When Two Worlds Collide

"The Best of Friends."

My eyes slowly fluttered open and as I tried to sit up I felt a pain in my head and arms and I let out a sharp his.

I closed my eyes and cringed at the pain as I slowly put my head back down on the pillow.

I tried to breathe in and out slowly as the pain and dizziness started to go away.

I tried to slowly sit up again as Thomas walked through the door with a bag of groceries in his hand.

He noticed me trying sit up and he rushed over, placing the bag on the table as he sat on it and he put his hands behind my back.

“Oh. Careful. Here.” Before I knew it he had his arms under my knees and lower back as he pulled me up and put a pillow behind my back for me to lean against.

“Thanks Thomas.” He smiled and pushed a chunk of my hair that had fallen in my face behind my ear as he sat back down.

“You’re welcome. How are you feeling?” I touched the spot on my head where the pain was and winced.

“Okay. I’ve definitely been better.” He gave me an apologetic smile before speaking.

“You scared us all back there.”

I laughed humorlessly. “I was scared too. Hence the panic attack.” I laughed to lighten the mood.

“Do you have those often?” He looked at me curiously.

“I used to. Especially after the whole incident with Rob. I almost always had a panic attack when I went to school especially when he would come up to me and taunt me. I missed a fair bit of school during that because my panic attacks would make it hard for me to function.” I looked up at his face and it looked sympathetic.

“I’m sorry. Spilling my guts to someone I hardly know.” He shook his head.

“No. Don’t apologise. It’s nice that i’m getting to see a different side of you and so early into our friendship too.”

“Oh, so we’re friends now?” I laughed jokingly.

“I was hoping.” He smiled and bit his lip.

“Definitely. The best of friends.” He laughed and as I did I winced at the pain.

I went to touch my head again but the pain in my arms stopped me.

“Ow. Here let me look at your arms.” He noticed my sweater and bit his lip awkwardly.

“I need to take your sweater off.” I giggled but as I tried to lift it off the pain was too much.

“I might need your help.” His awkwardness disappeared completely as he grabbed the bottom of my sweater and pulled it up as he reached the sleeves.

He grabbed my hands and arms as he fed them through the sleeves and he proceeded to pull it over my head carefully.

“You’re good at that. Do you do often?” He chuckled.

“All the time. Ladies love me!” I laughed way too loud and I covered my mouth scared that I had offended him.

He laughed with me though which made me feel comfortable. “I’m just kidding. I never even did anything like that with my ex-girlfriend.” His face turned sad and I tried to lighten the mood.

“If it helps, you were good at it.” I smacked my hand lightly to my forehead out of pure embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, that was so weird.” He laughed.

“I like your awkwardness. It’s cute.” I scrunched up my face as he touched my arms where I had been gripped.

“Ow.” He cringed.

“‘Ow’ indeed. It’s bruising but it’s all good I have some cream to put on it to reduce the pain. Anthony told me to get it.” He rubbed it on my arms and I closed my eyes as it felt amazing. The pain completely disappeared and I smiled.

“That stuff is amazing. Speaking of Anthony, where is he? And where is everyone else?”

“El had to head back to her fiancé's house to finish packing and the boys are at a friend of Anthony and Eric’s birthday party, Lauren I think. She’s turning 21 so it was a special occasion they didn’t want to miss and Joey and Colton decided to tag along.”

“Oh, I know Lauren. She’s lovely and absolutely stunning. I’ve always wished I could look like her. What about you though?”

“First off, you’re already stunning so you don’t need to change and second well, I felt like staying home and you needed a babysitter.” My mouth popped open.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m kidding!” He put his hands up in defense. “I volunteered to stay and look after you. You’re kind of cool and I wanted to get to know you better.” I smiled.

“Well, thank you and you’re kind of cool as well.” He chuckled and I turned my attention to the plastic bag on the table.

“So, what’s in the bag?” He turned to it as if he’d forgotten it was there.

“Oh. Dinner.” He smiled at me and pulled out the containers full of Chinese food.

“OH YUM! Thomas, you know the way to a girls heart.”

“You know it,” he laughed but looked guilty, “I had some help from Anthony choosing dinner for you actually.”

I laughed. “Thomas! You’re not supposed to tell a girl if you’ve had help. You let them believe you are the perfect guy and hope they never find out it that you had help.” He burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry. Okay. Pretend I never said that. I picked out dinner all by myself.” He did a few over exaggerated winks and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“So Thomas. You know quite a bit about me and now it’s your turn.” He came back from the kitchen with a fork for each of us and he sat with his legs under my knees as we picked food from the containers and each others meals.

“I don’t know where to start. Ask me something! You have to answer as well though, so don’t make them too embarrassing.”

While I was thinking he had put a blanket over both of us.

“Okay. Where were you born?”

“Arlington, Texas.”

“Seattle! Um... siblings?”

“2 sisters, 1 brother. You?”

“1 older brother. Haven’t seen him since he went off to college though.”


“A dog named Brutus.”

I laughed. “Cute! A cat called Fred. Hobbies other than music?”

“Reading.” My eyebrows went up in shock.

“I know! I don’t look like a reader do I?” He chuckled as I shook my head.

“Favourite colour?”

“RED!” I laughed.

“Green. Food?”

“Sushi!” He held up his sushi and shoved it in his mouth as he took a huge bite.

“GROSS! Um... my Mum’s spaghetti bolognese.” He laughed.


“Green tea.”

“Don’t have one! If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?”

“Paris. The city of looooveee.” I giggled.

“Me too. I’d love to go on a date there one day.” I saw his eyes flicker to my mouth momentarily and I smiled.

“Do you play an instruments?”

“Piano. I have magic fingers.” He winked and I laughed.

“I play the guitar.” Now he looked shocked.

“Oh really. One day you have to sing and play guitar for me.”

“Maybe.” I smiled. “Please don’t hate me for asking this and you don’t have to answer but what happened between you and your ex?”

He looked down and cleared his throat. I put my hand on his shoulder and he did a half smile at me.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” He shook his head.

“It’s okay. It was 2 years ago. Basically I rocked up to her house for our 1 year and 6 month anniversary and my plan was to surprise her with a home cooked meal and rose petals and candles. When I walked up to her bedroom I caught her in bed with a guy from school.”

“Shit. I’m so sorry.” He grabbed my hand from his shoulder and he held it in both of his hands.

“It’s okay. I’m over it. I just don’t like thinking about it. It has resulted in me finding it hard to trust a girl in a relationship now which is why I haven’t dated since then.”

I gave him an apologetic look and I tried to find something to lighten the mood which I did.

He spent the night on the couch with me and our night was full of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns and laughter. The more I got to know him the more I started to like him but I didn’t know how to break his walls down from his hurt in his last relationship.


The next morning I was woken up by my phone and as I checked it there was a message from Eleanor.

“Hey sweetie. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up but I hope you’re okay. Thank your friend Eric for me from pulling me out of the way. I’m about to board my plane. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. xx”

I put my phone back down in my lap and resumed my sleeping position.

I noticed that where my head was leaning wasn’t as soft as the couch and when I turned my head I saw Thomas’ figure wrapped underneath the blanket with his legs curled up next to him.

We must have fallen asleep on each other because my head was on his shoulder and his head was resting on the top of mine. I also took notice of the fact that his arm was tightly wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him and my arm was wrapped around his stomach.

I felt him stir next to me as he lifted his head from mine and looked down at me.

I expected him to become extremely awkward but he simply smiled at me. “Good morning.”

I smiled back. “Good morning Thomas.” I pulled myself back as we both sat across from each other on the couch with our legs crossed.

He looked around. “What’s the time?” I picked up my phone and before even checking the time I saw a notification from Instagram.

I opened the picture and saw that it was Thomas and I asleep on the couch and Anthony had posted it.

“Oh my gosh.” The caption read: “Look at these two cuties asleep on the couch.”

I just shook my head and as Thomas checked his phone so did he.

“Oh wow.” He laughed.

“Oh, by the way. It’s 11:00.” He chuckled.

“Oh, thanks. I forgot I asked.”

I went to push myself up from the couch when pain shot through my arms. “Ahhh. Dammit.” I hissed.

Thomas grabbed my arm and looked at it again. “Oh. Damn.”

“What?” I looked down at my forearm and there were bruises in the shape of Rob’s fingers on both of my arms.


“Here.” He held my arm as he rubbed some more of the cream he had used last night on my arms.


“How’s your head feeling this morning?” I touched the back of it and winced.

“Sore, but it’s not as bad as last night.”

He smiled. “Good.”

Anthony walked out of his bedroom rubbing his eyes when he noticed us.

“Morning guys. Sleep well?” He winked.

“We slept fine thanks.” I said as I giggled and chucked a pillow at him.

“That’s good. How are you feeling this morning?”

I smiled. “Better. Thank you for dealing with him yesterday. It was a miracle that you all showed up when you did.”

“You’re welcome.” He noticed my arms and I saw a hint of anger on his face.

“I can’t believe he actually left bruises on you.” I smiled to lighten the mood because I didn’t like seeing him like that.

“It’s okay. I feel kind of bad ass.” I flexed my muscles which caused me to wince. “Okay. Maybe not.”

He laughed at me as he turned to Thomas and they did some weird bro hand shake thing. “Thanks for taking caring of her man.”

He smiled and I saw his eyes flicker to me quickly. “No problem. It was fun. She’s cool.” I smiled and lightly punched him in the arm.

“Aww, you’re so sweet.” I saw Anthony’s eyes flickering back and forth between us both and he smiled.

Thomas stood up. “Well, i’m going to go have a shower and change my clothes. We should all go out today, i’ll ask Joey and Colton what they want to do.”

He closed the door behind him and Anthony sat down in front of me and just smiled.

“What?” I smiled.

“Nothing. I just think you guys are really cute together.” I lightly pushed his shoulder and laughed.

“Dude. We’ve known each other for 2 days. He’s cool but I don’t know. Even if I did like him, which I don’t because I haven’t know him long enough to, it would probably go nowhere. One, because he wouldn’t like me back and two because he told me that he finds it hard trusting girls in a relationship because of his ex.”

He just shook his head at me and laughed. “You’re silly. One, he would like you back and from what i’ve seen he already kind of does and two, if he lets something silly like that get in the way of being with you maybe he’s not worth it.”

I smiled. “You always know how to cheer me up don’t you?”

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “I guess i’ve just known you long enough to know the right things to say.”

“Oh, how was Lauren? I’m so upset I couldn’t go last night to see her. I miss her heaps.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry. I explained to her why you couldn’t come and she understood. But she’s really good. We’re going out on a date tonight.”

“Aww! Anthony! Bring her back here tonight so I can see her.”

He smiled. “I will!”

I was so happy for him. He had liked her for quite a while now and the fact that he was going out with her made me smile.

“I’m really happy for you Anthony. I know how much you like her.”

“Maybe you should go out with Thomas tonight. WE COULD TOTALLY DO A DOUBLE DATE.” He winked and laughed and I threw a pillow at him.

As Anthony walked towards the kitchen to get breakfast I went and took my make up off and had a shower.

When I walked in Thomas was already sat on the couch, hair wet and as I walked towards him he shook it in my face.

“Aww dude! Not cool Thomas, not cool.” He laughed and I sat down.

“Whoa. You have naturally curly hair! Me too!” I held up my hand as he high fived me.

He chuckled and pulled on one of my curls only to let go of it and watch it bounce back up.

I giggled and Anthony sat down on the coffee table in front of us.

“So, what are you guys planning on doing tonight?” He eyed us both and as he looked at me he had a smug smile on his face.

I just shook my head and smacked his knee and Thomas looked confused.

“Am I missing something?” He had a half smile on my face.

I shook my head and interupted Anthony as he was about to speak. “No. He’s just being his usual annoying self.”

Anthony was snickering as he tried to keep in his laugh and I held my middle finger up in his face and he bit it.

“Ew! You just got saliva on me!” I wiped it on his leg.

“Anyway, we’re not doing anything tonight and i’m sure Thomas has his own plans, right?”

He shook his head. “No. I’m doing nothing unless you want to.” He looked at Anthony and I.

“Perfect. Well, i’m going out on a date tonight but you too are welcome to join us. You guys can just come as friends... unless you don’t want to.” I hit him again.

Thomas all of a sudden had become extremely awkward as he was put on the spot.

“I think going as friends would be better... but i’d love to if Amy is willing.” My heart sunk. I knew he didn’t like me.

“Sure. But just as friends.” I joked to lighten the mood.

“Great. Well, i’m going to do some grocery shopping for the apartment once i’m ready. You guys can come too. Thomas, you should do some for yours.”

He smiled. “Sure. I’ll just go ask if the others need anything.”

He disappeared from the room for a few minutes and as he returned he had a piece of paper in his hands.

“Ready?” He stood in the door way as I grabbed my bag and we made our way to Anthony’s hired car.

When we had started driving it occured to none of us that we had no idea where the nearest supermarket was but eventually we found our way as we noticed a GPS in the glove compartment.

“Finally!” I exlaimed jokingly as Anthony shook his head trying not to laugh at me.

“Next time. You drive.” I laughed as he draped his arm around my shoulder and Thomas popped up next to us.

I was about to speak as we entered the supermarket when Anthony smothered my face with his hand. I flailed my arms to hit him almost hitting one of the staff. I eventually bit his finger to get him off of me.

We were laughing and I noticed some of the workers looking at us unhappily especially the one I nearly hit.

He walked up to us with an unpleasant look on his face and I had to hold in my laughter as he spoke.

“Excuse me, but can you please more respectful of others around you. You almost hit me!” I bit my lip trying not to laugh and as I looked either side of me I noticed both the boys were gone.

I shook my head and apologised to the man and I looked behind me to see Anthony and Thomas burst out into laughter as I walked towards them.

“Anthony! You’re such an ass!” I punched his arm as he chuckled.

“I’m sorry, but it was Thomas’ idea.” Thomas looked up at him and slapped his arm lightly.

“Dude. You weren’t supposed to tell her that!” Anthony laughed at Thomas’ guilty face.

I shook my head at Thomas and I jumped on his back giving him a noogie.

He carried me around the rest of the supermarket like that and all the way to the car once we were done.

“Dude. I don’t know how you haven’t dropped me yet.” Thomas laughed.

“Well, you don’t exactly weigh a lot so it was pretty easy.”

One our drive home we stopped for ice cream from a shop that was part of a hidden strip of adorable old school, vintage stores.

We eventually arrived home with just enough time for us to have a rest before we needed to get ready.

I was pulling on a plain black strapless dress that came in at the waist and stopped above my knees when Anthony came in and sat on my bed.

I sat next to him. “Hey, can you zip me up?” He pulled the zip all the way up and I slid my suede aqua shoes on to add some colour.

I scrunched my face up as I looked at myself in the mirror and I turned to Anthony who was in black jeans paired with a black button up shirt with short sleeves. He looked classy but cool at the same time.

I looked down at my outfit. “Too much?” He looked me up and down.

“Perfect.” He smiled as I turned back to the mirror and started fiddling with my dress.

He pulled me lightly by arm so I was sitting on the bed next to him.

“You need to not be nervous.”

I looked up to him and giggled and as I spoke my voice broke, “i’m not nervous.”

He laughed. “Yes you are. Trust me, I know when you’re nervous and you shouldn’t be. Remember, you and Thomas are going as friends. Nothing more. So just act like you have been acting around him and you’ll be fine.”

I took in a deep breath to calm myself down when there was knock on the door and Anthony smiled.

“Come with me.”

He pulled me towards the door and I froze from shock at the unexpected face in front of me.