it revealing way too much for my liking. When I pushed him away from me he stormed forward punching the wall next to my head.

At that point I grabbed my stuff and ran out of his house and far enough down the street where I could call someone. I had called Anthony that night and I feel sorry now looking back at it because the whole car trip I had been bawling my eyes out, although he had stopped to get us ice cream and he sat in the car hugging me until I had fallen asleep.

The next week at school all kinds of rumors spread and the one I hated most was the “he never loved her, it was all just his plan to get into her pants.” Not because of what it was, because it was the only rumor out of the bunch that was the truth.


“Are you drunk?” He smirked and chuckled.

“Getting there. Never too early to drink.”

“You’re pathetic.” I spat out in his face which made him more furious.

“Come on Amy. Let’s go. This guy seems like a real dick.” Said El and that set him off.

El and I were standing with our bags when he pushed the table so hard that it fell over and he grabbed my forearms just like he had the last night I was with him.

“Let go of me Rob. You’re hurting me. ROB! Stop it!”

The way he looked at me was terrifying.

I was relieved when I heard a loud, “HEY! LET GO OF HER!” from behind Rob and I saw Anthony sprinting forward with Joey by his side.

Rob threw me onto the ground in front of where the boys stood and I saw Anthony take a swing at him knocking him to the ground. His friend looked as though he was about to swing at Joey but he hit him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him.

Rob started to get up and Thomas picked me up off of the ground and pulled me away from them. Eric already had El behind him.

I was shaking so much and I didn’t notice it until Thomas had his arms around me in a hug. I had no idea what happened next but as I looked over my shoulder Rob and his friend were backing away from Anthony and Joey. Rob was pointing at me saying something but I had no clue what because my hearing was muffled.

I was still in Thomas’ arms when Anthony came over to me and started asking me if I was okay.

As soon as he did I lost it. My face was buried in Thomas’ chest who was rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

I used to have really bad panic attacks like this when I was younger and as I grew up they started to decrease in how often they happened. I still got them but only over something really big and this was it.

I felt myself growing sick, my breathing became unsteady and I started to become extremely dizzy from the hyperventilating.

I pulled away from Thomas who looked extremely worried and as my vision blurred his voice became barely audible.

I heard Anthony speaking, “Oh no. Okay guys. Just back up a little.”

As soon as Thomas and Anthony released their grip on me my legs collapsed beneath me and I hit the ground.

The last thing I remembered before completely blacking out was everyones faces in front of mine with panicked expressions.